32nd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 08 - 11 - 2015


ANNIVERSARIES:Nelly Young, Johnny Young, Annie Dineen, Maryanne Barron, Joan Keane, Patrick Keane, Edmond Horgan, Eily Mai Fitzgerald, John O'Connor, Paddy O'Connor, Willie O'Connor, Patrick O'Connor, John O'Leary, Tom O'Leary, Stevie Dineen, Margaret Dineen, Nora Leahy, Pearl Costello, Barth Costello


Sat. 7.30pm. Nelly & Johnny Young, Annie Dineen, Maryanne Barron,

Patrick & Joan Keane

Sun. 10.00am. Edmond Horgan, Eily Mai Fitzgerald, John, Paddy & Willie O'Connor

Patrick O'Connor, Lodge Cross, John & Tom O'Leary

Tues 6.00pm. Stevie & Margaret Dineen

Wed.11.30am. Dec. members of Social Care Group - Hartys

Thurs. 6.00pm. Private Intention

Fri. 7.30pm. November Lists

Sat. 7.30pm. Ronald Murphy, Patrick Casey, Hannah Casey, Paddy Keane

Sun. 10.00am. Tom Joe Hayes - Month's Mind. Ashes in Church for burial

afterwards in St. John's Cemetery

READERS: Sat. 7.30pm. Liam Leen Sun. 10.00am. Norma O'Donoghue

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION- Thursday - 4.30 - 6.00pm



HOLY HOUR: Every Tuesday during November - Ballyduff Church 7.00 - 8.00pm..

PARISH OFFICE: Tuesday - Friday 10.30am. - 1.00pm. 066 7148404.

WELCOME TO GOD'S FAMILY: Baby Emily Margaret Monica Flynn

ROSARY - GRAVEYARDS: St. John's Graveyard - Sun. 15th Nov. 2.15pm. followed by Killury Graveyard - 2.45pm. approx.

DIOCESAN COLLECTION: This weekend, 7/8th Nov. - Irish Church Agencies

CHRISTMAS LIGHTS COLLECTION next weekend, 14/15th November

DRUMNACURRA N.S. ANNUAL TABLE QUIZ - 20th Nov. - McHales Bar. - 9.00pm.

NA LEANAI CHILDCARE CENTRE: ECCE - Due to changes in the budget regarding free preschool places, if you child was born between 02/02/2011 & 30/06/2012, you can avail of a free preschool place for 2 years. Contact - 71488893 for further information.

CHRISTMAS PAGEANT 2015: Names of Children 5 years of age and over will be taken after 10.00am. Mass on Sunday, 29th November for this year's Christmas Pageant. No names taken over the phone.

NA LEANAI ANNUAL TABLE QUIZ - Friday, 4th Dec. - Hartys - 8.30pm.

KILLURY N.S - Clothing & mobile phone collection on Thurs. 12th Nov. Bags can be dropped to the school on the morning of the collection. You continued support is much appreciated.

CHOIR WORKSHOP - St. John's Parish Centre, Tralee on Mon. 16th Nov. 7.00 - 9.00pm. With Dr. John O'Keeffe, Director of Sacred Music, NUI Maynooth. Choir members invited to attend.

DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO WORLD YOUTH DAY: The diocese will lead a pilgrimage of young adults (18 - 35yrs) to Krakow, Poland, July 25th - 1st. Aug. 2016. Contact your parish or Tomás Kenny - 0863683778 or check out kerry.ie

LECTURE Entitled "St Columbanus 1400" & "Kerry Columbian Mission" by Fr. Charles Meagher - Killarney Library - Tues. 10th Nov. - 7.30pm. All welcome


DEATHS: Giles Williams, Tralee (father of Catherine O'Grady, Ardoughter)

ANNIVERSARIES:Maria Harrington, Esther McCarthy, Maureen Whyte, Bella Meehan

Kitty O'Connor, Catherine Ann Mulvihill, Thomas Barron, James Barron, Mary Barron, Mikey Laide, Patricia Dora-O'Carroll


Sat. 6.30pm Maria Harrington, Esther McCarthy, Maureen Whyte

Sun. 11.00am. Bella Meehan

Tues. 7.00pm. Catherine Ann Mulvihill, Holy Hour - Vocal - Confessions

Wed. 7.00pm. Thomas, James & Mary Barron, Mikey Laide

Thurs 10.00am. Private Intention

Fri. 7.00pm. Patricia Dore-O'Carroll

Sat. 6.30pm. Michael Freemantle

Sun. 11.00am. Mass

READERS: Sat.6.30pm. Connie O'Carroll Sun. 11.00am. Mary Kennelly

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Every Thursday, 11.00am. - 1.00pm.


HOLY HOUR:Every Tues during Nov. - Ballyduff Church - 7.00 - 8.00pm.

PARISH OFFICE Tuesday - Friday, 10.30am. - 1.00pm. 066 7148404.

WORLD REMEMBRANCE DAY for Road Crash Victims - Listowel Church - Sun. 15th Nov. - 9.00am.

ARDFERT RETREAT CENTRE:More than Believing - The reality of Faith in Paul, Mark & Luke by Fr. Seamus O'Connell on Sat. 14th Nov. & Sat. 28th Nov. 10.30am. - 12.30pm. in Cuil Mhuire Pastoral Centre (beside Ardfert Church). Historical lecture - Memories of Olive Trench, daughter of Ardfert Land agent - Thurs. 19th Nov. - 8.00pm.

PEITA HOUSE Suicide & Self-harm Crisis Centre, 28 Moyderwell, Tralee - 7163660. Life saving barrier free service. G.P. or psychiatric referral is not required. Family support also available free of charge. Please phone for appointment.

DIOCESAN COLLECTION: This weekend, 7/8th Nov. - Irish Church Agencies

CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR in Ballyduff Community Centre on Sun. 29th Nov. 12 - 5.00pm. For details, contact Betty - 0876403152 or Marie - 0872424508

MICHAEL FREEMANTLE TAG RUGBY MEMORIAL: Proceeds from Tag Rugby Memorial - €5,438.79 - was presented to Kerry Hospice last month. We would like to thank all who helped in any way and are delighted to be able to donate to such a worthy cause

MEMORIAL MASS for deceased members of Kerry Ingredients, Listowel inSt. Michael's Church, Lixnaw on Wed. 18th Nov. 8.00pm.

ACTION BREAST CANCER WALK: Rosses' Centra would like to thank everybody who took part in the recent Charity walk in aid of the Irish Cancer Society Action Breast Cancer which raised €3,532.50. A great day was held by all.

CHOIR WORKSHOP: Please see other side.

BUDS NEWS:Information Officer - Monday & Thursday: Men's Breakfast Club - Friday, Baby & Toddler Group - Thursday. Women's Group - Wednesday: Parent & Family Support Worker - Monday & Thursday: Active Retired Group - Monday. 2 Youth Clubs

"Thank God it's Friday Club & "Drop Zone Youth Club" on Friday nights.

LAST WORD: Happiness comes when we stop complaining about the troubles we have and offer thanks for all the troubles we don't have.