Teacher’s Name: Sharon Sutherland Week 0f: January 9, 2012
Course Title and Periods Taught: Pre-AP Earth Science 1st& 4th
Earth Science, 3rd Unit Title: Geologic Time Scale/Plate Tectonics
List daily lesson topic and Depth of Knowledge: / List learning target(related to Core Academic Standard): / Briefly outline daily lesson activities/agenda:
Lesson Topic: Geologic Time Scale
Critical Vocab: geologic time scale, eon, Precambrian, era, period, epoch, mass extinction relative age dating, uniformitarianism, absolute age dating, radioactive dating, radiometric dating, radiocarbon dating, / I can…
Explain why we need a geologic time scale
Distinguish among eons, eras, periods and epochs
Describe uniformitarianism and explain its importance to geology.
Compare and contrast different types of unconformities
Compare and contrast absolute age dating and relative age dating
Describe how rocks and other objects are dated using radioactive elements. / BR: Compare relative age dating with absolute age dating.
· Return graded work
· Discuss half life lab
· Play review game
Lesson Topic: Geologic Time Scale
Critical Vocab: geologic time scale, eon, Precambrian, era, period, epoch, mass extinction relative age dating, uniformitarianism, absolute age dating, radioactive dating, radiometric dating, radiocarbon dating, / I can…
Explain why we need a geologic time scale
Distinguish among eons, eras, periods and epochs
Describe uniformitarianism and explain its importance to geology.
Compare and contrast different types of unconformities
Compare and contrast absolute age dating and relative age dating
Describe how rocks and other objects are dated using radioactive elements. / BR: None (quiz today)
· Rock Record Quiz
· Discuss Plate Tectonics projects (Pre-AP only)
· Plate Tectonics Vocabulary
Wednesday FLIP FLOP Wed and Thurs due to Club Day
Lesson Topic: Introduction to Data Collection using Lab Quest devices
Critical Vocab: data collection, probeware, temperature probe, rate, meter, / I can…
Learn to collect data using the lab quest device.
Follow directions for programming the lab quest.
Perform my lab / BR: ACT Question
· Select partners
· Move to lab stations
· Follow directions and perform my data collection lab
· Continue working on Plate Tectonics vocabulary
Thursday FLIP FLOP Wed and Thurs due to Club Day
Lesson Topic: Plate Tectonics
Critical Vocab: continental drift, Pangaea, magnetometer, magnetic reversal, paleomagnetism, isochron, seafloor spreading, tectonic plate, divergent boundary, rift valley, convergent boundary, subducton, transform boundary, ridge push, slab pull / I can…
Identify the evidence that led Wegener to suggest that Earth’s continents have moved.
Discuss how evidence of ancient climates supported continental drift.
Explain why continental drift was not accepted when it was first proposed. / BR: What is continental drift?
· PPT Lecture: Continential drift; evidence for Pangaea
· Study Guide 17.1
· Plate tectonics vocabulary
Lesson Topic: Plate Tectonics
Critical Vocab: continental drift, Pangaea, magnetometer, magnetic reversal, paleomagnetism, isochron, seafloor spreading, tectonic plate, divergent boundary, rift valley, convergent boundary, subducton, transform boundary, ridge push, slab pull / I can…
Summarize the evidence that lead to the discovery of seafloor spreading
Explain the significance of magnetic patterns on the seafloor
Explain the process of seafloor spreading / BR: Discuss how evidence of ancient climates supported continental drift.
· PPT Lecture: Seafloor Spreading; Ocean topography, rocks and sediments; magnetism
· Study Guide 17.2
Please post completed form for each course you teach weekly. (Updated 12/06/10)