
8-10 - Teacher Work Days

10 - Parent Visitation/Orientation

-  6:45 pm Tues-Thurs parents

-  7:30 pm All parents in Wesley Hall

-  8:00 pm Mon-Wed-Fri and 5-Day parents

11 - Open House

- 9:00 am Tues-Thurs parents and children

- 10:30 am Mon-Wed-Fri and 5-Day parents and children

14 - Classes begin

20 - Ice Cream Social, 1:30 pm Playground


7 - Day School Teacher In-Service (no school for students)

9 - Fairfax County Workday (Day School will be OPEN)

12 - Columbus Day Holiday (no school)

19-23 - Fall Consignment Sale


2 & 3 - Fairfax County Workdays (no school)

10 & 11 - School Pictures

26 & 27 - Thanksgiving Break (no school)


7 - Decorate for Evening with Santa, 9:00 am, Guback Center

7 & 8 - Evening with Santa, 6:30 pm, Guback Center

10 & 11 - Day School Holiday Musical, Sanctuary, 9:30 am

15 - Last day until January 4th

16 - 1 - Winter Break (no school)


4 - School resumes/ Newcomer Registration (2016/2017) opens

14 - Registration (2016/2017) opens for returning families

18 - Martin Luther King Holiday (no school)

19 - Fairfax County Workday (no school)


5 - Fairfax County Workday (Day School will be OPEN)

15 - Presidents’ Day (no school)

25 & 26 - Parent-Teacher Conference Days (no school for children)


21 – 25 - Spring Break (no school, also see March 28)

28 - FCPS and Church holiday – (no school)


18-22 - Spring Consignment Sale

22 - Fairfax County Workday (Day School will be OPEN)


23-24 - Spring Musical & picnic, Sanctuary, 11:15 am
27 - Last Day of School

Aldersgate Day School follows Fairfax County Public School schedule for weather related closings.

For delayed openings, the Day School schedule is as follows:

·  If Fairfax County Public Schools are closed, the Day School is closed

·  If Fairfax County Public Schools are delayed, the Day School opens at 10:00 am and closes at noon

·  If Fairfax County Public Schools dismiss early - the Day School will dismiss at noon