
Scientific and Humanitarian Initiatives for Support ofLiquidators and Victims of Catastrophe in Chernobyl

Under the auspices of the Member of the European Parliament

Dr. Laima Andrikienė

9 October 2008



Institute of Democratic Politics, Lithuania


National Endowment for Democracy, USA

Democracy and Development Assistance Fund, Lithuania


Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania

NGO “Union Chernobyl – Belarus”, Belarus

British Association of Hirudotherapy, UK

International Family Association, UK


09.00 Conference Opening.

Greeting of conference participants

09.30 – 11.30IPart.

Modern problems of demography and health condition of population living on the territory that suffered from radiation factor exposure during the years of USSR existence. Creation of international scientific research center “Ecology and Health”.


Mikhail Marinich, Belarus

Prof.LaurentGerbaud, Clermont-Ferrand University, France


Prof. Yuri Bandazhevsky, Belarus

Radiation, ecology and health of people, creation of international scientific research center “Ecology and Health”

Prof.Gilles Eric Séralini,Prof. Frédérick Lemarchand, Caen University, France

Project for an Institute for Sustainable Environment in Normandy

Prof. Ivan Nikitchenko, Science Academy, Belarus

Economic and socio-demographic consequences of Chernobyl catastrophe in the Republic of Belarus

Prof. Danutė Marčiulionienė, Institute of Botany, Lithuania

Radioecological situation in Lithuania after the Chernobyl accident (1993-2007 years)

Prof. Chris Busby, UK

Radioactive contamination of the atmosphere and the health of the population of Great Britain

Dr. Galina Bandazhevskaya, Belarus

Condition of health of liquidators and victims of accident in Chernobyl nuclear power plant

Valentina Smolnikova, Doctor/Pediatrician, Belarus

Condition of health of adults and children living on the territory polluted with radioactive elements (Buda-Koshelevsky region of Gomel district of the Republic of Belarus)

Alexei Duzhy, Elena Bulova,PetrikovCentralDistrictHospital, Gomel State Medical University, Belarus

Assessment of the severity of the defeat of the cardiovascular system of the people living in areas contaminated with radioactive elements (Petrikovsky region of Gomel district of the Republic of Belarus)

11.30 – 11.45Discussion.

11.45 – 12.00Coffee Break.

12.00 – 13.40II Part.

International support of liquidators and victims of accident in Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Creation of an international syndicate of liquidators of accident in Chernobyl nuclear power plant


José Bové,President of the Institute of social and ecological alternatives (Institut pour des alternatives sociales et écologiques), France

Prof. Yuri Bandazhevsky, Belarus


Alexander Volchanin, Chairman of Nongovernmental Organization “Union Chernobyl – Belarus”, Belarus

Social-economical problems of liquidators of accident in Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the Republic of Belarus

Garry Pogoniaylo,lawyer,human rights defender, Belarus

Legal protection of population ofthe Republic of Belarus

BénédicteBelgacem, HealthServicesHospital

Prof. Dave Sheehan, ClermontGraduateSchool of Management, ESC France

Perspective of creation an international syndicate of liquidators of accident in Chernobyl nuclear power plant

Jean Francois Rivalain, political analyst,Belgium

International humanitarian initiatives in support of democracy and rendering of assistance to people who suffered from the accident in Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the Republic of Belarus

Prof. Albert Krasheniuk, Russia

Physiotherapeutic and non-medicamental methods of health improvement of liquidators and victims of Chernobyl catastrophe

13.30 – 13.40Discussion.

13.40 – 14.30 Lunch.

14.30 – 16.30 III Part.

Social-economical, moral-ethical and ecological problems of construction of nuclear power plant in Belarus


Yuriy Voronezhcev, Belarus

Eduard Melnikov, Belarus


Prof.Georgiy Lepin, Belarus

Consequences of ecological, social and economical plans of prospective construction of a nuclear power plant in Belarus

Dr.Egor Fediushin,Belarus

Perspectives and consequences of creation of a nuclear power plant in the Republic of Belarus

Yuri Melishkevich, Belarus

Organization of movement for nuclear-free Belarus

15.30 – 16.30 Discussion.

16.30 – 16.50 Conclusion

Prof. Yuri Bandazhevsky, Belarus

16.50 – 17.00

Passing of the conference resolution in support of liquidators and victims of accident in Chernobyl nuclear power plant, creation of scientific research center “Ecology and Health” in Lithuania, establishment of international syndicate of liquidators of accident in Chernobyl nuclear power plant.