Request for Qualifications (RFQ) 381
Document and Records Management Project
The San Francisco Human Services Agency (HSA) wishes to contract with a firm (Provider) to provide consulting services for several Document and Records Management projects using the OpenText LiveLink system. An on-site consultant will be needed for up to eighteen months starting in February of 2008 to serve as a project manager and hands-on technical consultant. All works will be performed on site.
The Projects will provide the systems and processes to allow HSA programs to store and retrieve paper documentation associated with each case in electronic format. This will achieve the following goals: multi-user access to case documentation, reduction of individual knowledge dependency – any worker can work on a case, progress toward a paperless environment, support for the ability to have satellite office locations, reduction in physical storage requirements, and the ability to back-up paper files for disaster recovery.
The Department expects to make one award through this process. Please note that although the contract will be for 18 months beginning February 1, 2008, the period from July 1, 2008 to the end of the contract is subject to budget approval.
· Experience implementing document and records management solutions using the OpenText LiveLink product, V9.2 or higher.
· Expertise with the following LiveLink modules: Enterprise Content Management Search
Work Flow Administration, Records Management.
· Experience customizing the LiveLink user interface for Search and Work Flow.
· Experience as a project manager for document and records management implementations
· The winning respondent must be a certified vendor with the City and County of San Francisco.
· Experience with LiveLink version 9.7
· Experience with Kofax Ascent Capture and integration of Kofax with LiveLink
Support the technical implementation of the Case Document Imaging Project including integration with Kofax Ascent Capture. Evaluate other potential projects for LiveLink including time card scanning and conversion of paper forms to workflows; act as project manager for implementation of these projects as well as providing technical support. Propose and implement records management, retention, archiving, and purging policies for all projects. Mentor staff in using the LiveLink system.
Submissions in reply to this RFQ must be in the form of a “response package” containing the response and all required supporting information and documents. Respondents are required to provide all information requested below. In your response, please indicate “N.A.” if the statement is not applicable to you.
Respondents must submit an original response package and four (4) complete copies (five total). All information in the response package must be presented in the following sequence:
1. Response cover letter identifying the contact person and a brief description of the services to be provided.
2. Provide a résumé of your experience and other factors relevant to the services described in this RFQ (remember to address the Minimum and Desirable Qualifications as outlined above). Be sure to include information about work similar to this project, any related completed projects, and training. Organizations applying should provide resumes of key staff or job descriptions/minimum requirements for key positions.
3. Provide a statement listing all contracts (both public and private) relevant to services solicited which have been completed during the last three (3) years. The statement must also list any failure or refusal to complete a contract, including details and dates.
4. Provide a statement, written solely by the respondent, addressing the following items:
a. Summary of skills, resources, and experience relevant to this contract;
b. Provide an hourly rate that includes any expenses (e.g. travel). Please note cost will be a consideration in the award.
5. Two verifiable references; and
6. Any relevant addenda which the respondent wishes to submit.
Response package must be received in hand by a contract manager no later than 3:00 P.M, January 2, 2008. no exceptions.
Delivery Address: SF Human Services Agency
Office of Contract Management, G500
Attn: STELLA CHU, G500
1650 Mission Street, Suite 300
San Francisco, CA 94103
Respondents must allow adequate time for parking, locating the office, obtaining approval through security staff to deliver the proposal, and other possible delays. RESPONSES NOT RECEIVED in hand by a contract manager BY 3:00 P.M., January 2, 2008 AT THE OFFICE of Contract Management, may BE REJECTED. Submissions by fax and postmarks will not be accepted in lieu of this deadline requirement.
Please direct questions to STELLA CHU 415-557-5538