Howlett Hill Fire Department

Monthly Meeting Minutes

September 15, 2008

The meeting was called to order by President Frank Valls at 20:07 hrs, with 20 members present. The Pledge of Allegiance was followed by a moment of silence.

The alarm assignments will be given by Chief Harris if a call comes in. The roster sign-in sheet, the Treasurer’s Report and Vice President’s Report, as well as the last meeting minutes were circulated. There were no guests present.

President’s Report:


  • President Frank Valls congratulated and thanked everyone who participated in another successful Kings Feast.
  • Frank reported on the continuation of new concepts aimed at lowering firedepartment operating costs. He reported on the most recent meeting with Town officials and the other Town Fire Departments where options to reduce costs for certain commodities that both the Town and the Departments purchase might possibly be lowered by consolidating the projected needs of the Town and all the Town Departments, putting them out to bid, and thereby obtaining discounted, volume pricing. He also said we should be aware of our expenses and each member should do their part to control them. Frank said that by banding together with other departments and the Town, as well as within our own department could be an effective way to maintain our autonomy as a department. We will begin with selected commodities, fuel, and insurance, and possibly utilities in the form of a pilot program. Frank pointed out that this was discussed at the last Board meeting and that the Board passed a motion to participate in the consortium. In fact, the need for a town Department to participate in the purchasing consortium, may be included in future contracts for fire protection by the Town. Frank said the concept may not work with every item we purchase but may work very well for some and hopefully, produce some significant savings.
  • Frank also announced that the 2009 budget was reviewed and approved at the September 4th Board Meeting. A 4.3% increase includes funding that will allow the department to operate safely and effectively in the areas of fire protection and EMS, which is key. There are increases in fuel, insurance and utilities, and minor increases in fire and EMS supplies purchasing. Frank added that he believes the budget is fair to both members and the District residents.
  • Frank concluded his remarks with the announcement that the department delegates will meet with the attorney this week to plan our requirements and positions relative to the mediation of the lawsuit with the former contractor and his insurance bonding company. They will all go before a retired NY State Supreme Court judge who is the appointed mediator. This mediation is non-binding, but Frank said he hopes it will be productive and allow us to move forward.
  • Barry Peryea asked Frank if members could see a copy of the 2009 budget; Frank replied that if anyone wanted to see it he would be happy to show it to that member but did not want to leave copies lying around. There were no other questions.

Vice President: Report was circulated.

Treasurer’s Report: The report was circulated.


John Harris, Jr.

  • Chief Harris announced that he has 5 boxes of new pagers in his office, which will be catalogued and then issued so that everyone has a functional pager compatible with the new communication system. He asked that anyone who wants one must turn in the one they currently have and that if any members have an extra pager,that should also be turned in, as we are getting a rebate for them.
  • Chief Harris also announced that he received a request from Camillus FD to go on their box 1203 for mutual aid. This will be 24/7 for structure fires. He signed and sent the letter back toCFD indicating that we will comply with their request.
  • Chief Harris read the communications he had received on upcoming training, including a workshop on October 23rd in Utica on Response Scene Safety, and a PublicSafetyTrainingCenter course in October on Command and Control Communication. He also read a notice from the County Health Department offering free flu shots to First Responders. October 15 from 2 to 6 at the Regional Market this will be done on a drive-thru format. Members who want to take advantage of this need to RSVP by October 8.
  • John reported that the 911 Center is working on getting a third path into the radio network in the form of wireless air cards. They will also send someone to assess our station for a booster antenna, which could accomplish the same thing. Frank asked what advantage the wireless card would offer over the antenna and John stated that we would have to pay for the cards, so if the antenna works, it will be a better deal.
  • Chief Harris also announced that on September 18th at Coyne (OCC) from 1-2:30 or 7-8:30, there will be an opportunity to learn more about the radio system changes. A notice from Mike Huppman on upcoming firematic training will be posted in the radio room.
  • Chief announced that on October 6th a FireFighter One class will start in Camillus.
  • Chief Harris stated that the booms that were brought in this evening were surplus from a company who donated them to us. Jason Cox asked that one be placed on Rescue 5 and John told him that was being done.

Lieutenant’s Report: Gio Primerano reiterated his warning from last month to members to stay clear of the bay doors when they are open, as an apparatus may be pulling out. He also thanked the members who helped clean up for this evening’s meeting, and those who checked the SCBA’s. Gio also stated that he highly recommends the training offered at the PublicSafetyTrainingCenter.

Truck Foreman Tom Tousley was absent, however a comment was made by Mike Gosson that the trucks look the best he can ever remember seeing them. Frank Valls thanked Mike for saying so.

