Prepared For Victory John 16:25-33
ThTenBoomfam lived in Nazi occupied Amsterdam, Netherlands – commit Christians
For ~ 2yr hid Jews fm Nazis, informed on, arrested,
CorrieBetsieRavensbruckConc Camp fm Mar1944, Betsie d12/16 Corrlsd 28th
B4 Betsie died sd to Corrie : I do not know why God allows suffering, all I know is that
across the blueprint of our lives God wrote Ravensbruck, tell them that no pit is so deep that God’s love is not deeper
Gospel of John since ch13 JS preparing D’s for His departure on blueprint of their lives
His death could mean total defeat, JS prepartions focused on victory in 16:25-33
Preparation for victory includes a challenge, a warning and a promise
- The Challenge 25-32
- JS connects with His discussion and language in 16:5-24 as figurative lang
Now talk plainly about the Father 25 and their prayer heard by Father
Because D’s loved and believed JS came fm the Father 26, 27
This is a clear connection to 23 and 24 in particular on prayer
APP – We have direct access to the Father in prayer, early chur pray chur
- Come from the Father 27d and 28, JS picks up on their belif
27d JS came from God
28a I came forth from the Father and have come into the world
28b again, I leave the world and go to the Father
JS is connecting his coming and going – this is essential for belief
It is the part they have not understood 16:17, 18
This has been the major them of chapters 14-16
- The Disciples think they understand 29, 30
29 – You speak plainly, no figure of speech
30 – now we are sure … by this we believe You came from God
To their credit J6:68-70 firm affirmation of belief
But JS talking about going, about dying,
Their belief limited to His coming, they still only have part eqn
- JS challenges them 31,32
Do you now believe? – clearly they do not yet understand
The hour is coming these ‘believers’ will be scattered Zc13:7 J13:38
What is missing from their belief is the belief of His leaving/going =
dying and raising from the dead
APP4US – our belief in JS is like an equation Belief = JS come + JS go
Belief only in JS coming is incomplete and shallow, also requires
Belief in JS dying and rising from the dead, JS challenges us
- The Warning 33b
JS warns of tribulation – trouble, both persecution and sorrow in the world
15:18—16:4 previously addressed
The history of the early church Ac 4,5,7,8,9, 11:19… 1Th1:6; 2:14; 3:4,7
Ro 8:17E 3:13Ph1:28Mt 24, 25 Great Trib
Victory for Christians is not an easy victory w/o difficulties – particularly import
for modern Christians to hear because we complain so about troubles
Victory not without trouble in the world, our ‘blueprint’ includes trib, sorrow, grf
- The Promise 33a,c
These things – words of preparation
In Me you may have peace – John 14:27, in Me terms connect J15 vine
But be of good cheer, I have overcome the world
Be courageous, have courage, assurance of JS victory, He overcam
Ro 8:31-391Co15:571J2:13,14; 4:4; 5:4,5
The outcome is determined however deep the pit, JS has achieved victory.