
Special Education Program Improvement Plan

Committed to Serving Students with Special Needs



Zapata County ISD is committed to inspire and develop learners to become the leaders of tomorrow.


We will provide learning experiences and leadership opportunities to ensure a culture of excellence for all.


Focus Areas


Zapata County ISD will


Create a transformed school district that ensures high quality instruction and individualized learning, resulting in maximum achievement and career and college readiness for all students. / Objective 1:Ensure all learning is engaging, personally challenging, and relevant.
Action / Resources / Timeline / Person(s) Responsible / Status / On Target / Not On Target
1.Improve the preparation and training of our Special Education Instructional Assistants by maximizing opportunities for in/out of district training and coordinating an in-house mini conference to build capacity and maximize the human resource. / Local Funds
IDEA B Funds
Carmen G. Zavala
Special Education Staff / August 2015-
June 2016 / Carmen G. Zavala
Yesenia Garcia / Oct. 2 / √
Nov. 13 / √
Feb. 2 / √
April 24 / √
2.Collaborate every 3 weeks with content curriculum coordinators and campus administrators to maximize efforts of instruction, curriculum, and assessment and assist in monitoring use of PLC timeframe to provide special pops trainings and to plan, study, discuss, assess, and adjust curriculum and instruction to improve student performance of special populations. / Local Funds / Aug 2015-
May 2016 / Carmen G. Zavala
Yesenia Garcia
Connie Gray
Claudia Arambula
Dora Flores
JJ Hernandez
Crissy Gutierrez
Connie Gray
Jerry Garcia
Elsa Martinez
Diana Brandon
Elma Almaraz
Dahlia Garcia
Marlen Guerra / Oct. 2 / √
Nov. 13 / √
Feb. 2 / √
Apr. 24 / X
3.Increase general education teacher awareness about dyslexia and special education student needsand increase their understanding of identification and effective instructional strategies including universal design for learning guidelines, accommodations, and modifications through staff development and PLCs. / Region One Consultants
TEA Website
PLC timeframes
Staff Development Calendar / August 2015-May 2016 / Carmen G. Zavala
Yesenia Garcia
Connie Gray
Jerry Garcia
Elsa Martinez
Diana Brandon
Elma Almaraz
Dahlia Garcia
Marlen Guerra / Oct. 2 / √
Nov. 13 / √
Feb. 2 / √
Apr. 24 / √
Create a transformed school district that ensures high quality instruction and individualized learning, resulting in maximum achievement and career and college readiness for all students. / Objective 2:
Ensure all students are prepared for high school, complete graduation requirements, and are prepared for post-secondary readiness.
Action / Resources / Timeline / Person(s) Responsible / Status / On Target / Not On Target
1.Provide staff development to middle school and High school special education teachers on HB 5 Graduation Requirements and the coordination of Endorsements and Post Secondary Goals to educate and guide students and their parents in transition planning. / Region One
Janie Rodriguez
Carmen G. Zavala
Blanca Gonzales
HS Counselors
MS Counselors
TEA Website
IDEA B Funds
Local Funds / August 2015-Dec. 2016 / Carmen G. Zavala
Janie Rodriguez
Blanca Gonzalez / Oct. 2 / √
Nov. 13 / √
Feb. 2 / √
2.Provide dyslexia training to all PK-3rd grade teachers to improve early identification and teacher understanding of characteristics, strategies, and program of instruction. Begin researching dyslexia program availability and services. / Yesenia Garcia
Crissy Gutierrez
Carmen G. Zavala / August 2015-May 2016 / Yesenia Garcia
Carmen G. Zavala
Crissy Gutierrez / Oct. 2 / √
Nov. 13 / √
Feb. 2 / √
Apr. 24 / √
3.Ensure that Response to Intervention is reflective of 3 Tier Model and that campus identifies through use of Universal screeners, provides research based instructional interventions with appropriate time and treatment, and monitors with the use of curriculum based assessments every 3 weeks. / Carmen G. Zavala
Yesenia Garcia
Connie Gray / Aug. 2015- May 2016 / Carmen G. Zavala
Yesenia Garcia
Jerry Garcia
Elsa Martinez
Diana Brandon
Elma Almaraz
Dahlia Garcia
Marlen Guerra / Oct. 2 / √
Nov. 13 / √
Feb. 2 / √
Apr. 24 / √
Close the performance gaps of special populations. / Objective 2:Eliminate the achievement gap through incremental growth in Special Education students.
