Intending GP Trainer Mentorship

Theincreasingnumbers ofintendingGP trainers andthehighqualityofGP trainingmeans that we needtoensure thatnew, enthusiastic intendingGP trainers aresupportedthroughtheirjourneyas theyembarkontheirnewrole andsowe are gratefulfor your experiencedinputhereas a mentor.

AllintendingGP trainersattenda PGCME course which develops and ensuresthattheirknowledge ofeducationaltheoryandpracticeisofa sufficientstandard toensurethequality weexpectfrom our GPTrainers.

It is also recognised thatan intending trainerneedstodevelop theirskills insome of the key practical aspects ofGP training. Please see the checklist below.

Mentoringis differentfor everyone andwhilstnotwantingtobeprescriptivewe needto standardiseandutilisetheevaluationfromthementoras part ofthe whole process oftheintendingGP pathway.

In order to help you asamentorfor anewintendingGP trainer wefundyour time.Please note this is for individual mentoring sessions focused on the intending trainer’s learning needs. Ideally this should not be in a group setting and only one payment will be made per session delivered

There isachecklisttohelpyoustructure your mentoring sessionsand an officialfinalmentoringevaluation form which needs to submitted with your funding claim form.The intending trainer shouldalso submit this as part of their evidence of training in their approval submission.

Your mentoringroleis not aboutassessingwhether theyarefit to trainbutit is to evidence thatkeyareas ofanintending GP trainer’s training needsare experiencedand undertaken,developedandwhere necessaryimproved.



There is a grantof£1100per newtrainer supervised- basedona nominal 6x3hour sessions..

The Claim form is available on the HEE Y&H website –GP educators section

Check list for mentoring sessions:

Identifythenewtrainers learningneeds:

a. Learningplan.

b. COTs andteachingtheconsultation. c. Topic tutorials.

d. Case BasedDiscussions. e. RandomCaseanalysis.


g. Educational Supervision.

It is helpful if the intending trainer can sit in on actual WPBA assessments with your current trainee and have the experience of undertaking these under your supervision.

Organisation andadministration oftraining:

a. Managingchangeinthe practicetofacilitatelearning. b. Developingthe trainingculture.

c. Developingthe traininglibrary.

d. AttendanceatVTShalf daymeetings e. AttendanceatTrainer’s workshops

Final Mentoring Feedback form




Objective / Completed
Yes/No / Feedback
Reviewof learning plan /
COT review.
CBD review.
Topic tutorialreview.
Random Caseanalysis
Role review.
Identifying and managing a trainee with difficulties
GPWeb app review.
Preparation for interview
Future EducationalPDP
developed and reviewed.