Huster CV 10/4/2018

Curriculum Vitae

Angela C. Huster

January, 2014



Huster CV 10/4/2018

Address: Angela Huster


Arizona State University

P.O. Box 872402,

Tempe, AZ 85287-2402

Phone: (541) 979-3078



Huster CV 10/4/2018


2014 (anticipated) Ph.D. ArizonaStateUniversity (Anthropology)

2009M.A. ArizonaStateUniversity (Anthropology)

2005 B.A. University of Oregon (Anthropology and Spanish) Magna Cum Laude


Spring 2014 Instructor of Record, Archaeology of the Southwest (online)

Fall 2013 Online Course Teaching Assistant. (Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology,

Southwestern Archaeology)

Spring 2012 Instructor of Record, Prehispanic Civilizations of Middle America. School of Human

Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State University.

Fall 2009-Spring 2011, Fall 2012-Spring 2013 Teaching Associate. School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State University

(Human Impacts on Ancient Environments, Introduction to Global Health, Prehispanic Civilizations of Middle America, Bones, Stones and Human Evolution, Archaeology of North America)

Fall 2006-Spring 2009 Teaching Assistant. School of Human Evolution and SocialChange, Arizona

State University

(Buried Civilizations of the Americas, Buried Cities and Lost Tribes, Death and Dying in Cross Cultural Perspective, Peopling of the World)


June. 2012 – Aug. 2012 Dissertation Lab Research. Toluca, Mexico

Jun. 2011-Dec. 2011 Dissertation Lab Research. Toluca, Mexico

Jun. 2010-Aug. 2010 Lab Supervisor. Proyecto Archaeologico Calixtlahuaca. Dr. Michael Smith, PI

Jul. 2009-Aug. 2009 Lab Supervisor. Proyecto Archaeologico Calixtlahuaca. Dr. Michael Smith, PI

May 2009-Jul. 2009 Student Career Experience Program (SCEP) Archaeologist, GS-5. BLM, Prineville

District. John Zancanella, Supervisor.

Jul. 2008-Aug. 2008 Lab Supervisor. Proyecto Archaeologico Calixtlahuaca. Dr. Michael Smith, PI

May 2008-Jul. 2008 Student Career Experience Program (SCEP) Archaeologist, GS-5. BLM, Prineville

District. John Zancanella, Supervisor.

Jan. 2007-Jul. 2007 Crewmember. Proyecto Archaeologico Calixtlahuaca. Dr. Michael Smith, PI.

Jun. 2006-Aug. 2006 Crewmember. Proyecto Archaeologico Calixtlahuaca. Dr. Michael Smith, PI.

Jul. 2005-Sept. 2005 Archaeological Technician, GS-5. Bureau of Land Management, Baker Resource

Area. Mary Oman, Supervisor.

Jun. 2003-Jul. 2003 Belize Field School, University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Fred Valdez, Director.


2012 National Science Foundation, Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant, $20,000


2012 School of Human Evolution and Social Change Travel Grant, $200

2012 School of Human Evolution and Social Change Graduate Research Grant, $1,000

2010 ASU Chapter Sigma Xi Grant in Aid of Research, $400


2011-2013 Dean’s Advanced Scholarship. Arizona State University

2006-2009 Dean’s Scholarship. ArizonaStateUniversity


Huster, Angela C., Michael E. Smith and Juliana Novic

In pressArtefactos Rituales de Contextos Públicos y Domésticos en Calixtlahuaca. In Las Aguas Celestiales II, edited by P. Luna, A. Montero and R. Junco, INAH, México.

Huster, Angela C.

