Grades 5 and 6
Policies and Procedures
2015- 2016

Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome to fifth and sixth grade at St. Clare of Assisi School! The school year promises to be exciting, challenging, and rewarding. We will be working together, along with all of you, to make this year a successful experience. The following information has been assembled to help guide the students through the school year.
Homework Policy
Homework is an integral part of the educational process. Students need to record assignments correctly in their assignment notebooks daily, take home necessary materials to complete the assignments, do the work, and return assignments on time. It is also very important that students have a specific homework place and time at home in which to work.

For the first semester we will make use of a different policy for missinghomework. Students are expected to turn in homework when it is due. As has been done in the past,missing homework notifications will be emailed on the day the assignment was due. Missing workturned in within a week will receive a grade reduction of 10%. Missing work turned in within two weekswill receive a grade reduction of 20%. After that time period missing work will not be accepted and a grade of 0% will be entered in the grade book. Chronic missing work will be addressed on an individual basis with parent, student, and teacher. The policy will be evaluated for its effectiveness at the end of the first semester. Please note: projects will be due at 8:00a.m. on the due date, whether the child is at school that day or not.

Make-up Work
When a student is absent, the following guidelines will apply: For a one-day absence all work must be completed by the second school day that the child is back at school. More than one day of illness will require more time and will be determined on an individual basis. Coursework will be sent to the office or with a sibling, as directed. Inthe event of a planned absence for a trip, school policy prohibits giving assignments in advance. Under all circumstances, it is the student’s responsibility to be sure that he/she has acquired all missing assignments, completed them, and turned them in. Please refer to the handbook for further information.

Make-up Test Policy

Students in grades 5 through 8 will make-up tests due to absences at designated times before and/or after school hours. According to the handbook it is the student’s responsibility to coordinate with the teacher the time to make up the test.

Friday Folders
In addition to the information coming home from the school office, we will include some of your child’s schoolwork in the Friday folder. Please review these papers, sign the attached paper, and return the papers with your child on the following Monday. Contact the appropriate teacher if you have any questions regarding the work. These papers only represent a portion of the work completed at school, but parents may see grades for all tests, quizzes, and homework assignments on Renweb. Grades will be posted within seven days of the test or assignment due dates.


Grades 5 through 8 do not celebrate birthdays[1] with treats.

In this age of technology, email and our websites have evolved as our most timely and main forms of communication. Leaving us a phone message is certainly another option.
Classroom Discipline
Together with our students, we have discussed and reviewed classroom and school expectations. Our goals are for each individual to take responsibility for his/her own actions and to treat one another as God would want us to. We recognize that the foundation of our rules is respect—for oneself, for others, and for all property. To encourage responsible behavior, we have formulated classroom discipline that directly relates to the school-wide discipline policy and expectations. The Accountability Card is a discipline program that is utilized in Grades 5-8.

Accountability Cards

  • Each student starts each quarter with a green Accountability Card.
  • 4 Categories
  1. Disrespect of Peers/Students
  2. Uniform Infraction
  3. Inappropriate Classroom Behavior
  4. Disrespect for Adults
  • Teacher will hole punch a box if a student exhibits one of the above behaviors.
  • Once the student receives 5 punches total, he/she will receive a detention.
  • Detention
  1. Thursdays, 3:00-3:45.
  2. When a student receives 5 hole-punches, the student will serve detention the following week.
  • The green card will be taken, and the student will receive a yellow card. The same steps will be taken.
  • 5 punches on the yellow card, the student receives another detention.
  • The yellow card will be taken, and the student will receive a red card. The same steps will be taken.
  • If the student receives 5 punches on his/her red card, a meeting with the principal and/or parents will occur.
  • Zero punches on a green card by the end of the quarter – the student will receive special recognition for exceptional behavior in the form of a Homework Pass.
  • Before a card is punched, a warning from the teacher will be given to the student.
  • Classroom instruction will not be interrupted by hole-punching cards, at the end of class the student will present his/her card to the teacher to be punched.
  • Report Card
  1. NI in Conduct – yellow card given
  2. U in Conduct – red card given
  • Notification of Detention – parents will be notified of the detention through RenWeb (Behavior).
  • Violation of School Policy is still utilized for serious infractions.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know.
Miss Sarah Hehmeyer

227-8654 ext 62

Mrs. Penny Henrikson

227-8654 ext 63
Mrs. Elaine Kientzle

227-8654 ext 64
Mr. Mike Neiman

227-8654 ext 61



ABC Art Museum dates: Wednesdays (February 17, 24, March 2, 9). More information to follow.

