Please provide the information requested in no more than four typed pages and send to the Feinbloom Supporting Foundation of Rochester Area Community Foundation. Your answers will help us understand the successes and challenges of your project and ascertain the impact of the Foundation’s grants. Answer each question as completely and succinctly as possible. You may include photographs, news clippings, or other supporting documentation if desired.

Organization Name and Address:


Grant Number:

Grant Amount:

Contact Person for Grant:


E-mail Address:

Report Due Date (See Terms of Grant Agreement):

This report covers the time period of ______(date) to ______(date).

Your signature:

Your title:


Feinbloom Supporting Foundation Final Report Form 10/12

500 East Avenue

Rochester NY 14607

Use the attached "Financial Report" form to compare your original budget with actual figures. Explain any variations from the original budget that are larger than 10%.

1.  How has this grant been a catalyst for significant improvement for the program, project, organization or issue? For example, did this grant ignite or leverage some level of fundamental improvement or catalytic change?

2.  Outcomes:

a.) If an arts and culture program for children that contributed to their ability to learn:

How did you contribute to their ability to learn?

How did you measure this?

What were the results?

b.) If a program to prevent or reduce youth crime and violence:

What evidence do you have that youth crime or violence was reduced?

What are you tracking or measuring to determine your outcomes?

What were the results?

c.) If a program for school-age children that strengthen connections with their families and communities and increase the likelihood of their success in school and beyond:

How did you build/strengthen connections between children, their families, and the community?

How did you measure these connections?

How did you increase the likelihood of their success in school and beyond?

What were the results?

d.) If your program did not address any of the issues above, please provide information about the outcomes in your proposal that you indicated you would track.

3.  What have you learned from doing this project/program and what improvements will you make as a result? For example, what have you learned about effective program strategies, realistic outcomes, measuring progress, ongoing value of the program, etc.?

4.  If applicable, what are your plans for the project’s future? Include information regarding future

funding and how it will be secured.


Provide the following information regarding the program or project for which you received funds.

Explain any variances between budgeted and actual figures that are larger than 10%.


Total Anticipated Support/Revenue / Actual Support/Revenue
1.  Requested grant
2.  Fundraising events
3.  Gifts/bequests
4.  Miscellaneous contributions
5.  Foundation/corporate grant support
6.  United Way
7.  Grants/contracts: govt. agencies
8.  Program service fees
9.  Membership dues
10.  Investment income/transactions
11.  Sales: services, products, crafts
12.  Miscellaneous revenue
13.  Subtotal Direct Support/Revenue
14.  Proration: General & Management Income
15.  Total Support/Revenue


Total Anticipated Expenses / Total Actual Expenses
16.  Salaries of provider staff
17.  Fringe benefits
18.  Professional fees (contract, consultant)
19.  Supplies (consumable)
20.  Printing and postage
21.  Occupancy
22.  Phone and fax
23.  Travel and meetings
24.  Training
25.  Evaluation
26.  Equipment purchases
27.  Miscellaneous expenses
28.  Subtotal Direct Expenses
29.  Proration: General & Management Expenses
30.  Total Expenses
31.  Surplus (Deficit)

Feinbloom Supporting Foundation Final Report Form 10/12

500 East Avenue

Rochester NY 14607