Questions asked by owners:

Q: Can we get a bulletin board installed at the well or at the entrance to WVR at the cattle guard on Main Street?

A: Yes, if someone will head up the committee to do it. Please contact the board if you want to head this project. The Board has discussed this project and feels that there should be a Bulletin Board at all 3 entrances. Many Owners enter from the South 2 entrances.

Q: Some owners do not receive notices of meetings, Why?

A: Possibly due to address change.Please notify TRT Management to verify your address & e-mail. The Board is aware that many members are not on email or YAHOO. We don’t send out notices of our meetings other than the Annual Meeting to individuals. The meeting notices are posted on the website and have been posted on the Post Office Bulletin Board. We will be adding an address update sheet, with the Annual Dues Invoices.

Q: Why doesn’t the Board mail out letters to all owners for every Board Meeting? Can post cards be sent for each meeting?

A: Mailing either letters or postcards will cost the POA anywhere from $350 to $850 for every mailing for each board meeting. This is not a prudent use of the POA’s money. The board is looking into more e-mail notices and/or web postings. We are trying to identify dates for quarterly board meetings for 2014 and will try to publish it before the annual meeting.

Q: Communications from the Board to the Owners is not frequent enough. How can that be improved?

A: The board will look into more ways to communicate with the owners, in a more effective manner.E-mail and web postings can help. We are currently updating our e-mail list. Please send your e-mail addresses to:

Q: Do the Board Members talk to or e-mail each other?

A: The board does communicate frequently via e-mail. This saves the POA the cost of monthly meetings.

Q: Are “Official Board Business Votes” ever made by e-mail?

A: All POA business is voted on in open board meetings. The board does vote by e-mail to approve invoices for road maintenance and similar expenses.

Q: Can a Husband & Wife, that own two WVR properties, both be elected to the Board?

A: We don’t know the answer to that. The board will need to seek legal advice for that situation, if it ever comes up.

Q: Is there a “Conflict of Interest” when an employee of First United Realty is elected to and serves on the Board of WVR-POA and coverts with First United Realty, about what the POA is doing?

A: No, it is not a Conflict of Interest.1st United Realty and St Johns Area, LLC has a major vested interest in the operations of WVR.It has been beneficial to have a 1st United Realty Broker on the WVR board. This has helped in receiving major cash contributions from 1st United and St Johns Area, LLC. for major road repairs & improvements.

Q: "The Board is spending too much for poles for street signs. Used pole can be purchased from Page Steel for much less than new ones.”

A: The current board has not purchased any poles for signs, new or used. In the future, if the board does purchase any sign poles, they will solicit bids from several sources. It will be important to match the quality of the new poles to the poles that are currently being used.

Q: How does the Board make its decisions? Is Owner input considered or is it a unilateral decision by the Board?

A: The board always considers the input of the Owners. The board represents all the WVR Owners and does listen to their needs and ideas. Board decisions are made after total discussion by the board members and after a full vote of all board members.

Q: If an Owner doesn’t like the decisions that the Board is making, what can be done to change that?

A: Any owner (IN GOOD STANDING- DUES ARE PAID) can run for the WVR board of directors. Information about candidate nominations is specified in the annual report that is mailed in December, along with the annual dues invoice. There is a spring cutoff date, so if you have interest in running for the board, please contact any board member at:

Q: Why have a Board Meeting in Phoenix? “It will be an inconvenience for the people that live on the Ranch.”

A: There are more WVR Owners living in Phoenix than there are living at the ranch. To be fair to the most Owners, at least one meeting per year will be held in Phoenix. Also, the majority of the current board members live in the Phoenix area.

Q: Rosie Road repairs or abandonment status?

A: Rosie Road has been repaired again and is open, until the next monsoon storm washes it out again. The board is looking at long term solutions for Rosie Road and several other major problem areas.

Q: How often are the roads graded? Are some done more than others?

A: All WVR roads are graded at least once every year. Some of the major roads get more attention, due to higher traffic patterns.
Q: There was a fire on the Ranch recently and there are no “County N-Numbers.” Why haven’t they been installed by the Board?

A: “N-NUMBERS” are assigned by Apache County Road Dept, for emergency services and any “N-NUMBER SIGNS” must be installed by the County. The WVR board has nothing to do with these signs.

Q: County Road & Holly needs street signs & so do other major intersections.

A: The board is looking into many Ranch sign needs. There are several major intersections that need signs. We are currently looking at locations and costs.

Q: Has the Board taken any P.O.A. Law classes recently?

A: Our Board President and Board Secretary recently attended aneducational seminar on POA/HOA laws and regulations. The board is researching other classes to attend, to stay current with Arizona POA laws.

Q: Why doesn’t WVR POA buy their own grader and hire an operator, like River Springs Ranch?

A: This idea was researched in depth by several WVR boards, in the past. It has been determined that there is not enough money available to purchase the correct equipment that is needed. The “employee factor, storage and equipment maintenance costs” do not justify a major equipment purchase.

