DRAFT PERMIT No. LAR000018160231


FACILITY No. S-21631

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This Tier IIpermit is being granted by the Department of Environmental Quality (hereafter “DEQ”) pursuant to the Oklahoma Environmental Quality Code, O.S. 27A, § 2-1-101 et seq. the Ketchum Public Works Authority is hereby granted this permit to operate a reclaimed water land application site located in the SE/4 of Section 23, T-24-N, R-21-E, I.M., Craig County, Oklahoma. This land application site will be operated in accordance with the Operation Plan which was approved onMonth Day, Year .

By accepting this permit, the recipient of this permit (hereafter “Permittee”) attests that no significant information necessary for a proper evaluation of the project has been omitted and that no invalid information has been presented during the application process. Further, Permittee agrees to operate and maintain the facility in accordance with the “Operation and Maintenance of Non-Industrial Total Retention Lagoon Systems and Land Application” in the Oklahoma Administrative Code (hereafter “OAC”) (OAC 252:619), "Non-Industrial Impoundments and Land Application" (OAC 252:621), "Oklahoma Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Standards - OPDES" (OAC 252:606), "Water Pollution Control Facility Construction" (OAC 252:656), and “Water Reuse” (OAC 252:627) rules. Finally, Permittee attests that it has read the permit, fully understands and agrees to comply with its terms at all times while the permit is in force.

This permit is issued subject to the following provisions and conditions:


1)This permit is valid for five (5) years from the date of issuance.

2)The Permittee is solely responsible for submitting a permit renewal application to the DEQ at least six (6) months prior to the permit expiration date.

3)Reclaimed water shall not be applied on any food crop that may be consumed raw.

4)Reclaimed water shall not be applied on processed food crops such as corn, wheat and oats, less than thirty (30) days before harvest.

5)Reclaimed water shall not be used for spray irrigation on orchards or vineyards.

6)Reclaimed water shall not be applied at rates that allow discharge from water reuse sites.

7)Reclaimed water shall not be applied at a rate that exceeds the nitrogen and phosphorus uptake rates for the crop at the site.

8)Reclaimed water shall not be applied at rates that result in phytotoxicity.

9)Reclaimed water shall not be applied during periods of precipitation or while the soil is saturated or frozen.

10)Reclaimed water shall not be applied from a total retention lagoon or storage impoundment when the liquid level is two (2) feet or less.

11)Reclaimed water shall not be applied on land having a slope greater than five percent (5%).

12)Reclaimed water shall not be applied where there are berms or other barriers on a water reuse site that would cause the poolingor ponding of reclaimed water at the site, nor shall any berms or barriers impede the naturalflow of stormwater from the site.

13)The Permittee shall assure that the project is supervised and operated by personnel properly certified by the DEQ a level appropriate for the size and/or complexity of the facility.

14)The DEQ shall be immediately informed of any occurrence which may affect the eventual performance of the facility.

15)The issuance of this permit does not relieve the Permittee of the liability which may accrue as a result of the location and operation of the facility.

16)The Permittee is, at all times, solely responsible for the proper operation and maintenance of this facility in accordance with the terms of this permit.

Category 5 (Sites R0001 and R0002)

1)The Permittee shall comply with the sampling requirements in OAC 252:627 Appendix A.

2)The restricted access land application site(s) identified above is/are the only site(s) approved for the application of reclaimed water. The yearly average of the combined land application sites is limited to 50,400 gallons per day, the design capacity of the primay lagoons based on organic loading.

Site R0001 (also known as Tract A) has 80 total acres, of which 51.9 acres are available for land application. The approved application rate is not to exceed64,097gallons per day based on the approved water balance. The site is located in the E/2 of the SE/4 of Section 23, T-24-N, R-21-E, I.M., Craig County.

Site R0002 (also known as Tract B) has 80 total acres, of which 19.4 acres are available for land application. The approved application rate is not to exceed 23,959 gallons per day based on the approved water balance. The site is located in the N/2 of the NW/4 of Section 25, T-24-N, R-21-E, I.M., Craig County.

3)Monthly operation reports (MOR)must be completed and maintained for a period of three (3) years on site for DEQ to review during inspections. The MOR, DEQ Form 627-001, is available at

4)Reclaimed water shall not be applied from a lagoon cell that receives raw sewage or be applied from any cell other than the final storage cell.

5)Reclaimed water shall not be applied when it has a dissolved oxygen concentration of less than 2.0 mg/l.

6)Reclaimed water shall not be applied within one hundred feet (100') of the permitted boundary of the site.

7)Total retention lagoon systems must maintain a minimum of three (3) feet of freeboard in all cells. “Freeboard” is the vertical distance from the surface water level in the lagoon to a point that is even with the top of the dike.

8)The Permittee shall have a twenty (20) year lease with land owner if land is not owned by the entity.

Failure to appeal the conditions of this permit in writing within 30 days from the date of issue will constitute acceptance of the permit and all conditions and provisions.

Rocky Chen, P.E., Engineering Manager, Construction Permit Section

Water Quality Division



Shellie R. Chard, Director

Water Quality Division