October 22, 2010 AQIP Meeting

Developmental Reading Information

  1. Course descriptions and learning objectives for developmental courses

English 016 Essential Reading Skills

Description: Placement into this course is determined by testing. This course exposes students to a collaborative reading activity, which provides students with an opportunity to construct meaning from print. The student will engage in developing tools to direct their own learning experience through self-assessment strategies that enhance interpretation of print.

English 030 Strategic Reading II

Description: Placement into this course is determined by testing. The course advances student skill by providing repeated encounters with written print in an effort to develop a greater understanding of the purposes of construction of meaning and the acquisition of reading strategies and skills.

Course Objectives

  • You will incorporate newly exposed vocabulary words into discussion and reflective responses.
  • You will utilize narrative and expository material to identify the topic, main idea, and supportive details.
  • You will integrate prior knowledge with material you have read to enhance understanding of written print.
  • You will demonstrate the ability to identify the author’s purpose.
  • You will read stories and articles to identify the author’s patterns.
  • You will develop a strategy to monitor your comprehension.
  • You will construct meaning from written print for discussion in class.
  • You will utilize critical reading skills to evaluate reading assignments.
  • You will analyze reading assignments for discussion and/or compose summaries.
  1. Master course outlines (if such things exist) for each developmental course

This does not exist, but my course outline is available.

  1. Information on final assessments or other significant student assessments in the developmental courses

Nelson-Denny Test (Forms G and H); Gates Test (Form T)

  1. Information on any beginning-of-semester assessments of student skills and what those assessments are used for

Nelson-Denny Test (Forms E and F); Gates Test (Form S)

These assessments are used to identify the students’ reading and vocabulary grade levels.

  1. Information on the existing student placement process

This information can be found in the Placement office.

  1. Information on how students hook up with and then work with the Learning Center

Developmental reading classes often schedule visits to the learning center, writing center, and the library.

  1. Information on how developmental areas are tracking student progress through the program (from course to course or module to module)


  1. Information on how developmental reading, writing, and mathematics are coordinated--within subject areas and between subject areas


  1. Information on how an area's developmental courses articulate with the introductory college-level course in that area

If students are able obtain a 13 grade level on the Nelson-Denny Test in both vocabulary and comprehension, they are then moved to the English 100 level.

  1. For each of the years 2007, 2008, 2009: how many dev. courses were taught, how many students were served, how many teachers (full vs. part-time?) taught the dev. courses

2007 / 2008 / 2009
Dev. courses
Taught / 35 / 50 / 55
Students served / 810 / 1065 / 1201
Part-time Instructors / 3 / 2 / 3
Full-time Instructors / 3 / 4 / 3
  1. Information on what academic support services are available within the disciplines and how students access them

Instructors have additional resources to academically support students such as the single skills program, vocabulary and reading comprehension websites, and the textbook websites.