Energy/Environmental Committee -1-February 14, 2013
February 14, 2013
The Energy & Environmental Committee met on Thursday, February14, 2013, in the County Board Roomat the Kane County Government Center, Geneva, Illinois.
Present: Chairman Kojzarek, Laesch, Donahue, Davoust, Lewis,Barreiro, Allan. Absent: None. Alsopresent: Chairman Lauzen; Facilities, Development Environmental Resources Exec. Dir. Harbaugh & staff Kosky, Jarland,Miller; IT Staff Strike;KDOT Staff Zakosek; Carlo F. Cavallaro with U’Sagain, LLC; Elizabeth Optholt with Energy Impact;and members of the press and public.
Chairman Kojzarek called the meeting to order at9:00a.m.
Minutes of the January17, 2013 Meeting - were approved on motion byLewis, seconded byAllan. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
NEW& UNFINISHED BUSINESS: *(Complete presentationscan be viewed on the County’s website.)
*PRESENTATION: Textile Recycling in Kane County– Carlo Cavallaro, with U’Sagain, LLC gave presentation on textile consumption in our area (clothing & shoes). He stated only 15% of all consumed textiles are recycled at this time. He included the environmental impact from manufacturing textiles and noted simple things that we can do to prevent textile waste from ending up in the landfills.
*PRESENTATION: Elizabeth Optholt, Kane County Representative for Energy Impact Illinois – Staff introduced Elizabeth Optholt with Energy Impact Illinois, an energy efficiency program working with residents in Kane County on ways to conserve energy. Shenoted that they are a federally funded program designed to create jobs and promoteenvironmentalsustainabilityin local communities.To date,through this program, Kane County has had 286 households that have had or are scheduled to have an energy assessment done. She pointed out that due to the current energy policies in place, the Tri-Cities are not covered through this program.
*PRESENTATION: Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant - Final Report – Staff gave presentation on thefinal report of projects that have been accomplished in the last 5 years through the EECBG program. An overview of the projects and the results that came out of each was provided. More info could be found on the County website regarding the EECBG program.
DISCUSSION: Energy Plan Presentations– Staffupdated the committee on energy presentations that were given outside of county.
DISCUSSION: Union Ditch/Virgil Ditch Watershed Plan – Staff advised they are on the steering committee for the Union/Virgil Ditch East Branch Kishwaukee River Watershed Plan which was funded by an EPA319 Grant that DeKalb County received. They are in the process of collecting data at this time and will keep the committee up to date on this program.
EVENTS - PAST/UPCOMING–The Kane-DuPage Soil and Water Conservation District Annual Meeting and Awards - take place on Thursday, February 21.
The meeting was adjourned at9:58a.m.on motion by Davoust, seconded by Laesch. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
Heidi J. Jakubaitis
Recording Secretary