2013 Assessing Systematic Bias in Museum Collections: A Case Study of SpindleWhorls. In Archaeological Practice. 1(2):77-90

Smith, Michael E., Aleksander Borejsza, Angela C. Huster, Charles D. Frederick, Isabel Rodríguez López, and Cynthia Heath-Smith

2013 Excavations of Houses and Terraces at Calixtlahuaca, an Aztec-Period City in the Toluca

Valley of Central Mexico. Journal of Field Archaeology. 38(3):225-241

Smith, Michael E., Juliana Novic, Angela Huster, and Peter C. Kroefges

2009 Reconocimiento Superficial y Mapeo en Calixtlahuaca en 2006. Expresión

Antropológica. 36:39-55

Smith, Michael E., Juliana Novic, Peter C. Kroefges, and Angela Huster

2007 A New Map of the Aztec-Period City of Calixtlahuaca in Central Mexico.Antiquity

(Project Gallery) 81. Online publication:


Huster, Angela C., and Michael E. Smith

A New Postclassic Chronology for Calixtlahuaca, Mexico (For publication in Ancient Mesoamerica)

Huster, Angela C.

Francisco Acaçayol bought three broken tecomates; they cost a tomín: A compilation of prices in Colonial Spanish documents (For publication in Current Anthropology)

Huster, Angela C.

Cloth, Household Labor and Politics at Aztec Calixtlahuaca . (for publication in Latin American Antiquity)


2013 Of Comales, Cotton, and Aztec Orangeware: the effects of Aztec Conquest at Calixtlahuaca.78th Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology. Honolulu, HI.

2011 Evidencia arqueológica de la conquista azteca de Calixtlahuaca. Coloquio de Investigación

2011. Seminario de Historia Mexicana e Historia del Estado de México. El Colegio Mexiquense, Toluca, Mexico. Invited presentation.

2011 Longterm Stability?: Chronology and Demographics at Calixtlahuaca, Mexico. 76th Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology. Sacramento, CA.

2010. Changes in Cloth Production at Calixtlahuaca as a Result of Aztec Conquest. 75th Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology. St Louis, MO.

2009. Raspadores, Malacates y el Uso Económico de Maguey en Calixtlahuaca. Mesa de Trabajo: Los artefactos de Calixtlahuaca y las interpretaciones sociales. El Colegio Mexiquense, Toluca, Mexico.

2009. Ceramic Seriation at Calixtlahuaca, Central Mexico. 74th Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology. Atlanta, GA.

2008. Scraping and Spinning: Maguey Fiber Production at Calixtlahuaca, Mexico. 73rd Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology. Vancouver, Canada.


Huster, Angela 2011 (Various chapters). In Proyecto: Calixtlahuaca: Organización de un Centro Urbano Posclásico: Informe Técnico Parcial, Temporada de 2007. M.E. Smith, ed: Report submitted to the Consejo de Archaeologia, Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia.

Huster, Angela 2005. Cave Creek Cultural Resource Inventory. Baker Resource Area, Bureau of Land Management. Filed at the OregonState Historic Preservation Office.

Huster, Angela 2005. China Spring Redevelopment Cultural Resource Inventory. Baker Resource Area, Bureau of Land Management. Filed at the OregonState Historic Preservation Office.

Huster, Angela 2005. Dead Willow Exclosure Cultural Resource Inventory. Baker Resource Area, Bureau of Land Management. Filed at the OregonState Historic Preservation Office.

Huster, Angela 2005. Huntington and Binder Springs Cultural Resource Inventory. Baker Resource Area, Bureau of Land Management. Filed at the OregonState Historic Preservation Office.

Huster, Angela 2005. Long Hollow Exclosure Cultural Resource Inventory. Baker Resource Area, Bureau of Land Management. Filed at the OregonState Historic Preservation Office.

Huster, Angela 2005. Water Gulch Exclosure Cultural Resource Inventory. Baker Resource Area, Bureau of Land Management. Filed at the OregonState Historic Preservation Office.

Huster, Angela 2004. East Clover Creek Cultural Resource Inventory. Baker Resource Area, Bureau of Land Management. Filed at the OregonState Historic Preservation Office.


2012-present Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Supervisor

2012 Grant Reviewer for ASU Graduate and Professional Student Organization

2009-11 Secretary, School of Human Evolution and Social Change Association of All Graduate Students


2007-present, Society for American Archaeology


Fluent in spoken and written Spanish