Cherokee Nation Security & Defense, LLC

Cherokee Nation Security & Defense

Enterprise Asset Management System

RFP Document

November 12, 2014

RFP Document

1.0 Introduction 3

1.1 Company 3

1.2 Contact 3

1.3 Project Objective 4

1.4 Project Assumptions 13

1.5 Project Team and Responsibilities 15

1.6 Project Resources Forecast 17

2.0 RFP General Information 17

2.1 RFP Overview 17

2.2 RFP Format 18

2.3 RFP Timetable 18

2.4 Vendor Characteristics 18

2.5 Contractual Issues 19

2.6 Security and Control 19

2.7 Training 19

2.8 Documentation 19

2.9 Design Approach and Strategy 19

2.10 Roles and Responsibilities 19

2.11 Rejection of Bids 20

3.0 Current State 20

4.0 Vendor’s Response to RFP 20

4.1 Format of Vendor’s Response 20

4.2 Introduction and Vendor Background 20

4.3 Design Approach 22

4.4 Training Experience 22

4.5 Project Costs 22

4.6 Security Questionnaire 22

4.7 System Topology / Application Flow 22

4.8 RFP Certification 23

5.0 Definitions 24

6.0 Business Relationship/Non-Disclosure 26

7.0 General Security Questionnaire for System Applications………………………………………………………………… 35

Page 2

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Company

Cherokee Nation Businesses, L.L.C. (CNB) is wholly owned by the Cherokee Nation, the nation's second largest Indian tribe. CNB, the economic engine of the Cherokee Nation, owns companies in the gaming, hospitality, personnel services, distribution, aerospace, manufacturing, telecommunications, technology services, medical equipment, security and defense services, construction and environmental services industries. These businesses have annual revenues of over $700 million and over $100 million in profits. CNB continues to grow and expects to acquire new businesses in the future.

Cherokee Nation Security & Defense (CNSD), a subsidiary of CNB, was created to provide quality employment opportunities for citizens of the Cherokee Nation within an organization that provides state-of-the-art critical site infrastructure protection, security surveillance services, and access control technologies to both government and commercial clients.

1.2 Contact

All questions related to this document should be directed by email to Hossam Azar at the following address:

1.3 Project Objective

1.31 Overview

The Federal government recently awarded Cherokee Nation Security & Defense (CNSD) a contract to manage its equipment asset inventory. Equipment assets include all access control, intrusion detection and video surveillance systems. CNSD is using multiple spreadsheets to capture the inventory during the first year of the contract while they locate and implement a new software solution. CNSD is responsible for 450 locations. In the future, CNSD expects the solution to support multiple government contracts managing asset inventories.

CNSD is building equipment lists of security cameras, DVRs, servers, airport x-ray equipment, and other IT equipment. The government contract requires specific fields be tracked on all equipment types. CNSD has yet to find all required features on any COTS. CNSD requires a customized solution to meet its contractual obligations.

CNSD seeks an Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) system to manage IT security assets that are government owned. The EAM must support multiple contracts that track assets, warranties, service order calls, preventative maintenance and scheduling, service/maintenance hours spent, and repair parts used on equipment assets. In addition, the desired solution must meet application and data security requirements.

1.32 Business Objective:

Select and implement an Enterprise Asset Management System that:

Ø  Streamlines report based CDRL’s (Contractor Data Requirements List) reducing time and cost, currently 60-80 hours per month.

Ø  Provides inventory reporting to give customers proper asset information for forecasting/planning and determining growth or reduction of resources.

Ø  Eliminates manual processes of reporting and data entry.

Ø  Tracks all active, pending, and completed work orders on maintenance, warranty, repair, and support.

Ø  Delivers accurate and timely reports to customer.

Ø  Provides efficient management of CNSD resources, work orders, and contracts.

Ø  Provides ability to add 15-20 sites to the EAM system per month after implementation.

1.33 Business Rules

ID / Description /
BR-1 / The contract requires CNSD to report the material of all parts used on equipment assets.
BR-2 / The solution shall provide tracking an employee’s certification and security clearances.
BR-3 / The solution shall provide a service call database for all work performed on equipment assets and report completed service/work orders to the government representative.
BR-4 / The solution shall provide the types of work performed on equipment assets on a Service Order, such as preventative maintenance, warranty, repair, upgrades/enhancements, new installations, inspections, and technical support.
BR-5 / The solution shall use a default date, such as Contract Date, on existing equipment assets when the exact date field is unknown, while all new equipment shall have a date not in the future. The field shall be required.
BR-6 / The solution shall log the name and date of the technician who added or modified an equipment asset for auditing purposes.
BR-7 / The solution shall allow CNSD to manage the service order status to understand the work required to completion.

