Societies’ Subcommittee

October 2015


Rebecca M (deviants)
Michal W (Model UN)
Jemma W (Photography)
Sam P (Business)
Vicky V (Maths)
Daisy M (Drama)
Oliver A (Video Game)
Amber-Jane T (Baking)
Nastassja K (Teach First)

Yinbo (Officer)
Katy D (staff)


Aya D (Islamic)

Minutes of previous meeting


Committee Roles Election

Rebecca – chair

Michal – deputy chair

Oliver – treasurer

Vicky (engagement)

Daisy (engagement)

Amber (communications)

Nastassja (events)

New societies

Taken to council.

Grant Applications

Running total: £8,000

Hindu £400 for Diwali/Navratri/Holi/Sports competition MW raised that conflicts between Indian and Hindu grants, they’ve got more money and more members than stated. 200 people attending (they project) so will be a lot of profit. AT normal balls not funded and would cover in the ticket costs. RM raised the point that if MW hadn’t found out the info, the application wasn’t detailed enough. VV stated that if they’re giving profit to charity, instead they could put profit aside for next year’s event. AT argued that if we fund one ball, many more may start to apply.Rejected (unanimous)subcommittee suggested Indian and Hindu merge their applications and ensure they are not applying for funding for events that make profit, but instead other events.Contacted

Electronic Music £478.38 for equipment to use in workshopsAT do LMS have a PA? RM stated no, belongs to committee member. MW why do they need a laptop? AT raised a suggestion that because amount is different that we ask for a budget. DM raised point that they are a very big society and growing. VV stated that because they are expanding they could fund themselves. RM stated this has worked the same for Deviants. Approved but with a revised budget for society funds, (unanimous) if there is more of a contribution the society can make, the grant will be less.Contacted

Art £1000 for workshops, trips and materialsMW stated workshops seem expensive and RM stated they haven’t said how many people will attend. SP raised the point that are members paying for the trip? SP also asked what they’re going to spend their current money on, as appears they filled out application incorrectly. MW argued if trip has long term benefits then we should consider. SP suggested they could still charge but the grant money could assist in subsidising. VV asked whether they charge for workshops. MW suggested splitting into three applications. OA suggested giving less than what applied for, but funding some of it. VV raised that not everyone may be able to use public transport if have disabilities. VV also queried that it stated this semester and wondered whether would be applying again later in the year. Rejected (unanimous)want the application to be split betweenworkshops, trips and equipment (three different applications) and have more detail, suggestion to use latest grant form and detail on whether it’s for this semester or whole year, want to know average number of people that attend workshops, exact costings that constitute the workshop amounts, will they ask students to pay towards workshop costsContacted

Christian Union £318 for water bottlesRM states that if there is a Welfare pot of money, maybe it should come out of there. SP stated bars gives away free water, however, VV did argue that there are few places to get water on campus – that said, could get water jugs. Several raised queries of sustainability. RM did suggest ordering in bulk from Union shop and getting cheaper supplier. On holdsubcommittee split between yes but with alternations (3) and a no (3) vote – VV suggested to give them money to campaign for a permanent fixture and promote themselves or equipment for them to move tap water outside. MW suggested going to Union shop for quote for cheaper amount. JW suggested Christian Union liaise with bars.Edit: since online votes, 4 votes againstContacted

Italian £271 for eventMW met with them because the application was sparse. MW raised point that they’re a new society and trip could put them on the map, can be hard for societies to start up but Italian have been very popular so far, would be good for promotion. VV raised that wanting to share across campus, not just members, but RM did state that important to retain current members especially when new. Approved (unanimously)Contacted

AP: Amber as comms to communicate with them to get feedback, pictures of trip and articles for Concrete, etc.

Project Playing £384.50 for equipment for eventsVV stated that funding for equipment may be a better idea than funding hire of equipment. RM raised that using Ace is a bad idea – they are not necessarily a trustworthy company from personal experience. MW states there isn’t enough information. VV questioned whether they charge non-members or not. Approved but only for permanent equipment (5 for, 1 against) £139.47more information about event required – how many members expected, how much charging for non-members or if non-members can attend – suggesting people can pay on the day. RM also suggested they look into where they’re holding it as Ace won’t put their equipment on concrete. Contacted – need constitution

AP: VV to discuss inclusivity with them, DM approach about liaising with other societies.

