Masterof International Development Policy (MIDP) Program

Box 90237 Durham, NC 27708-0237

T: (919) 613-9223 F: (919) 684-2861


The Master of International Development Policy (MIDP) Program offers a Certificate in International Development Policy (IDP) to students enrolled in other graduate programs. This certificate is earned concurrently to your Master’s degree in another program. To earn the certificate, the following courses must be fulfilled prior to graduation from your degree program:

1. Development Management Seminar (3 credits)
2. Development Economics Seminar (3 credits)
3. Development-Oriented Elective (3 credits)
4. Internationally-Oriented Elective (3 credits)

Total required for completion of certificate: 12 credits

Due to space constraints, overall enrollment in the certificate program is limited to 30 students.

A list of available courses offered by the Duke Center for International Development (DCID) and the Sanford School of Public Policy which count toward the certificate will be sent to certificate enrollees via email from the IDP Program Coordinator each semester. Please note that enrollment in these seminars is on a first-come, first-served basis. Space is not guaranteed in any particular course. Priority in some courses is given to MIDP master’s degree students. Certificate enrollees should identify multiple courses under each category in the event that their first-choice course is unavailable. If you wish a course to be considered for the IDP certificate that is not included in the list below, write a brief explanation for why it should be considered, and specify the category under which the course fits in the IDP certificate. In addition, attach a copy of the syllabus and send all of these materials to the Program Coordinator no later than two weeks before the drop/add deadline of the semester in which you are taking the course. No last-minute courses will be considered.

Students interested in the IDP certificate should fill out the certificate application form. The student’s email address will be added to the certificate email distribution list so that they will receive course information during the course registration period each semester. Students may begin taking courses toward completion of the certificate before they are officially enrolled in the certificate program. Students will be enrolled on a space-available basis. Once the certificate has been added to the academic record it cannot be removed. Should the student fail to complete the requirements by the end of their graduation term, the certificate will appear as “discontinued” on their academic record. Students must notify the certificate coordinator of their intended graduation term during the registration period for that term so that the coordinator may confirm that all certificate requirements have been met.

For more information, please contact the IDP Certificate Coordinator r (919) 613-9223.

Development Management-Related Seminars (3 credits)


PUBPOL 590S.16 (264S.16) Water Cooperation and Conflict (3 credits)

PUBPOL 590S.30 (264S.30) Health Care Policies in Developing Countries (3 credits)

PUBPOL 590S.50 (264S.50) Assisting and Understanding Development (3 credits)

PUBPOL 721S (383A) Institutional Design for Environmental Management and Sustainable Development (2 credits)

PUBPOL 723 (383D) Poverty Reduction and the International Financial Institutions (3 credits)

PUBPOL 728 (388.06) Monitoring and Evaluation (3 credits)

PUBPOL 789.01 (383C) Strategic Management of Policy Change (1 credit)

PUBPOL 789.03 Promoting Accountability of International Agencies for Better Development(1 credit)

PUBPOL 790.01, 04 (388.08) Capacity Development (3 credits)

PUBPOL 790.03 Land Tenure, Property Rights, and Sustainable Development (1.5 credits)

ENV 755 Community Based Environmental Management Science and Policy (3 credits)


AFRI 550 (UNC) Challenges of Democratic Governance in Africa (3 credits)

ENVR/PLAN 685 (UNC) Water Sanitation Planning and Policy in Developing Countries (3 credits)

PUBPOL 210S (130S) Anthropological Perspectives on Development (3 credits)

PUBPOL 790.17 (383B) Managing the Project Cycle TowardSustainable Development and Conflict Prevention (2 credits)

PUBPOL 724 (383E) The Politics of International Aid in Low-Income Countries (3 credits)

PUBPOL 725 (383F) The Role of Global Programs in International Development (3 credits)

PUBPOL 726 (383G) Innovation and Policy Entrepreneurship (3 credits)

PUBPOL 789.02 (389.02) NGO Roles in Development and Policy (1 credit)

PUBPOL 789.03 (389.03) Leadership and Development (1 credit)

PUBOL 789.05 (389.05) Leading Public Sector Transformation in the Information Age: E-Government (1 credit)

PUBPOL 790.02 (388.02) Service Delivery Systems (3 credits)

