August 10-12, 2017

Non Food Vendor Contract

We are pleased that you have chosen to be part of Tug Fest weekend. Please complete the 2nd page of this form and send it along with the following by May 31, 2017.

1) A check for the full amount of your space

2) A listing of your items with prices

3) A photo of your set-up

Space:Food Vendor spaces are 12 x 12.


Set up:Set up will begin no earlier than Noon on Wednesday, August 9, 2017. You may start selling at 4:30 PM on Thursday, August 10, 2017.


Responsibilities:All vendors are responsible for supplying their own electrical extension cords (minimum of 75 ft). You are also responsible for cleaning up your site, dumping your trash and leaving your space clean.

VERY IMPORTANT – OUR LEVEE IS PAVED, STAKING OR PUTTING HOLES IN THE CONCRETE WILL NOT BE PERMITTED! Please bring sandbags or cinder blocks to weigh your tent down. We appreciate your cooperation!

Vending Hours:Thursday: 4:30 – 11:00 PM

Friday: 6:00 – Midnight

Saturday: 10:00 AM - Midnight

Hurry! Limited space is available!

Send contract form and required paperwork no later than

May 31, 2017 to:

Tug Fest / P.O. Box 559 / LeClaire, IA 52753

Questions or concerns?


Kari Long – 563-289-2799

We’re looking forward to your participation in our most successful year yet!

August 10 – 12, 2017

Non Food Vendor Contract Form

Return this form (please print clearly), vendor fees and required paperwork by May 31, 2017 to:

Tug Fest / P.O. Box 559 / LeClaire, IA 52753

Make checks payable to: LeClaire Tug Fest

Business Name______

Contact Name______


City______State ______Zip ______

Email ______

Website ______

Phone # ______

IA Sales Tax ID # or SSN______

Electrical: how many amps? ______# of outlets? ______

How many employees will you have on the levee? ______

(Tug Fest Badges will be provided to you and must be shown at the entry gate to avoid admission fees)

Have you been a vendor at Tug Fest before? Y N

*While the LeClaire Police Department graciously provides us with overnight security checks so that our vendors can feel safe in leaving their merchandise on our levee during Tug Fest Weekend, we ask that you please secure your merchandise in your vending space before you leave the levee each evening. Please do not leave money unattended or in your vendor space overnight. Tug Fest is not responsible for lost or stolen items.*

I have read, understand and agree to abide by the rules set forth by the LeClaire Tug Fest and the City of LeClaire.

Signature: ______Date:______