Fifth Grade

Social Studies – Mr. Nieman

Throughout the year we will focus on world geography, the early Native American tribes that settled in the western hemisphere, the history of the United States, the origin of the Declaration of Independence and United States Constitution, the structure and function of our Government, our country’s election process, how a bill becomes a law, and basic economics including the stock market. Our textbook is entitled The United States; Early Years, published by Macmillan/McGraw-Hill.

Our main project, entitled Niemanopoly, allows the fifth and sixth graders to work together in order to form a mock government and economy.

Social Studies grades will be comprised of:

Test and Projects: 45%

Quizzes and Review Activities: 25%

Assignments and Participation: 25%

Independent Work: 5%

Religion – Mrs. Kientzle

The textbook is We Believe published by Sadlier.

The main focus is the study of the rosary, saints, and the sevens sacraments. Also throughout the year we will look at the lives of various saints. There is a variety of online activities and games to support the material and make content more meaningful. Go to

Once a month, we will visit the Church for Adoration. The students may bring sacramentals (rosaries, lives of the saints’ books, children Bibles, etc.) from home. There are sacramentals in the classroom.

The "Family Life" program will begin second quarter. The student book, "Parent Connection", and “Human Reproduction” books are taken home for review. Please review these materials and return the student book (labeled)ONLY by Friday, September 11th. Please sign the inside front cover of the student book. The parent connection and human reproduction guides are yours to keep.

Mrs. Trani will present “Safe Touch” during standardized testing week (September 21-24). The goal of this program is to teach children the difference between safe and unsafe touching and to let children know that if anything happens that makes them feel uneasy, they should tell another adult.

Religion grades will be comprised of:

Tests/Projects / 60%
Assignments – homework,
class work / 40%

Science – Miss Hehmeyer

Students will use Pearson’s Interactive Scienceto study earth, physical, and life science.

We begin the year learning about The Scientific Method, experimental design, and the nature of science. During second quarter students will study earth science by learning about the water cycle, the earth’s surface, and space. Third quarter will be dedicated to studying physical science which includes the properties of matter, forces and motion, and changing forms of energy. We will end fifth grade studying growth and survival, structure and function of living things, and ecosystems.

Science grades will be comprised of:

Tests/quizzes/projects / 50%
Assignments- homework, classwork, labs / 50%

Reading – Miss Hehmeyer

Throughout the year students will be required to complete book reports and reach a quarterly “Accelerated Reading” goal. Our textbook is entitled Reading Street and is published by Scott Foresman. Students will also be reading chapter books as a class and participating in deep conversations about characters, plot, and theme surrounding those books.

Reading grades will be comprised of:

Tests/projects / 50%
Homework/class assignments / 50%

Accelerated Reading goals count as one test grade.
Vocabulary –Miss Hehmeyer

In order to prepare the fifth graders for junior high, vocabulary has replaced spelling. Our textbook is Wordly Wise 3000 and is published by School Specialty, Inc. Each unit will be covered in two week cycles. For each work students will need to know definitions, synonyms and antonyms, spelling, and be able to use it correctly in a sentence.

Vocabulary grades will be comprised of:

Tests/projects / 60%
Homework/class assignments / 40%

Math – Mrs. Henrikson

Fifth grade math is a transitional year as students move from concrete to abstract concepts. We will explore number theory, decimals, fractions, and fraction operations. It is vital that your child review addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts regularly. This will allow the student to complete his/her homework more quickly and will increase understanding of fifth grade concepts. Students will be enrolled in Sumdog© which provides online math skills practice. This will allow us to track the students’ progress as well as challenge them to go beyond their current levels.

Students should reread their math journals each night before beginning homework. Regular homework assignments will help students practice newly developed skills. If, however, your child does not understand an assignment, please sign his/her practice book (in ink). Your child will be given an additional day to complete the assignment so that he/she has an opportunity to ask questions.

Our series, Sadlier Mathematics website is: Students will find tutorials and other activities to help them understand, apply, and practice math concepts. There is also a fact practice component “Math Minutes,” which you may find useful.

Math grades will be comprised of:

Tests / 40%
Quizzes / 25%
Labs/projects / 30%
Practice / 5%

The lowest quiz score will drop at the end of each quarter.

English – Mrs. Kientzle

Students will continue to use the five-step writing process and will begin to focus on each of the six traits of writing. The various genres of writing – descriptions, business letter, creative writing, persuasive writing, research, etc. – will be emphasized. Some of the writing assignments will be in conjunction with other subjects. Note taking, summarizing, and outlining will be incorporated into the writing as well as the grammar lessons.

