Retina Australia (vic) inc.

annual report



It is my great pleasure, on behalf of the Board of Retina AustraliaVictoria, to present the 2007-2008 Annual Report.

We have not only sustained regular income levels on all fundraising endeavours and increased our membership numbers in the past 12 months, but we have put our small not-for-profit organisation in its strongest financial position since its foundation in 1979 with a healthy and sustainable balance sheet.

Undoubtedly, the highlight of Retina Vic’s year culminated at another not-for-profit organisation’s AGM. This was the result of much hard work over the previous two years by a group of Retina Vic volunteers, including Dave Byars, Kate Giles, Graham Owen, Jane Evans and yours truly, which resulted in the visit to the Victorian Ladies Bowling Association’s AGM in August 2007 to collect the cheque for being nominated 2006-2007 Charity for the Season.

The result of the kind generosity of the 518 or so clubs across Victoria resulted in $112,000.00 for our great (unbiased of course!) cause. Our esteemed Treasurer, Graham Owen has outlined the expenditure thus far in his report on the capital improvements in the office. The remainder of the funds has been placed in a term deposit account as we continue to develop the plan for the expansion of our services to regional and rural Victoria, and other areas, all of which will be covered in future issues of The Achiever member newsletter.

In the meantime, we hope you share our sincere gratitude to the members of the VLBA for their support of our organisation financially, and for the betterment of awareness of retinal dystrophies.

Our surplus for the 2007-2008 financial year increased over the previous and was underlined by the fundraising conducted by Special Kids Events Pty Ltd through their Movie Mania program in Victoria. This association is now in its second full year of an initial 5-year agreement. The fundraising conducted by Special Kids Events not only provides additional funds to Retina Vic, but also supports disadvantaged children by sending them to the movies. Special Kids events Pty Ltd also conduct Magic shows, the first of which will take place in Victoria in the near future.

During early 2008 we introduced two new staff to the office, one on a part-time and the other on a casual basis. Mary Maga joined us in the role of Administration Manager and has since thrown herself into the role with a tremendous amount of enthusiasm. Judi Potts was appointed in the casual role to develop and implement the newly purchased Bluize database. Judi’s role is both a time consuming one and important in the development and upkeep of our organisation. As well, special thanks to volunteers assisting these two in the office, particularly Graham Owen and Leighton Boyd.

This year the Board is bidding farewell to two of its valued members who have contributed so much to the organisation over the past 3-4 years. To Jane Evansand Fiona McNabb, thank you for your invaluable assistance and skills. Both Jane and Fiona, who are not affected by genetic eye diseases, but are merely kind-hearted individuals, will remain members of Retina Vic and assist where their skills enable them to.

My final note is not just that, but indeed my final as President. It has been a challenging, fruitful and excellent learning experience for me over the past 3 years. My decision not to stand for re-election has not come without much thought, but I have found it increasingly difficult to devote the time I would like to,toward the role over the past 12 months, particularly due to work commitments.

During my tenure as President I have worked closely with all the Board members and staff todevelop the organisation to a new platform, which can now boast being more financially sustainable for years to come.

I wish Retina AustraliaVictoria all the best as I hand over the baton to President elect, Leighton Boyd.

Yours in sight


Cars of the World Report

During the 2007-2008 year we embarked on two events associated with Cars of the World. Both events provided challenges of their own.

The Cars of the World event, whilst still young as far as events go was somewhat forced into moving location from its original base at FortQueenscliff. This came about due to the on-going and worsening drought conditions, which forced the Fort to not approve our application to use the venue. After some negotiations we were destined for the Quarantine Station site on the other side of the Bay. This remained for a number of months in marketing the event until the negotiations fell through.

Five weeks from the event date, the hurry was on to settle on a new home. The Morning Star Estate in Mt Eliza was chosen. Luckily we managed to pull off the event, and in doing so still managed to draw a surplus, albeit a lot smaller than anticipated, but given the circumstances, a good result.

The second event preceded the Morning Star Estate display by one week. This was the running of the 75 Year celebrations of the opening of the Great Ocean Road. Retina AustraliaVictoria was nominated the event’s chosen charity by the local tourism authorities, who provided a substantial donation to our organization.