1.34 Business Requirements

ID / Description /
R-1 / The solution shall use a default date, such as Contract Date, on existing equipment assets when the exact date field is unknown, while all new equipment shall have a date not in the future. The field shall be required.
R-2 / The solution shall log the name and date of the technician who added or modified an equipment asset for auditing purposes.
R-3 / The solution shall allow CNSD to manage the service order status to understand the work required to completion.

1.35 EAM Features

ID / Description / Priority /
FE-1 / Prefer a hierarchical structure beginning with Contract, Zone, Site, and then Site Location Area. / High
FE-2 / Equipment asset inventory containing IT security equipment. BR-3. / High
FE-3 / Spare parts asset inventory used in the repair, maintenance, and installation of equipment assets. / High
FE-4 / Tool for scheduling preventative maintenance on equipment assets. / High
FE-5 / Ability to manage equipment warranties. / Medium
FE-6 / Ability to manage service orders on equipment assets. / High
FE-7 / Ability to manage employee information, such as name, phone, certifications, employee role, and their assigned work zone. / Low
FE-8 / Integrate employee time and labor performed on equipment service orders with Deltek Time & Expense. / Low
FE-9 / Track preventative maintenance plans and service histories on each equipment asset. / High
FE-10 / Create a comprehensive reference library of uploaded documents for employees, equipment assets, contract requirements, part assets, warranties, and equipment manuals. / Low
FE-11 / Provide managing a site's point of contact person, site name, its zone, site location and description. / Medium
FE-12 / Standard and customizable reports. See table 1.37 Standard Reports. / High
FE-13 / Functionality to manage its basic Contract information it must perform for another. / Medium
FE-14 / Logging the employee name and date/time that added or edited assets for audit purposes. / Low
FE-15 / Provide mobile device accessibility with all solution functionality. / Low
FE-16 / Support kitting of spare parts used on equipment assets. / Medium
FE-17 / Provide data security access controls using two-factor authentication other than on the device. / Low
FE-18 / Ability to add custom fields to database and forms. / High

1.36 Data Requirements

The solution must provide field-level requirements. A vendor may provide additional or similar Objects (entities) and fields not listed below. An asterisk (*) denotes required fields. CRUD codes used below represent Create, Read, Update, and Delete functionality.

