AACE and ADOT Meeting
Karen Riggs opened the meeting explaining purpose to kick off conversation for common ground and concerns with Counties and ADOT. We want to find ways to help each other as we are all in difficult financial times and how do we leverage our resources to get projects on the ground. We depend on the highway system. Partnership and improvement of those roads is key.
Stay to the topic
Stay to the facts
Dallas provided opening remarks stating he is here to answer questions.
Project Planning and Programming
Dallas: Biggest changes are in HSIP distribution. Dallas is presenting on Aug 20 at League to COG and MPOs.
- ADOT heard not enough money to do a project and the projects weren't moving the needle in terms of the safety statistics.
- Now will pool the fund instead of distributing to the COG/MPOs. Projects will compete for the funds.
- Moving away from c/b and can use predictive methods based on new HSM.
- AZ is an opportunity state for pedestrian/intersection and run off road.
On-system/Off-system statistics would be helpful.
TDMS software - can the crash data be provided via that platform.
IHDSM - FHWA software to provide predictive method. Is there an opportunity through LTAP to demonstrate this software?
MCDOT will take the lead to set up NHI class
ADOT provide overview session in Laughlin - Loretta will work on scheduling
Working toward providing the crash data on GIS and via web.
ADOT will provide On-system/Off-system data.
ADOTwill look into providing crash data via TDMS.
Link to Transportation Data Management System administered by ADOT and available to any local agency for presenting/managing their traffic count data: Regarding use of TDMS for archiving traffic crash data, the module is not active in TDMS, but the vendor (MS2) does market such module:
Concern with unreported accidents and how to take that into account with predictive methods.
Roadway geometrics can be used in predictive methods without the crash data.
How will we compete for the HSIP funds.
Concern with $250K and c/b ratio - how was $250K chosen
There is specific criteria. The commitment is so that we can show the greatest decrease in fatalities.
Initial criteria is $250K due to analysis of data and c/b ratios compared to costs. ADOT would be willing to look at other projects if can demonstrate.
Is there a difference between c/b and predictive if two projects equal.
Dallas will review, but stated likely with the c/b of data.
Fund rumble strip but not 5' shoulder (because less than standard)
Explained that ADOT is trying to demonstrate eligibility if they can make a positive benefit even if not meeting the standard.
Data - if ADOT purchases a data package, the analytics tool may be available to others. ADOT will be reviewing and getting more details. Steve mentioned AirSage is also another provider that has done County to County data.
Link to AirSage Nationwide Commuter Report, which is a product highlighting just the beginning of what AirSage can deliver in cell-based origin-destination, modal, and trip purpose data as Dallas covered. Essentially, AirSage continuously logs and archives data and orders target the spatial and temporal scope of data desired with pricing correlated to scope.
Project Development and Design
ADOT has combined Urban PM and Statewide PM under one leadership. It is a direct report to ITD Division Director, Steve Boschen. ADOT has sent three of the PMs through the ACEC LEAP training.
ADOT has filled Environmental Planning positions recently. ADOT is holding people accountable to schedules - if submitted on time. Would like to have some extra resource capacity so that if plans come in early, the planners can review when they are submitted. Have the Counties seen improvement in the Environmental process and communication?
Todd Emery has taken on the Deputy role over Development which includes the design areas. He was over operations previously.
R/W is there opportunity to reduce the timeframe for acquiring ASLD
ASLD is difficult for all. ADOT has been able to get right of entry.
Dallas will check if this can be used for LPA projects.
Area that has been disturbed, yet it takes a year to get it cleared. Other federal funding sources have an environmental checklist. Could there be standard language (e.g. if there are trees then review for the birds). Are there ways to streamline the process?
- We've done things to streamline that have come back to bite us (e.g. SHPO Programmatic Agreement ) We thought we were doing something to streamline putting some items into the Programmatic Agreement that could have been shorter if not in the Programmatic Agreement. They are revising the SHPO PA hopefully by September.
- Programmatic Agreement with FHWA is going to streamline in terms of preference item (R/W vs. ROW). ADOT will be able to make this call vs. FHWA.
- FHWA Area Engineers are now approving environmental documents which have demonstrated some time savings.
Could there be a tiered approach for size of project and risk associated with the project?
ADOT is working with FHWA to determine risk and if not a high risk how to meet the intent of the law. FHWA has talked with Central Federal Lands to learn how they are able to do things quicker. They asked if CFL could do the projects and CFL prefer $500K - $1M
Submitted Phase V plans and new reviewers in C&S are providing new comments on the plans stating not meeting standards. Causing multiple submittals 96%, 97%, etc.
C&S staffing has been down. Workload has increased by taking on the LPA projects (previously LPAs were able to advertise, bid, awards, etc.). ADOT's goal is to deliver the program 20/30/30/20.
How do we help meet the 20/30/30/20 goals? Concern expressed with the last part of getting projects complete through BECO, FMS, etc. Submitted project in Feb not approved until June. MC and PC as CA agencies are experiencing this challenge.
Dallas will review the backend process to determine if there are ways of streamlining.