The Great Ocean Road event, which covered 4 days, provided widespread exposure for Retina Australia Victoria through the media, particularly on the ABC and 3AW, who through the “Bruce & Phil” show, covered live crosses to the event each night, which turned into discussion about Retina Australia instead of the event.

Our sincere thanks must go to the events’ sponsors, particularly that of RT Edgar Real Estate Portsea, the Victorian Chamber of Commerce, the Automotive Centre for Excellence, the Great Ocean Road Marketing group and the many local communities who supported our endeavours.



Vision 2020 is Australia's peak body in the eye health and vision care sector and has become a significant force in facilitating unified initiatives and collaboration across the entire sector. Through its integrative role across the sector, Vision 2020 provides and supports important opportunities to influence policy at both State and Commonwealth levels.

One of the key advantages of our corresponding membership of Vision 2020, is the opportunity to sit around the table with all stakeholders in the eye health and vision care sector as equals, with opportunities to influence and direct policy initiatives and objectives of the organisation in a meaningful way.

One of the key ways, Vision 2020 achieves its objectives is the establishment of working groups, formed from the broader membership. David Foran has represented Retina Australia (Vic), on a number of working groups, and smaller sub working groups, aimed specifically at ensuring that our members are represented, and their needs and wishes are heard and included in the many discussions and deliberations in the various forums in which we are engaged.

Participation in the working groups involves attending meetings in Vision 2020' s offices in Melbourne and participation in other smaller offline meetings and teleconferencing, where appropriate. In the current year, to key themes of the older Australian and children have been emphasised with the formation of two working groups to address these two important areas with respect to vision care and eye health, including rehabilitation and low vision issues. We are represented on both these working groups. The formation of these two working groups was the result of discussions and determinations made at Vision 2020 member forums held throughout 2008, consistent also with a global theme of looking towards the future and the ageing population.

Attendance and participation at the Vision 2020 member forums are also great opportunities to ensure our needs and requirements are articulated and included as initiatives are worked out and developed. A particularly good example of this was the member forum held in Brisbane in September 2008. The specific focus of this forum was low vision services and rehabilitation. Of course, for us in Retina Australia, low vision services and rehabilitation are of vital importance and the adoption of this as the theme of the Brisbane forum was a result of effective representation by us and other similarly interested members, who expressed a clear need for these topics to be covered in detail by the broader Vision 2020 membership.

Further to this, and as an excellent example of the power of Vision 2020, Bill Shorten, MP, was invited and attended this forum. Given his responsibilities within the disability sector, this forum proved to be a valuable opportunity to put forward to the Minister the needs and hopes of our members. Not only were we able to provide Bill Shorten, with information, but he was also able to provide us with important insights into how to improve our representation of the sector and how to move forward, swiftly with some key initiatives.

Arising out of that member forum in Brisbane, a subsequent meeting here in Melbourne, worked through the range of outcomes from the forum and was able to prioritise a set of three key objectives to be forwarded directly to Bill Shorten's office as he requested, for him to fast track, as he is able. One of these prioritised initiatives relates to codes and standards for information delivery and information technology, and David Foran is on this sub working group as Retina Australia (Vic)'s delegate.

This is an important opportunity and represents, in essence, the model by which our participation in Vision 2020, and its activities, can have significant and meaningful outcomes for our members.

It can be appreciated from the foregoing that collaboration and opportunities for networking are vital elements of how Vision 2020 and its members work towards and achieve its objectives. In addition to the opportunities already described, Retina Australia (Vic) has also been represented throughout the year at several of Vision 2020' s strategic planning days. The specific aim of these planning sessions is to gather as many members as possible from across the broad Vision 2020 membership to collaborate and arrive at unified positions and common goals. With respect to Vision 2020' s objectives in the near and medium terms. These sessions also provide excellent opportunities for Retina Australia (Vic), to be represented and have the needs and requirements of its membership, articulated and included in the planning of Vision 2020’s activities and initiatives into the future, particularly as they relate to low vision services and rehabilitation.