DD-1: Equipment Asset
Object Name: / Equipment Asset
Description: / A government IT security asset managed by CNSD. Required in monthly reports.
Function(s): / Admin can CRUD equipment assets.
Employee can CRU equipment assets.
Data: / ·  Device Type [List]*
·  Device Sub-Type *
·  Model *
·  Model Number *
·  Serial Number
·  Equipment Description * ( text field, 200 char)
·  Fiber/Coax (fiber OR coax?)
·  Install Date *
·  In Service (Yes/No/Unknown)
·  Operable (Yes/No/Unknown)
·  Equipment Status [List]
·  OEM *
·  Comments
·  Within Specs (Yes, No, Unknown)
·  Recommended Action ( text field, 200 char)
·  Audit Logging *
·  Doc Storage about Object
Rules: / R-1, R-2
Related Object:
Equipment Storage, Warranty, Device Type, Preventative Maintenance, Service Order, and Inspection.
DD-2: Equipment Status
Object Name: / Equipment Status
Description: / As listed by IRS in contract.
Function(s): / Select ONE from pick list.
Data: / Operational, Non-Operational, Damaged, Missing
Rules: / Related Object: Equipment Asset
DD-3: Warranty
Object Name: / Warranty
Description: / Information about equipment asset warranties.
Function(s): / Completed by Technician or Admin.
Technician – CR
Admin - CRU
Data: / ·  Warranty Start Date *
·  Warranty End Date *
·  Document Storage about Entity
·  Warranty contact name, phone, company name
·  Warranty Type (Select One: Parts Only, Parts & Labor) *
Rules: / Related Object: Equipment Asset
DD-4: Maintenance Plan
Object Name: / Maintenance Plan
Description: / Includes required fields to report monthly on equipment asset.
Function(s): / Admin – CRUD, Technician – CRU
Data: / ·  Last Service Date *
·  Next Service Date *
·  Comments
·  Time Maintenance Interval * [Select One: Month, Quarter, Semi-Annual, Annual]
·  Usage Maintenance Interval * [miles, hours]
Rules: / R-1
Related Object: Equipment Asset
Rules: / Related Object: Equipment
DD-5: Device Type
Object Name: / Device Type
Description: / Device Type determines the task order list performed on each equipment type
Function(s): / Select from pick list
Data: / ·  Card Access-Intrusion Detection
·  Security Operations Center
·  CCTV Matrix
·  Badge Encoder
·  Fiber Optic Transmitter
·  CCTC Monitor
·  Pre-Processor Unit
·  PTZ CCTV Camera
·  Tape Back-up
·  Emergency Call Station
·  RTU Panel
·  Fixed CCTV Camera
·  Dedicated Micros
Rules: / Related Object: Equipment
DD-6: Part Asset
Object Name: / Part Asset
Description: / Part Assets are spare part inventory items installed on equipment assets. Part Assets may be bundled in a Kit and will be stored at multiple site locations.
Function(s): / Admins can CRUD part assets. Technicians can CRU part assets.
Data: / ·  Part Name *
·  Part Serial Number
·  Part Description
·  Quantity *
·  Part Material * [See List]
·  Unit Cost*
·  Manufacture Place*
·  Reorder Level
·  Min Stock Level
·  Max Stock Level
·  Original Price
·  Part Supplier
·  Kit Number
·  Kit Value
·  Doc Storage for Entity
·  Zone*
·  Site*
Rules: / Kit Value = sum amount of all parts in a kit.
Zero to many parts may be used on an equipment asset which is listed on a Service Order.
DD-7: Part Material
Object Name: / Part Material
Description: / Part material options as defined in the contract regarding the material origin of parts used on equipment assets.
Function(s): / Select One per part.
Data: / ·  New
·  Reconditioned
·  Recovered Material
·  Remanufactured
·  Virgin Material
·  Used
·  Manufactured End Product
Rules: / BR-1
Related Object: Part Asset
DD-8: Employee
Object Name: / Employee
Description: / An employee of CNSD. Required to maintain employee information on full-time or contract workers located at a Site. Required to store and report information on an employee’s certifications, experience, and security clearances, if requested.
Function(s): / Employee name, and employee ID must integrate with Deltek.
Data: / ·  Employee Name
·  Employee Phone
·  Employee Email
·  Employee Type [Employee OR Sub-contractor]
·  Employee Certifications (0:M)
·  Employee Title
·  Employee Security Clearance Level
·  Doc Storage Items for Entity
Rules: / BR-2
DD-9: Employee Labor
Object Name: / Employee Labor
Description: / An employee’s labor associated with start/end/wait date/time on a work order along with the total site hours and overtime.
Function(s): / Entered on a Service Work Order and transmitted to Deltek Time & Expense.
Data: / ·  Labor Date
·  Labor Start Time
·  Labor End Time
·  Labor Wait Time
·  Travel Time
·  Total Site Hours
·  Overtime/Emergency/Holiday Hours
·  Specialty Labor Hours
·  Comments (memo, 200 chars)
Rules: / Related Object: Employee
DD-10: Service/Work Order
Object Name: / Service Order
Description: / A form containing work performed on an equipment asset. Must also be a standard report. Required to document all service calls and retain history records of such.
Function(s): / An Employee can CRU. An Admin can CRUD.
Data: / ·  Urgency Level * [List]
·  Order Type * [List]
·  Report Date *
·  Request Date
·  Order Status *
·  Part ID
·  Comments
·  RMA Number
·  Recommended Action
·  Doc Storage items for Entity
Rules: / BR-3
Related Object:
Order Type, Order Status, Equipment Asset, Part Asset, Site Location Area, Employee
DD-11: Order Type
Object Name: / Order Type
Description: / A description of types of work performed on equipment and listed on a Service Order
Function(s): / Required: Select One from a pick list
Data: / ·  Preventative Maintenance
·  Warranty
·  Repair
·  Upgrade/Enhancement
·  New Install
·  Tech Support
·  Inspection
Rules: / BR-4
DD-12: Order Status
Object Name: / Order Status
Description: / Allows CNSD to manage Service Orders and know where the work required to completion stands.
Function(s): / Required: Select One from the pick list
Data: / ·  Assigned
·  In-progress
·  Pending
·  Closed (Completed)
·  Cancel
·  Deferred
Rules: / R-3
Related Object: Service Order.

DD- 13: Zone

Object Name: / Zone
Description: / A geographical area defined by the customer, which each zone containing many Sites. AKA Region.
Function(s): / Admin can CRUD.
Data: / ·  Zone Name *
·  Site * (1:M)
·  Task Order (1:M)
Rules: / Related Object: Site
DD-13: Site
Object Name: / Site
Description: / A physical location where CNSD will manage its contract’s equipment assets.
Function(s): / Admin can CRUD.
Data: / ·  Site Name *
·  Zone or Region *
·  Address *
Rules: / Related Objects: Contract, Site Contact, Site Location Area
DD-14: Site Location Area
Object Name: / Site Location Area
Description: / Represents a specific location within a Site
Function(s): / Admin can CRU
Data: / ·  Site Location Name *
·  Location Description *
·  Building
Rules: / Related Object: Site, Employee, Service Order, Equipment Asset, Part Asset
DD-15: Site Contact
Object Name: / Site Contact
Description: / The point-of-contact person(s) at each Site, who is a government employee identified in the contract that CNSD must provide reports.
Function(s): / Admin can CRUD
Data: / ·  SC Name *
·  SC Phone *
·  SC Email
·  SC Title
Rules: / A site has one to many site contacts.
Related Object: Site

DD-16: Contract