Arm Wrestling £350 for table and equipmentqueries regarding whether they already have a table, if it is usable, and how much is being asked for against the quotes provided Contacted

Investment £139 for banner standMW found cheaper quotes immediately, shows lack off attempt to properly research. Also very sparse on detail. Not enough detail in budget. Rejected (unanimously) RM suggests they look at for cheaper alternative. Exec needs more of a breakdown of expenditure throughout the year to truly understand whether the society needs the money. Contacted

Investment £100 for trading competitionVV did state that would feel happier if the money was to go towards a prize, trophy, experience for development as otherwise money could be spent on something the Union doesn’t stand for. Rejected (unanimously)as above but also comments on spending prize money Contacted

Model UN £750 for conferenceDM raised point it was a large fee and were they going to ask for more funding for other events. MW stated only asking for funding for this this year as it’s a huge fee. MW gained sponsorship deals with those in ECO school. VV asked whether openly advertised and MW assured it was. All stated great version of a grant application. DM asked whether fundraising for it. MW spoken schools and aiming to get money out of uni more. Approved(for 6, 1 abstain)Contacted

Medsin £250 for Global Health Short CourseVV suggested they approach speakers and see who would prefer what transport. Approved (6, unanimously)Contacted

Commercial Awareness £165 for handbooks 6 votes for, no others.ApprovedContacted

Burlesque £960 for lessonslarge amount applied for, queries as to how sustainable the society is and, with only an average of 10 people per workshop it doesn’t impact on many students, would definitely like to discuss with applicants before giving any of the amount Rejected/on hold 4 against, 2 abstainContacted

Floorball £360 for equipmentnot enough members Contacted

Floorball £80 for tournament feesnot enough members Contacted

Indian (1 day late) £250 for Diwali rejected (unanimous)same as Hindu feedbackContacted

Society Name Changes

Conservatives to “Conservative Future”:We havecome tothis decision as we feel it will help link the society to thenational brand and therefore aid networking and promote involvement in politics not just at the UEA but from grassroots outside campus.

American Studies to “AMA”:We would like to incorporate the change made to the school of American Studies by the University by bringing Art and Media into our newly proposed title of AMA society

Signature Ministries to “Signature Christian Fellowship”:We would like the name to be edited to this as we believe it will clarify the type of society we are for students and staff.

Anatomy Drawing to “Anatomy”:The Anatomy Society (AS) is a society aimed at health care students who desire a different approach to learning anatomy The AS recognises that Anatomy is a very practical subject and it is aimed at supplementing our learning with basic anatomy tutorials, practical seminars (examination & surface anatomy) and radiology tutorials to encourage application of knowledge into clinical practice.

Rage Against Beige to “Proclaimers”:We wish to make the change because we want to better represent ourselves as a society. Rage Against Beige was started by a group of Christian Students from a church calledProclaimerswho wanted to show that Christians and Christianity was not boring and we are certainly not boring people. Over time the term "rage against beige" seems to have lost its meaning and we want to better represent ourselves. So we thought changing the society name to "Proclaimers" would fulfil the purpose of better representation.It is important to note, however, that our constitution has not changed; we are still passionate about living life to the full and love meeting new people. The society would still be open to anyone to join, regardless of their personal beliefs.

Doctor Who to “Geek” (also submitting a new constitution):We changed the name of the society to increase the potential number of members. The original name, Doctor Who Society was very constricted and limited itself to one theme. With Geek Society, we are now able to include a number of films and television shows that fall under the 'geek' banner, and improve, not only the amount of members from the beginning of the year, but to keep the high membership attendance as the semester goes on.

New constitution:“To provide a safe and enjoyable space for geeks on campus, and to engage in interesting and exciting discussions”.

Any other business

Sexual Assault Awareness Campaign: proposal to change to a PSG