Important throughout these strategic sessions and also the member forums, has been our position in conjunction with the other low vision service providers that the push for a complimentary framework dealing with low vision services and rehabilitation is essential, and that a vital objective of Vision 2020 is to continue its significant push at State and Federal government levels to ensure this complimentary framework is developed and implemented to the extent necessary, such that it sits beside the National Eye Health Framework already endorsed, but which from our perspective was deficient in that our requirements in the areas of low vision services and rehabilitation were excluded. This is a critical objective and is ongoing.

Vision 2020 is an important group, and it is gaining strength and influence, as well as membership. It provides a valuable forum for us to participate in significant policy development and decision-making that directly affects us and our sector. It provides many opportunities for us. Not only to be informed, but to inform, and we need to make sure that we continue to drive the agenda in directions that service our needs and permits the best representation of our members.

David Foran

Treasurer’s Report

I have pleasure in presenting the audited Financial Reports for the Financial Year 2007/08.

For the benefit of members I have printed a detailed version of these reports so that the members can see where the money has come from, and where it has been spent. For the year 2007/08 the Profit & Loss Statement shows that Retina Australia (Vic) Inc. achieved a surplus of $36 240 while the Balance Sheet shows that cash at bank and fixed deposits amounts to $158 710. Our financial position is strong.


In August 2007, Retina Australia (Vic) Inc. received a donation of $112 000 from the Victorian Ladies Bowling Association (VLBA). Of this amount $80000 was invested in fixed deposits while the remaining $32 000 was retained in the Profit & Loss A/C.

The surplus from fundraising by Magic Mania amounted to $18 405, the difference between the licensing income and Magic Mania fund- raising expenses. Surpluses from other fundraising activities such as the sale of Christmas Cards, Entertainment Books, Owl badges, raffles and key rings amounted to $12 640. Approximately $2 000 was raised from the 75thGreat Ocean Road celebration event that was held last November. The remaining important fundraiser, Cars of the World showed only a small profit compared to previous years because of the additional costs incurred by the unplanned, and forced, late change of venue from the Point Nepean Quarantine Station to the Morning Star Estate Mt Eliza. It is expected that better profit outcomes will be achieved in 2008/09 and in following financial years.


In the financial year 2007/08, $19 481 from the VLBA donation has been spent on new office equipment including a Commander Digital Telephone System, a database package from Bluize, Fuji Xerox photocopier and ergonomic office chairs. These purchases have improved the safety of the work environment and the adaptive equipment has improved the everyday functionality within the office, enhancing the delivery of member support and the administration of fundraising activities. Purchase of these items, combined with move to a square shaped office the previous year, has place us well to provide improved services to our members as well as the wider community.

It has been a year since we have received this magnificent donation from the VLBA and I and the Board have been anxious to spend funds from this donation carefully. As a guide, the Board used the results from our 2006/07 Member Survey which revealed the requests, and needs, of our members living in the Metropolitan and Country areas. In addition, the Board endeavoured to consider the needs of people in the wider community who cope with vision impairment caused by retinal dystrophies.

It takes time to select a database package and then to learn and enter the data relating to all members as well as entrants to the Cars of the World Event. Ms Judy Potts has been engaged to enter the data and her salary cost has been charged against the donation from the VLBA. Most of the costs in relation to new office equipment have been included in the asset account of the Balance Sheet.

The regular office expenses such as salaries, rent, telephone, insurance, superannuation, postage, stationery, subscriptions and bank charges etc are shown in the Profit & Loss Statement. The expenses are unavoidable but nevertheless many hours have been volunteered by members of the Board and by our Office Manager (part-time) Mary Maga.

In the Liabilities section (Reserves) of the Balance Sheet, the Research Funds Account shows a provision of $13 990 which is ready to be paid out on research projects. This will occur when the recommendations for research funding are received from the national association of Retina Australia.

During 2007/08, the budget process, which was introduced in the previous financial year, was revised and updated. As a consequence, the Board has been better informed regarding the detail of all income and expenditure and is able to plan more accurately. For the forthcoming financial year, 2008/09, a draft Budget has been developed and it is anticipated that it will continue to be a useful management tool for the Board as it can be updated as required until there is a regular pattern of income and expenditure.

Graham Owen