Creating Vigilant, Prepared, and Resilient Communities for Homeland Security: A Community Outreach Approach to Homeland Security
June 9-10, 2010
Maryland Police & Correctional Training Commissions
6852 4th Street
Sykesville, MD 21784
8:30 am – 5 pm
Sponsored By: Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services
What is this training about? Utilizing adult-learning principles and the problem-based learning method, this training provides an opportunity for community members to work in cross-disciplinary teams, to draw on collective skills, knowledge, and resources, to address existing or potential homeland security threats at the community level. Course topics include: Problem-Based Learning, Group Dynamics, Critical Thinking, Leadership, Community Policing, Homeland Security, Impact of Fear, Community Responsibility, Ethics, Action Planning, and Group Presentation.
Who should attend? Everyone interested in building partnerships and working collaboratively to make their community Vigilant, Prepared, and Resilient, including: Community Members; Local Businesses; Faith-Based Organizations, Public Safety Professionals and First Responders; State and Local Emergency Management Agencies; Citizen Corps Councils and CERT, VIPS, Medical Reserve Corps, Fire Corps, and Neighborhood Watch Teams; Crime Prevention Practitioners; Nonprofits, Volunteers, School Groups, Government Agency Representatives; and Elected Officials.
Cost: This no-cost training is supported and certified by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Office of Grants and Training, Course #AWR182. Meals and lodging are the responsibility of attendees.
For more information: Michelle Kobold, 503.751.4017,
Maryland Police and Correctional Training Commissions Registration Form
Public Safety Education and Training Center, 6852 4th Street, Sykesville, MD 21784
Phone - (410) 875-3513 Fax - (410) 875-3511
PROGRAM NAME: Creating Vigilant, Prepared and Resilient Communities
PROGRAM DATE(S)/TIME: June 9-10, 2010 (8:00 am – 4:00 pm)
CLOSING DATE: June 2, 2010
DESCRIPTION: Designed to provide law enforcement personnel, governmental and non-governmental organization representatives and community members awareness-level information, as well as capacity building, that leads to creating vigilant, prepared and resilient communities for homeland security and events of national significance. This course includes classroom instruction, problem-based learning strategies and practical “hands-on” activities.
STUDENT NAME:_______________________________________ Certification Number:______________
Agency Name:____________________________________________________________________________
Agency Address:__________________________________________________________________________
City:_________________________ County:______________________ State:__________ Zip:_________
Training Coordinator/Designee:____________________________ Email _____________________________
Telephone: (_____) _______ - ___________ Fax: (_____) _______ - ______________
Emergency Contact Number for Student*: (_____) _______ - _____________
*Will only be used if the course is being cancelled within 72 hours of the scheduled date.
Students will be notified of their status (Registered or Wait List) within five business days of the closing date using the email or contact number provided.
By signing below, I certify that the information above is true and correct. I also acknowledge that my agency may be billed for the training in the event that I (or my designee) fail to cancel the participant’s training, in writing, within 72 hours of the initial date of the training.
___________________________________ _____________________________ _____________________
Signature Department/Agency Head** Printed Name Date
**This form must be signed by the Agency Head or his/her designee.
Mail or Fax original form to:
6852 4th Street
Sykesville, MD 21784
(410) 875-3511, fax
Questions may be directed to Kathy Prieur at (410) 875-3513 or via email
Revised 02/09