Planning and budgeting the ADOT design review fee. What drives the fee and how is accounted for? It is difficult for LPAs to budget for increases. Is there a push with ADOT staff to deliver within the $30,000?
The fee is for technical review, C&S packaging the project, advertising, etc. If the LPA asks, ADOT will provide a detailed accounting of the fees. ADOT is trying to reimburse the fees sooner rather than at closeout. ADOT had heard from LPAs to be conservative in the fees so the LPA doesn't have to go back to their Council and Boards for additional money. ADOT is willing to review with the LPA on the costs if we believe the fee is going to come in lower based on previous projects - the ADOT contact person would be Bahram.
Have seen consultant fees increasing. This is based on risk. Appears that the costs are being driven up because of risk of doing business with ADOT is higher than with LPAs/Counties.
Would need to look at specifics. Discussed with staff and if meet the requirements, then the submittals go right through. Somewhere in the middle is the accurate place so would need to review specifics.
$150K flashing signal project and DBE requirement 4% - contractors are complaining. Pre-bid meeting was consumed with discussion on DBE. Appreciated OJT hours reduced. Is there a way to look at the smaller projects.
9% is the statewide goal. Can look at opportunities. Haven't met the goals recently on an annual basis. ADOT recognizes that the on-calls are difficult.
On-call contracts will be changing based on federal regulation changes 23 CFR 172. Every task will have to be competed vs. rotational basis. ADOT is reviewing how to implement over this next year.
How to get more local participation with consultants - e.g. surveyors within the County so we wouldn't have to pay travel and per diem
There is the potential to add a subconsultant at the task level since proposing on project specific tasks as well as the overall on-call.
Is the only way the LPAs can do design is by being CA?
ADOT allows Self Administration for design by filling out an application. Application is on the LPA website. Yuma County has recently been through the process recently.
Project Construction
Steve mentioned the District's involvement in administering the projects has been helpful.
ADOT would like to see the LPA's inspecting the project with ADOT taking the RE/oversight role. Yuma has been doing this and it has been successful.
ADOT has put together an LPA Inspector training course (one week). No cost for the ADOT training.
Also would need to be ACI and ATTI trained.
LPA Tracker Training would be beneficial.
Dallas will get with Lynene to provide LPA Tracker training to Pima County.
Who is running the construction training matrix program? The County may want to ask for some of these classes.
Julie Kliewer/Bob Wade is the contact for this.
Certificate of Compliance - contractor is stating there is a quantity threshold to provide. e.g. 5' section that cost $200
Can work with Area Engineer and can write into specs what is required.
Closeout and Audit
Audits will be on design for SA and on design and construction for CA.
ADOT will provide documentation as to what documents they are reviewing for these audits.
Closeout - financial and project. Patrick Stone can provide information on financial closeouts if we would like.
Audits are happening 3 years later. 30 items listed, difficult to find documents 3 years later. Once provided, then 20 more items requested.
Audits have been completed on CA projects because there had been no controls in place for checking/oversight of CA agencies. ADOT will review the timeliness. ADOT is willing to review the questionable items. Dallas gave an example of a questionable item that the LPA has brought forth and he is working with ADOT Finance to argue that it is eligible.
ADOT has removed the retention item.
Has been told federal requirements state they cannot hold retention.
Dallas will review and find the federal requirement.
ADOT Organizational Structure
LPA is under the Multimodal Planning Division. Bahram Dariush is LPA Group Manager. Susan Anderson is over project related items. Eric Boyles is over program related items. Audits are done by the Audit Group under Finance. Districts are doing inspections.
Dallas supports ITD and MPD. MPD is led by Mike Kies. Jody Rooney is Deputy for MPD. ITD is led by Steve Boschen. Todd Emery is Deputy for Design, Jesse Gutierrez is over Operations, Brent Cain is over Urban Operations. Dallas will provide org chart and phone numbers with brief statement of responsibility.
The Governor is challenging agencies for smaller government. When 10 people leave, can only hire 6 people back. ADOT is close to announcing a reorganization. ADOT will be consolidating Districts (reducing 2 Districts). ADOT has absorbed the Materials Group into three different areas. Combined the two Project Management Groups.
Technology is emerging and we aren't going to be able to continue to build our way. ADOT is looking for opportunities to improve operations of the transportation system. Connected Vehicles is coming quickly. ADOT will be organizing around Transportation System Management and Operations. Brent Cain will become a Sr. Deputy Engineer leading this effort.
Other Items
Can the ADOT website be made to be searchable?
Dallas will bring this up again to the web team.
ADOT needs to be more responsive in their construction signage. Signs left up when not working, etc. Creates false expectations with the public.
Excellent job in responding to Cold Creek Bridge.
There is a project tracking system. The DEs and PMs have access to this information. ADOT is trying to make it available live. They are looking at providing it hard copy noting that it isn't real-time.
What could the County Engineer's do to help ADOT?
Work with the DEs.
If there is a project in development that isn't going well, don't hesitate to escalate the issue. If people aren't being responsive, let Steve or Dallas know.
Work towards addressing the issue when it is small and not a big fire.
ADOT is more than willing to make this a reoccurring meeting.