Q: Does the WVR-POA own any Road Maintenance Equipment?

A: The POA does own a roller that attaches to the back of a large industrial size grader. This is used to smooth the road surface after it is graded.This is a feature that your board felt would improve all the road surfaces.

Q: Did the POA purchase any of the equipment that Heltzel & Sons, Inc uses to maintain and repair the Ranch Roads?

A: Yes, the roller (see above) that is used to smooth the road surface, was a POA purchase. All the other grading & maintenance equipment is owned exclusively by Heltzel & Sons. Inc.

Q: Is the Road Roller that the POA owns, used off the Ranch for other Non-Ranch projects?

A: No, the roller is only used on WVR-POA projects.

Q: Why doesn’t the Board solicit new bids for road maintenance each year?

A: Previous boards have solicited bids from several grading contractors. The board has hired several contractors in past years. The service that these contractors provided was inferior to the grading and repair service that is currently received from Heltzel & Sons, Inc. The current board is working on a “Road Grading & Repair Standard” that can be provided to other grading contractors, when new bids are solicited, in the future.
The other factor for choosing Heltzel & Sons, Inc. Is the fact that they have their equipment physically located on the Ranch and can respond to emergencies within a few hours, without huge equipment delivery charges from remote locations, around Arizona. Based on the feedback that the board has received over the past 3 years, the majority of the WVR owners are very satisfied with the current road conditions. The board does not see any reason to look for any other contractor at this time. If the quality of the grading and road improvements declines, we will solicit new bids.
Q: Is the POA insured and is the meeting site insured? Are the POA employees insured with Workers-Comp?

A: Yes the POA board is insured and has no employees.

Q: Does the Rancher have the right to come on my land, if I have it posted with No Trespassing signs and a chain across my driveway?

A: This is a situation that needs to be worked out between the WVR Property Owners and the Ranchers. Don Lann and Travis Johnson are the Ranchers. If anyone needs the phone number for either Rancher, please contact Jim Gavin at 602-549-0572.

Q: Is there a Long Term Plan for the WVR Roads?

A: The board has a “General Plan” that has been discussed over the past years. The current board is working on a formal “Long Range Ranch Improvement Plan” that can be followed by any successor boards. The board is also looking into future improvement costs and possible financing sources.
Q: Is there a long term plan for bridges to cross the Carrizo Wash and link the North part of the Ranch to the South part? There are 5 crossings that need bridges.

A: The board is currently looking at possible crossings and getting engineering ideas, from a licensed civil engineer.

Q: Can we do a “One Time Assessment” for all WVR Property Owners and do a permanent fix for the roads?

A: Yes, this can be done. The CC&R’s provide for this. However, the current economy does not warrant such major expenditures at this time.Some owners are having a hard time staying current with their annual dues.

Q: How can we see the Minutes of the Annual Meeting and the Board Meetings?

A: The minutes of all board meetings are published on the website.

Q: Street Signs are needed on Easy Street.

A: The board is working with the owners of the Easy Street sign, to get them replaced.

Q: Can we do a long term project to create a “Neighborhood Watch?”

A: Yes, if anyone is interested in managing this project, please contact the APACHE COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE. They can provide guidance to setting up a “WATCH GROUP”.

Q: Can we do a long term project to create a “Volunteer Fire Response Group?”

A: Please contact the APACHE COUNTY FIRE MARSHAL for details to establish a “FIRE RESPONSE GROUP”.

Q: Does the POA own any safety barricades to block off major road washouts? What safety measures are being done to mark washouts?

A: The board is getting bids for safety barricades, at this time. They will be purchased in 1st quarter 2014. We need Owner input when washouts occur. Contact us at: with any road emergencies or questions.
Q: The well output is too slow. Can another solar panel be installed?

A: The board will check into the cost & feasibility of adding another solar panel to the Ranch Convenience Well.

Q: Is there any long term plan for another Convenience Well at the South end of the Ranch?

A: Not at this time. The current well is only a “Convenience Well” to help owners with a temporary short term source for water, while Owners are getting their own well installed. It is not a permanent source for any Owner. If you build at the Ranch, one of your building costs will be to drill a well on your property. The board will be happy to share information about the current well and its setup.

Q: Is there any insurance on the well equipment?

A: The board is reviewing the current policy to see if there is current coverage If not, the board has authorized the purchase of a new equipment coverage policy.

Q: Is there some place on the Ranch that someone can go to get a well key or a vehicle sticker?

A: Yes, SteveMcMahill volunteered to do that. Steve’s number is 702-283-1919, please call first. Steve & Linda Mc Mahill are full time residents on the Ranch.

Q: Will there ever be a “Complete & “Final” map produced for WVR?

A: The board is currently working with a very generous WVR Owner to produce a new map with possible computer interactive links to see many Ranch details.

Q: Why doesn’t the Board just finish naming the roads and install the street signs and finalize the street sign program, and do a map?

A: The board is currently working on such a project. The board wants to allow as many Owners as possible the right to name the roads that border their property. After a certain date, the board will finish the naming project.