The textbook, Voyages, will be used for both grammar and writing lessons. A practice book will be used for grammar lessons and practice. Students should expect homework.

One way to strengthen previous grammar skills is through the daily language practice (DOL). Fridays are designated as “DOL” days. Assignments will include: practice book pages and/or projects.

English grades will be comprised of:

assignments / 60%
Quizzes / 30%
Practice / 10%

Sixth Grade

Social Studies – Mr. Nieman

Throughout the year we will focus on the world cultures – past and present, world geography, the modern history of the United States, the significance of the Declaration of Independence and United States Constitution, the structure and function of our Government, our election process, how a bill becomes a law, and basic economics including the stock market. Our textbook is entitled WorldHistory Journey across Time; The Early Years; published by Glencoe.

Our main project, entitled Niemanopoly, allows the fifth and sixth graders to work together in order to form a mock government and economy.

Social Studies grades will be comprised of:

Test and Projects: 45%

Quizzes and Review Activities: 25%

Assignments and Participation: 25%

Independent Work: 5%

Science – Mrs. Henrikson

This year we will begin our study of science with the scientific method and graphing. As we progress through the school year we will then apply the scientific method to much of our lab work.

Our textbooks are Cells and Heredity and The Diversity of Living Things. Both books are published by McDougal Little Science. The website for this series is located at Here you will find a variety of activities associated with our lessons. Along with the hardcopy books, we will use the accompanying note-taking guides. These work books are an invaluable resource as they help guide students to taking good notes.

Students will also experience a variety of labs including owl pellet and frog dissections as well as STEM/STREAM challenges. These challenges might incorporate aspects of science, technology religion, engineering, art and/or math. These challenges encourage students to develop problem solving skills and are highly motivating to learners.

Science grades will be comprised of:

Tests / 40%
Quizzes / 25%
Labs/projects / 30%
Practice / 5%

The lowest quiz score will drop at the end of each quarter.

Math – Mrs. Henrikson

Sixth grade is a busy year, mathematically. We will revisit and elaborate on some of the same concepts initiated in fifth grade (such as decimals, fractions, and number theory) as well as build a solid understanding of ratios, proportions, percents, order of operations, basic algebra, geometry, measurement, and problem solving. Please continue to practice math facts (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) with your child. This will allow the student to complete his/her homework more quickly and will increase understanding of sixth grade concepts. Students will be enrolled in Sumdog© again this year. This online math skills program will allow us to track the students’ progress as well as challenge them to go beyond their current levels.

Students should reread their math journals each night before beginning homework. Regular homework assignments will help students practice newly developed skills. If, however, your child does not understand an assignment, please sign his/her practice book (in ink). Your child will be given an additional day to complete the assignment so that he/she has an opportunity to ask questions.

Our series, Sadlier Mathematics website is: Students will find tutorials and other activities to help them understand, apply, and practice math concepts. There is also a fact practice component “Math Minutes,” which you may find useful.

Math grades will be comprised of:

Tests / 40%
Quizzes / 25%
Labs/projects / 30%
Practice / 5%

The lowest quiz score will drop at the end of each quarter.

Religion – Mr. Nieman

Throughout the year we will focus on the Old Testament and the New Testament. We will also study various forms of prayers, social justice issues, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the lives of the Saints and other religious heroes, the history and traditions of the Church including the successors of Saint Peter. The Sadlier - We Believe series offers a variety of online enriching activities and games. The associated web page is

At least once a month, we will visit the Church for Adoration and prayer the Rosary. The sixth graders will serve as ministers for the Living Rosary, which is held in October. Students are always welcomed to bring and share personal Sacramentals (Rosaries, religious books including children Bibles, statues, medals, religious music, etc.). This year each sixth graders will receive a personal Bible. These sacred books will travel with the students throughout their Junior High years at Saint Clare of Assisi and beyond.

The “Family Life” program will begin second quarter and continue throughout the remainder of the school year. The student book and “Parent Connection” books were sent home during the Back to School Night for review. Please review these materials and return the student book along with a guardian’s signature on the inside cover. The parent and human sexuality guides are yours to keep.

Mrs. Trani will present “Safe Touch” during standardized testing week (September 21-24). The goal of this program is to teach children the difference between safe and unsafe touching and to let children know that if anything happens that makes them feel uneasy they should tell another adult.