Adventures in MOO: Lambda II
Chris Funkhouser
Vortex talks with what appears to be fish heads, fish heads, rolly, poly, fish heads.
You say, "i took pills"
You see a man with one ear.
Mineral says, "i just got disconnected. I'm having to rebuild everything that died in the crash--so much MOO work (sigh)"
Upper Silurian Seafloor Diorama and Trilobite Shrine talks with what appears to be an elephant-like space creature that says "Good Nyborg Man."
You say, "just saw a man with one ear. sorry to hear of your travails--"
Mineral smiles.
Mineral says, "you'll notice the pills are programmed wrong--they're still the generic--haven't rebuilt them"
Mineral talks with what appears to be a white rabbit that appears to be late.
You say, "white rabbit"
You see Gary Hart walking across the room.
Vortex smiles.
You see fish heads, fish heads, rolly, poly, fish heads.
Mineral talks with what appears to be Ronald Reagan in drag.
Vortex talks with what appears to be Kip Thorne playing with a Chinese finger trap.
You see a beautiful woman with a golden apple.
Best of the Pooh Sticks talks with what appears to be a beta decay.
You see JFK making nookie with Greene.
Mineral asks, "can I try an experiment on you?"
You see a man with one ear.
Mineral sulks.
Day-Glo Discman talks with what appears to be an elephant-like space creature that says "Good Nyborg Man."
Vortex hugs mineral
Mineral hugs you.
Best of the Pooh Sticks exits to the north.
You say, "go ahead, try experiment"
You see fish heads, fish heads, rolly, poly, fish heads.
A trapdoor suddenly swings open beneath your feet...
You start to fall into the darkness...
Suddenly the darkness bursts into light as you tumble into...
Hackers' Heaven
This room just exudes technobabble. Every time you turn around, it seems something incomprehensible is being uttered. You feel alternately delighted with the arcane environment and baffled by the other occupants.
Before asking a question, see if you can figure out the answer for yourself by reading the manual, looking through the help texts, or reading the various books in the Lambda House Library (n, e, e, u, e, n from the living room). If you still feel the need to ask a question, just blurt it out! Note also that it is quite rare that your question needs a wizard. Other people know stuff too!
The north wall contains a small grimy window. A tall glass cylinder sprouting slender tubes rests on a silver stand. Several thin drips hang enticingly from the bottom of the machine. There is a small wall-mounted thermometer here. It is reading 84 degrees F. There is a yduJ Mood Indicator. A small sinister-looking plastic device hangs from the ceiling. The southern doorway reads "eciffO etavirP s'Judy". The ceiling tiles are quite disarrayed here.
You see Magic Number Repository, LambdaMOO Official Helpful Person Badge Dispenser, the Gary_Severn Memorial Fission Reactor and Power Supply, Magic Number Extractor, Programmer Help, Anarchist, Political Bumpersticker, 8, and harmless geusting simulator here.
Ford (dozing) is here.
...and straight into the open door of the fission reactor.
A really hot, firey place that looks like the cover of a heavy-metal album. There are lots of people (and lawyers) here. At one end of the chamber is a line of new-admits, being handled by an arch-devil. To the northeast is a simple door with writing on it.
You see White 1990 Ford Mustang and Ugly Demon here.
* (asleep), Roofrat, Peredur, and He (sleeping) are here.
You see Kip Thorne playing with a Chinese finger trap.
Everything returns to normal.
You say, "Damn."
You can't go that way.
I don't understand that.
You sense that Mineral is looking for you in The Idea of Switzerland.
He pages, "i guess it works--sorry, not a nice thing to do especially in yr current straits"
whereis mineral
Mineral (#50669) is in The Idea of Switzerland (#53048).
@go #53048
The inherent implausibility of your exit briefly distorts your consciousness.
The Idea of Switzerland
A quiet place. Shadows of streetcars move along the walls but otherwise it is gray and white and more or less empty.
A cool draft that's both musty and fresh blows from out of nowhere;
you sense the presence of something alkaline, a piece of your past maybe,
or maybe just the smell of ozone on a clear day. In the center of the
room is a large black Bauhaus sofa. The zafu, a small round black cushion,
sits on a black mat near the back wall.
You see Best of the Pooh Sticks, Day-Glo Discman, backpack, and Upper Silurian Seafloor Diorama and Trilobite Shrine here.
Mineral is here.
You sense that Mineral is looking for you in The Idea of Switzerland.
He pages, "do come back"
Mineral says, "I've been doing it to myself--just wanted to see if it worked on others"
You say, "well, cute trick. reminds me of that scene in "the eye in the pyramid"
You say, "but glad i wasn't hanging watching my own death"