Centre Point – draft reasons for refusal 7 September 2012
Transport impacts–The applicant has failed to provide sufficient information to demonstrate that the proposed closure of St Giles High Street would not have a detrimental impact on local roads in the area and the Strategic Route Network, or on bus routes and bus stop/stand locations, contrary to policy CS11 (promoting sustainable and efficient travel) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Core Strategy and policy DP16 (The transport implications of development), DP17 (walking, cycling and public transport)of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Development Policies and policies 3.8, 3.9, 3.11, 3.12 and 3.13 of the London Plan July 2011.
Aff housing–In the absence of sufficient justification for the shortfall in provision of on-site affordable housing in accordance with the Council's affordable housing target, the development fails to contribute the maximum reasonable amount of affordable housing, contrary to policy CS6 (Providing quality homes) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Core Strategy and policy DP3 (Contributions to the supply of affordable housing) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Development Policies and policies 3.8, 3.9, 3.11, 3.12 and 3.13 of the London Plan July 2011."
Car free- The provision of car parking spacesin the proposed development and in the absence of a legal agreement to secure car-free housingunits and commercial floorspace, would fail to promote alternative more sustainable forms of transport, contrary to policy CS11 (Promoting sustainable and efficient travel) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Core Strategy and policies DP18 (Parking standards and the availability of car parking) and DP19 (Managing the impact of parking) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Development Policies.
The proposed development, with the inclusion of a drop off/pick up area on New Oxford Street would be likely toimpact on pedestrian amenity and highway safety,contrary to policies CS11 (promoting sustainable and efficient travel) and CS19 (delivering and monitoring the core strategy) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Core Strategy; and policies DP17 (walking, cycling and public transport) and DP21 (development connecting to the highway network) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Development Policies.
The proposed development, in the absence of a legal agreement securing the provision of the pedestrian public access routeswould fail to secure adequate provision for and safety of pedestrians, contrary to policies CS11 (promoting sustainable and efficient travel) and CS19 (delivering and monitoring the core strategy) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Core Strategy; and policy DP17 (walking, cycling and public transport)) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Development Policies.
The proposed development, in the absence of a legal agreement securing contributions for training and employment, would fail to provide for necessary training and employment of local people contrary to policies CS5 (managing impact of growth) and CS8 (promoting a successful and inclusive Camden economy) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Core Strategy.S106 – community facilities contribution
The proposed development, in the absence of a legal agreement for securing contributions for public open space, would be likely to contribute to pressure and demand on the existing open space in this area contrary to policies CS15 (protecting and improving our parks and open spaces and encouraging biodiversity) and CS19 (delivering and monitoring the core strategy) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Core Strategy.
The proposed development, in the absence of a legal agreement to secure a financial contribution towards educational infrastructure, would be likely to contribute to increased pressure and demand on the Borough's educational facilities, contrary to policies CS10 (Supporting Community Facilities and Services) and CS19 (Delivering and monitoring the Core Strategy) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Core Strategy.S106 –
The proposed development, in the absence of a legal agreement securing contributions towards Camden's Pedestrian, Environmental and Safety improvement initiative for highway works in the area, would fail to secure adequate provision for and safety of pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles, contrary to policies CS11 (promoting sustainable and efficient travel) and CS19 (delivering and monitoring the core strategy) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Core Strategy; and policies DP17 (walking, cycling and public transport) and DP21 (development connecting to the highway network) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Development Policies.
The proposed development, in the absence of a legal agreement securing a contribution towards the Tottenham Court Road two way working scheme, would fail to ??????, contrary to policies CS11 (promoting sustainable and efficient travel) and CS19 (delivering and monitoring the core strategy) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Core Strategy; and policies DP17 (walking, cycling and public transport) and DP21 (development connecting to the highway network) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Development Policies.
The proposed development, in the absence of a legal agreement to secure financial contributions towards highway works and the provision of Public Open Space on site and in the vicinity of the site, would be likely to result in an unacceptable impact on the public highway and pedestrian safety, contrary to policies CS11 (Promoting sustainable and efficient travel) and CS19 (Delivering and monitoring the Core Strategy) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Core Strategy and policies DP16 (Transport implications of development), DP17 (Walking, cycling and public transport) and DP21 (Development connecting to the highway network) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Development Policies.
The proposed development, in the absence of a legal agreement to secure the submission and implementation of a Construction Management Plan, would be likely to contribute unacceptably to traffic disruption and dangerous situations for pedestrians and other road users and be detrimental to the amenities of the area generally, contrary to policies CS5 (Managing the impact of growth and development), CS11 (Promoting sustainable and efficient travel) and CS19 (Delivering and monitoring the Core Strategy) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Core Strategy and policies DP20 (Movement of goods and materials), DP21 (Development connecting to the highway network) and DP26 (Managing the impact of development on occupiers and neighbours) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Development Policies.
The proposed development, in the absence of a legal agreement securing a servicing management plan, would not secure a strategy to prevent traffic and other activities associated with the servicing needs of the development from causing serious disruption to amenities in the area and to the maintenance of the satisfactory and safe operation of the public highway around the development site. The proposal would therefore be contrary to policies CS5 (Managing the impact of growth and development), CS11 (Promoting sustainable and efficient travel) and CS19 (Delivering and monitoring the Core Strategy) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Core Strategy and policies DP21 (Development connecting to the highway network) and DP26 (Managing the impact of development on occupiers and neighbours) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Development Policies.
The proposed development, in the absence of a legal agreement to secure a travel plan, would be likely to give rise to significantly increased car-borne trips, contrary to policies CS11 (promoting sustainable and efficient travel) and CS19 (delivering and monitoring the core strategy) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Core Strategy; and policy DP19 (managing the impact of parking) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Development Policies.
The proposed development, in the absence of a local procurement plan would fail to contribute towards the economic renewal of the area contrary to policies CS5 (managing impact of growth) and CS8 (promoting a successful and inclusive economy) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Core Strategy and policy DP13 (employment premises and sites) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Development Policies.
The proposed development, in the absence of an Employment Plan including apprenticeships for promoting job opportunities for Camden's residential communities, would fail to make a sufficient contribution towards meeting the needs of Camden's residents contrary to policy CS5 (managing the impact of growth and development) and CS8 (promoting a successful and inclusive Camden economy) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Core Strategy and policy DP13 (employment premises and sites) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Development Policies.
The proposed development, in the absence of a legal agreement securing a design stage and post-construction sustainability review achieving at least a minimum Level 3 of the Code for Sustainable Homes and a 'very good' BREEAM assessment would fail to be sustainable in its use of resources, contrary to policies CS13 (Tackling climate change through promoting higher environmental standards), CS16 (Improving Camden's health and well-being) and CS19 (Delivering and monitoring the Core Strategy) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Core Strategy and policies DP22 (Promoting sustainable design and construction) and DP23 (Water) and of the London Borough of Camden Local Development
The proposed development, in the absence of a legal agreement securing a sustainable energy strategy, would fail to take sufficient measures to minimise the effects of, and adapt to, climate change contrary to policies CS13 (tackling climate change) and DP22 (sustainable design and construction) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Core Strategy and Development Policies.
The proposed development, in the absence of a legal agreement to secure compliance with the air quality assessment, would be likely to compromise the Borough's strategy to improve air quality in an area which is already known to suffer from particularly high levels of air pollution contrary to policy CS16 (Improving Camden's health and well-being) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Core Strategy and policy DP32 (Air quality and Camden's clear zone) of the London Borough of Camden Local Development Framework Development Policies.