Action / Resources / Timeline / Person(s) Responsible / Status / On Target / Not On Target
1. Provide targeted instructional coaching/mentoring to new teachers in elementary life skills settings to ensure continual alignment amongst schools and to accelerate teacher effectiveness. / Carmen G. Zavala
Yesenia Garcia
Belinda Perez
Local Funds
IDEA B Funds / August 2015-May 2016 / Carmen G. Zavala
Yesenia Garcia
Elma Almaraz
Dahlia Garcia
Marlen Guerra / Oct. 2 / √
Nov. 13 / √
Feb. 2 / √
April 24 / √
2.Provide general / special education education teachers withan overview training through PLCs or staff development days on undersanding the IEPs: 7 G’s (General Indexes) used for evaluations and on modifications and accommodations, student engagement,and the implications on the teacher’s delivery of instruction. / Carmen G. Zavala
Yesenia Garcia
Region One
Local Funds
IDEA B Funds / Oct.. 2014-April . 2015- / Carmen G. Zavala
Yesenia Garcia
Jerry Garcia
Elsa Martinez
Diana Brandon
Elma Almaraz
Dahlia Garcia
Marlen Guerra / Oct. 2 / √
Nov. 13 / √
Feb. 2 / √
Apr. 24 / √
June 5 / √
3.Increase powerwalks to monitor and provide teachers with instructional feedback on the fundamental five implementation and on high yield instructional strategies that target the needs of all student populations. / Carmen G. Zavala
Yesenia Garcia
Connie Gray
Campus Administrators / Aug. 2015-May 2016 / Carmen G. Zavala
Yesenia Garcia
Connie Gray
Rebecca Flores
Janie Rodriguez
Jerry Garcia
Elsa Martinez
Diana Brandon
Elma Almaraz
Dahlia Garcia
Marlen Guerra / Oct. 2 / √
Nov. 13 / √
Feb. 2 / √
Apr. 24 / √
4.Monitor student growth through every 3 week curriculum based assessments and provide teacher feedback through PLC for all students including RtI, 504, and special education focus groups. / Carmen G. Zavala
Ana Mariela Martinez
Connie Gray
Crissy Gutierrez
JJ Hernanez
Claudia Arambula
Dora Flores / August 2015-May 2016 / Carmen G. Zavala
Yesenia Garcia
Ana Mariela Martinez
Connie Gray
Crissy Gutierrez
JJ Hernanez
Claudia Arambula
Dora Flores / Oct. 2 / √
Nov. 13 / √
Feb. 2 / √
Apr. 24 / √
5. Provide staff development on the fundamental five and on powerwalks high yield instructional strategies to general education and special education teachers. / Sean Cain
Connie Gray
Campus & Central Office Admin / Aug. 2015-Nov. 2016 / Connie Gray
Carmen G. Zavala
Rebecca Flores
Janie Rodriguez
Ana Mariela Martinez
Jerry Garcia
Elsa Martinez
Diana Brandon
Elma Almaraz
Dahlia Garcia
Marlen Guerra / Oct. 2 / √
Nov. 21 / √
6. Analyze special education student data and ARD assessment decision making and provide campus feedback on performance and participation. Continue to provide campus administration and teachers with special education assessment eligibilityrequirements and appropriate documentation for STAAR Accommodated and STAAR Alternate 2. / TEA TETNs
TEA website
Region One
Ana Mariela Martinez
Carmen G. Zavala / Aug. 2015-May 2016 / Ana Mariela Martinez
Carmen G. Zavala
Irma Guerra
Jose Luis Saenz
Carlos Flores
Diana Brandon
Patricia Saldana
Sylvia Salinas
Minerva Lopez / Oct. 2 / √
Nov. 13 / √
Feb. 2 / √
Apr. 24 / √
7.Continue to ensure that Science & Social Studies block of time is provided through master schedule and adhered to throughout elementary grade levels to improve continuity of instructional alignment and horizontal grade level TEKS mastery in non-testing grade levels. / Connie Gray
Jerry Garcia
Elsa Martinez
Diana Brandon
Elma Almaraz
Dahlia Garcia
Marlen Guerra / August 2015-May 2016 / Connie Gray
Carmen G. Zavala
Rebecca Flores
Janie Rodriguez
Juan Hernandez
Claudia Arambula / Oct. 2 / √
Nov. 13 / √
Feb. 2 / √
Apr. 24 / √
8. Increase instructional support in Zapata Middle school science and social studies classes and in elementary resource classes through the additional instructional aide positions. / Carmen G. Zavala
Connie Gray
Juan Hernandez
Elsa Martinez
Local Funds
IDEA B Funds
Title I Funds / August 2014-May 2015 / Carmen G. Zavala
Olinda Flores / Oct. 2 / √
Nov. 13 / √
Feb. 2 / √
Apr. 24 / √
9. Provide additional campus behavior support through use of Behavior Intervention Team and an Autism Evaluation Team that will provide staff development, individual guidance, and hands on support to teachers serving students with special needs. / Region One
Bersave Salazar
