
Tibetan Prayer Flags

Directions: While independently reading chapters 12, 13, and 14, you will need to pick a character from the book to focus on. As you read about this character, consider the character’s goals, dreams, and desires. When you have finished reading, you will create a prayer flag for your chosen character.

Read the following background information regarding prayer flags.

The prayer flag tradition has a long continuous history dating back to ancient Tibet, China, Persia and India. The tradition has now reached the West and is rapidly gaining popularity. The meanings behind prayer flag texts and symbols, indeed behind the whole idea of prayer flags, are based on the most profound concepts of Tibetan Buddhist philosophy.

Now, create a mantra for your character. A mantra is a catchphrase to help a person focus on his/her goals.


Next, decide which of the following symbols represent your character’s goal.

Symbols of Good Fortune:

Parasol- protection from all evil

Golden Fish – representation happiness and being saved from suffering

Treasure Vase –fulfillment spiritual and material wishes

Lotus Flower- symbol of purity and spiritual unfoldment

Conch Shell –proclaims the teachings of the enlightened ones

Endless Knot--symbolizing meditative mind and infinite knowledge of the Buddha

Victory Banner–symbolizes the victory of wisdom over ignorance and the overcoming of obstacles

Dharma Wheel – symbol of spiritual and universal law

Every prayer flag has an animal dignity to help people develop qualities they need to be successful. Pick one of the four dignities for your chosen character.

The Dignities :

The Garuda—daring, fearless, outrageous

The Sky Dragon—controlling, strong, lucky

The Snow Lion—cheerful, clear, precise, free of doubt

The Tiger—unconditional confidence, awareness, kindness, modesty

Directions to assemble your prayer flag:

Create a mock up on this side of the paper. Your flag will need to include: amantra, a symbol of good fortune, and one of the animal dignities. Label each part of your flag and write a brief explanation of why you chose it. When you have completed this draft, you will get a piece of construction paper from your teacher to create your final draft.