PUBPOL 790.06 (388.06) Governance and Development-Selected Topics (3 credits)

PUBPOL 790.16 (388.16) Project Management for International Development (3 credits)

PUBPOL 790.18 RCTs in International Development Evaluation (2 credits)

MGMT 491 Advanced Social Entrepreneurship (3 credits)

MGMT 750.301 Social Entrepreneurship (3 credits)

STRAT 840.402 Emerging Markets Strategy (3 credits)

Summer I:

PUBPOL 790.01 (388.01) Policy Responses to Globalization (3 credits)

PUBPOL 860.03 (360.03) International Humanitarian Assistance and Human Rights (2 credits)

Development Economics-Related Seminars (3 credits)

We recommend that students without economic background take PUBPOL 701 Economic Foundations for Development (3 credits) which is offered only in the fall. All other Development Economic courses are advanced and require economic background.


ECON 548S (247S/POLSCI 246S) The Political Economy of Growth, Stabilization and Distribution (3 credits)

ENVIRON 520/521 (ENVIRON 270) Resource and Environmental Economics I and II (3 credits)

PUBPOL 222 International Political Economy (3 credits)

PUBPOL 579S (223S) Collective Action Development and Environment (3 credits)

PUBPOL 582/ENV 538/GLHLTH 538 (237/ENV 238/GLHLTH 238) Global Environmental Health: Economics and Policy (3 credits)

PUBPOL 596 (261) Evaluation of Public Expenditures (3 credits)

PUBPOL 598 (286) Economic Growth and Development Policy (3 credits)

PUBPOL 606 (218) Macroeconomic Policy and International Finance (3 credits)

PUBPOL 701 (381) Economic Foundations for Development (3 credits)

PUBPOL 770 (384B) Public Finance in Developing and Emerging Economies (3 credits)

PUBPOL 776 (384I) Public Budgeting and Financial Administration (3 credits)

PUBPOL 789.01 (389.01) Planning and Financing Public Infrastructure Investment (1 credit)

PUBPOL 789.06 (389.06) The Global Financial Crisis: Causes, Policy Responses, and Reform of the International Financial Architecture (1 credit)

PUBPOL 827S (327) Environment and Development (3 credits)


ECON 355A International Trade (1 credit)

ENV 563 (263/PUBPOL 200/GLHLTH 224) Econ Analysis & Evalfor Public Health & Environment (3 credits)

ENV 572 (245 formerly PUBPOL 264.16) Economics of Sustainable Development (3 credits)

ENV 590.80 (298.80) Energy Economics and Policy (3 credits)

ENV 851S/PUBPOL 827S (327/PUBPOL 327) Environment and Development Economics (1.5 credits)

ENVIRON635 – Energy Economics and Policy

PUBPOL 574 (227.01) Economics of Sustainable Development (3 credits)

ECON 568S.01 Current Issues in International and Development Economics (3 credits)

PUBPOL 590S.12 (264S.12) Law and Economics (3 credits)

PUBPOL 605.01 (204) International Trade and Policy (3 credits)

PUBPOL 702 (382) Applied Development Economics (3 credits)

PUBPOL 790.03 (388.03) Comparative Tax Administration (3 credits)

PUBPOL 790.04 (388.04) Comparative Tax Policy (3 credits)

PUBPOL 790.06 (388.06) Private Sector Development (1.5 credits)

PUBPOL 790.09 (388.09) Macroeconomics of the Public Sector (3 credits)

PUBPOL 790.13 (388.13) Principles and Practice of Microfinance (1.5 credits)

PUBPOL 790.13 (388.13)Design and Analysis of Public Private Partnerships (3 credits)

PUBPOL 790.14 (389.05) Fiscal Decentralization and Local Government Finance(3 credits)

PUBPOL 811(311) Microeconomics: Policy Applications, only when taught by Subhrendu Pattanayak (3 credits)

STRAT 336.401 Emerging Market Economies (3 credits)

Development-Oriented Elective (3 credits)*


AAAS 307.01 Development and Africa (1 credit)

PUBPOL 638 (256) Global Health Ethics (3 credits)

PUBPOL 639S (263S) Public Health Research Methods and Issues (3 credits)

