London Fire Brigade Welfare Fund

Honorary Life Membership

LFB Welfare Fund’s Honorary Life Membershiprecognises individuals who have given exemplary or meritorious contribution, service or assistance to the LFB Welfare Fund and/or its members.

The following document details the eligibility requirements and the agreed procedures for nomination and bestowing Honorary Life Membership to the LFB Welfare Fund.

Eligibility Requirements

In order to be eligible for Honorary Life Membership a nominee must:

  • be a ‘Serving’ or ‘Retired’ Member of the LFB Welfare Fund as detailed in Regulation 5.1(a) and (b) respectively;
  • have made a considerable and longstanding contribution to the LFB Welfare Fund that can be considered exemplary and/or over and above what might be reasonably expected from voluntary involvement in the organisation;
  • have contributed to the LFB Welfare Fund in the above manner for no less than five (5)years.

Nomination Procedure

Any Serving or Retired Member may nominate any other Serving or Retired Member for Honorary Life Membership in recognition of their services or contribution to the LFB Welfare Fund

The initial nomination is to be made either in person, or in writing, to a meeting of the relevant LFB Welfare Fund Committee (e.g. Western, Eastern, Southern, BHQ & Training, Sports Committee or the Executive Council) and should clearly provide the justification for the nomination and demonstrate the nomination meets the eligibility requirements described above.

Provided the nomination is supported by a majority vote of the LFB Welfare Fund Members attending the meeting at which the nomination is proposed it shall be forwarded for discussion and approval at the next meeting of the Executive Council.

The Executive Council shall receive and consider the nomination at their next meeting and shall vote to determine its approval or rejection, and shall notify the relevant Committee of the outcome.

The Executive Council may, if deemed necessary, defer their decision and request any additional or background information deemed necessary in order to properly consider the nomination. This information shall be provided to the Executive Council either before, or at, their subsequent meeting and they will vote to determine its approval or rejection.

In the event that the information requested to support the nomination has not been provided then the nomination will be deemed to have failed and the relevant Committee shall be informed of this outcome.

Any Officer of the Executive Council may nominate any Serving or Retired Member of the LFB Welfare Fundmeeting the eligibility criteria for Honorary Life Membership at any of their meetings.

The Executive Council shall report any approved nominations of Honorary Life Membership to the Annual General Meeting of the Welfare Fund immediately following its approval.

Details of successful nominations shall also be published in the first available edition of the Welfare Fund Magazine following its approval.

Presentation of the LFB Welfare Fund Honorary Life Membership

Recipients of the LFB Welfare Fund Honorary Life Membership will be honoured with a framed certificate that shall be presented by an Officer of the Executive Council, or their representative at an appropriate meeting or any other appropriate event i.e. recipients retirement function, should the recipient wish this.

Officers of the Executive Council who are to receive Honorary Life Membership may, at the discretion of the Executive Council, be presented with an appropriate memento to mark the occasion.

Review Date.

The eligibility requirements and procedures detailed within this document shall be reviewed by the Executive Council at least once every 2 years and updated or revised as deemed necessary or appropriate.

Document Approved 02 12 2013 – Review Date 02 12 2015

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