Quartermaster: Tom Tousley was absent and there was no report.

OnondagaCounty Volunteer Fireman’s Association: Jeb Bealer stated that the next meeting is Wednesday in Bridgeport, at which plans will be presented by Camillus FD for the 2009 CountyConvention. Frank Valls added that he gave a copy of the law regarding allowing volunteer fire department members to participate in the Town’s health insurance plan to the Town Supervisor, who will review it and get back to us with the rates.

Board of Directors: Kurt Kraus gave a brief synopsis of the last Board meeting, as the minutes are not available at this time. Barry asked about the Board opening that was discussed at the last meeting because of Casey Mack being asked to resign. Kurt responded that the situation with Casey has been resolved and he will be actively participating on the Board as well as with Engine 94 and as many calls as he can make. A question was asked about replacing the ice machine with a brand new one. Dick Farrell responded that the repairs to the old machine were about half of what the new one cost; in addition they no longer make the old model. The decision was made to purchase the new one, which is water-cooled and more durable.

Fundraising: Dick Farrell thanked everyone who helped with the Kings Feast selling tickets and working. He said that 225 tickets were sold but does not have the net amount we made because all of the expenses are not in yet. He said that the kayak donated by Tom Kitt brought in $750 and the 50/50 raffle another $315. On the raffles we made $2,143 and he heard lots of good comments on the day of the Feast. Dick also announced that bacon, chicken and some other perishables are left over and after tomorrow’s Engine 94, members may take what they can use. Dick asked for volunteers to return the tables borrowed from Fairmount. He also reported that our new tables were not put away properly and have gouged the wall; he asked that before members leave this evening, the stack them 15 to the rack. Dick also said that next year he would like to step down from running the Kings Feast and that someone needs to step up and take it over. He will help the person that does it as much as he can to make it a smooth transition. At this point Frank Valls thanked Dick for putting his heart and soul into the Kings Feast yet another year and called for a round of applause. Frank also thanked Marcellus Tent for refunding all but $90 for the rental for the family picnic. The contract stated we could not get a refund of any of the $400 but they gave it to us. Barry Peryea volunteered to help get the tables back to Fairmount, and 3 others stepped up to help.

Sports: Barry Peryea said that we are pretty much done for the year. The next event will be the bowling tournament in February.

Groundskeeping: Frank thanked Kurt Kraus for making the place look great for the Kings Feast.

Picnic: Frank commented that everyone seemed to have a good time even though it had to be moved to the station and the day was rainy. Photos of the event are in the radio room. He also mentioned that the picnic was well-attended. Kurt Kraus asked that he be part of the Picnic committee next year, as he and several others he spoke with are dissatisfied with the presentation of the caterer we have been using, as well as the appearance of the stations and the food-preparers. He is also tired of the same cheese block he has seen year after year.

Computer: Frank reported that John Henry Harris collaborated over the past weekend with the local software company representative to fix the problems with the print-outs not being received and the data not being sent to the cell phones. He thanked John Henry for his successful work.

Communications: Frank received a thank-you from WAVES for inviting them to our family picnic.

Unfinished Business: Kurt Kraus asked about the shared dumpster idea that Fred Alfreds brought up last month. Frank answered that Fred told him to pursue it with our trash hauler. Jeb Bealer offered to contact the trash man and take care of it.

New Business: Dick Farrell expressed concern that we are not utilizing the blue bins our trash hauler has provided to us for recycling. He said he finds water bottles all over with just a swig missing; these should be drank or taken home and if empty, should be placed in the blue bin. Frank reminded the members that recycling at the station is not optional but is a law of our County and is not that hard to comply with. He asked everyone to respect it and use the bins. Chief Harris said that Pat Kilmartin, a CountyLegislator, contacted him at the Kings Feast to make sure he knew that a free card is available from the State that allows members to receive a discount on prescription drugs. Everyone should have received a notice in the mail about the State program.

Good & Welfare: Laureen Legnetto said there is a fund-raiser coming up for Jim Delaney’s family. Jason Cox added that anyone who has a service or goods they care to donate should see him. Dick Farrell announced that Denny’s gives a 25% discount on the food bill to members who show their fire dept. identification.

50/50 Raffle: not held due to the absence of Scott Bealer.

A motion to accept the previous month’s minutes and the Vice-President’s report was made by Jeb Bealer and seconded by Barry Peryea; carried.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Barry Peryea and seconded by Jeb Bealer; carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 21.13 hrs.

Respectfully Submitted

Kathy Kitt, Secretary