PUBPOL 643 (281/GLHLTH 222) Global Health Policy (3 credits)

PUBPOL 761 (385H) Human Rights and Conflict (3 credits)

PUBPOL 789.04 Leveraging Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for Development: Motivations, Successes and Challenges (1 credit)


ENV 324 Marine Conservation Biology: Conservation Policy, Politics, and Practice (3 credits)

ENV 181S.02/328.01 Community-Based Marine Conservation in the Gulf of California (3 credits)

ENV 590.104 (298.104) Sustainable Agriculture (3 credits)

ENV 725S.01 (275) Protected Areas, Tourism, and Local Development (3 credits)

ENV 850 (350) Program Evaluation of Environmental Politics (3 credits)

PUBPOL 590S.20 (790.01) Legal Analysis for Development Governance (3 credits)

PUBPOL 590S.74 (264S.74) Globalization in Historical Perspectives (3 credits)

PUBPOL 590S.18 (264S.18) Narratives of Development: Strategic Storytelling (3 credits)

PUBPOL 608S (212S) Economics of the Family (3 credits)

PUBPOL 642S (213S) Designing Innovation for Global Health (3 credits)

PUBPOL 750 Social Policy in the Context of Development (3 credits)

PUBPOL 785 (385E) International Development, Conflict and Cooperation: Crucial Linkages (3 credits)

PUBPOL 789.03 (389.03) Post-Crisis Pension Reform Options (1 credit)

PUBPOL 790.15 (388.07) Indigenous Peoples, Human Rights and Development (1.5 credits)

PUBPOL 790.08 (388.08) Culture, Policy and Action (1.5 credits)

PUBPOL 790.12 (388.12) Development, Security and Violence (3 credits)

PUBPOL 890 (340) International Democratization (3 credits)

STRAT 490 Global Consulting Practicum in Social Entrepreneurship (6 credits) *may be split between dev-oriented and int-oriented electives

UNC POLI 891 Designing Democracy (3 credits)

Summer I:

PUBPOL 860.01 (360.01) Environment and Sustainable Development (2 credits)

*A second course from the Development Management or Development Economics category would also serve as a Development-Oriented elective. A second Development-oriented elective may count as the internationally-oriented elective.

Internationally-oriented elective (3 credits)


ENV 590.116 (298.116)UN Climate Change Negotiations Practicum (3 credits)

ENV 826 (326) Global Environmental Politics (3 credits)

EOS 527 (227) International Water Resources (3 credits)

LS 780.34 (290.34) Foundations of Modern Terrorism (3 credits)

PUBPOL 532S (266S) Demographic Measures/Concepts (3 credits)

PUBPOL 820 (320) Globalization and Governance (3 credits)

SOC 730S (222S) Globalization and Comparative Development (3 credits)

UNC_NUTR_745 International (3 credits)

WXTIAN 765 World Christianity, FBOs, and Christian Responses to Poverty (3 credits)


ENV 517D (217) Tropical Ecology (3 credits)

ENV 551DA (251) International Conservation and Development (3 credits)

ENV 577 (274/PUBPOL 274) Environmental Politics (3 credits)

ENV 590.62 (298.62/BIO 216) Sojourns in Singapore: Urban Tropical Ecology (3 credits)

ECON 656S International Monetary Economics (3 credits)

ENV 828A (328/ENV 181S.02) Governance of Social-Ecological Systems in the Gulf of California (3 credits)

PUBPOL 590S.24 (264S.24) Industrialized and Developing Countries(3 credits)

PUBPOL 790.10 (388.10) International Energy System, Sustainable Development and Security (3 credits)

PUBPOL 790.07 (388.15)Introduction to Peace and Conflict Resolution (2.0 credits)

PUBPOL 790.08 (388.11) Rotary Cornerstone Workshop (1.0 credit)

PUBPOL 790.11 (388.11) Rotary Capstone Workshop (1.0 credit)

LAW 520 Climate Change and the Law (3 credits)

LS 780 (290) Exiles and Diasporas (3 credits)

STRAT 837.301 International Strategy (3 credits)

UNC_POLI_750 International Relations I (3 credits)

MGRECON.781.401 Global Economic Environment of the Firm (3 credits)


LS 290.82 Democratization in Latin America (3 credits)