Blanca Gonzalez
Angela Ramirez
Araceli Hurtado
Marina Alvarez
Noemi Pena
Belinda Perez
Lucy V. Garcia
Local Funds
IDEA B Funcs / August 2015-May 2016 / Carmen G. Zavala
Yesenia Garcia
Bersave Salazar
Blanca Gonzalez / Oct. 2 / √
Nov. 13 / √
Feb. 2 / √
Apr. 24 / √
10. Monitor compliance of quality of data driven Accelerated Instructional Plans through folder reviews, walkthroughs, grades, and student shadowing. / Carmen G. Zavala
Campus Principals
Region One Training / Aug. 2015-May 2016 / Carmen G. Zavala
Yesenia Garcia
Jerry Garcia
Elsa Martinez
Marlen Guerra
Elma Almaraz
Dahlia Garcia
Diana Brandon / Oct. 2 / √
Nov. 13 / √
Feb. 2 / √
Apr. 24 / √
11. Provide opportunities for extended learning through extended learning time, community learning field trips, work-study opportunities, career and technology vocational camps, educational field trips, extra-curricular participation events, ESY, and credit recovery offerings. / Carmen G. Zavala
Janie Rodriguez
Campus Principals / Sept. 2015-June 2016 / Carmen G. Zavala
Yesenia Garcia
Janie Rodriguez
Jerry Garcia
Elsa Martinez
Marlen Guerra
Elma Almaraz
Dahlia Garcia
Diana Brandon / Oct. 2 / √
Nov. 13 / √
Feb. 2 / √
Apr. 24 / √
Confront the social & emotional issues of our community. / Objective 1: Increase parent and community involvement opportunities that will impact the social and emotional health of students.
Action / Resources / Timeline / Person(s) Responsible / Status / On Target / Not On Target
1. Continue enhancing the Special Education Parent Advisory Committee(SEPAC). / Carmen G. Zavala
Yesenia Garcia
Parent Officers
Local Funds / Aug 27
Nov. 12
Feb. 11
May 5
Aug 25 / Carmen G. Zavala
Blanca Gonzalez / Oct 2 / √
Nov 13 / √
Feb 2 / √
Apr 24 / √
2.Provide parent workshops and training offerings and required expenditures, including travel and per diem, for in and out of district to parents of students with special needs on various topics including but not in exclusive to Behavior, Communication, Autism, Program & ARD understanding,etc. / Region One
Bersave Salazar
Blanca Gonzalez
Carmen G. Zavala
Yesenia Garcia
Lucy Garcia
IDEA B Funds
Local Funds / Sept. 2015-May 2016 / Carmen G. Zavala
Bersave Salazar / Oct. 2 / √
Nov. 13 / √
Feb.2 / √
Apr. 24 / √
3.Increase Special Education Program awareness by highlighting program activities, disability awareness, parent meetings and trainings through District webpage, newletter & facebook, Local newspaper postings, Special Education Webpage, and informational pamphlet and flyers. / Carmen G. Zavala
Yesenia Garcia
IDEA B Funds
Local Funds / July. 2015-June 2015 / Yesenia Garcia
Carmen G. Zavala
Rogelio Gonzales / Oct. 2 / √
Nov. 13 / √
Feb. 2 / √
Apr. 24 / √
4.Promote purposeful initiatives to Increase community and parent involvement such as: offering an American Sign Language After School Classes, organizing a 5K Walk/Run for Autism Awareness, Hosting a Young Athletes in Training Event, and Hosting the Special OlympicsInvitational Meet / Carmen G. Zavala
Yesenia Garcia
Blanca Gonzalez
Local Funds / Sept. 2015-May 2016 / Carmen G. Zavala
Yesenia Garcia / Oct. 2 / √
Nov. 13 / √
Feb. 2 / √
Apr. 24 / √
Build and retain leadership capacity to support a culture of
personal growth and innovation. / Objective 1:Ensure that every classroom has a high-quality, effective educator, supported by high-quality, effective administrators and support staff.
Action / Resources / Timeline / Person(s) Responsible / Status / On Target / Not On Target
1.Ensure that all new campus administrators, district coordinators and directors receive a comprehensive understanding of Special Education, Section 504, and RtI laws, requirements, processes, compliance, implementation, and monitoring requirements through the Summer Leadership Academy and through ongoing OTA (Official Team Activities) Mini Trainings. / Region One
Carmen G. Zavala
Local Funds / August 2015-May 2016 / Carmen G. Zavala
Yesenia Garcia / Oct. 2 / √
Nov. 13 / √
Feb. 2 / √
2.Provide special education staff development trainings, workshops, updates, and conferences in and out of district to increase knowledge base of educators serving students with special needs which require expenditures for registrations, travel, substitutes, per diem, and misc expenses. / Region One
Local Funds
IDEA B Formula / Aug 2015-June 2016 / Carmen G. Zavala
Carmen G Zavala
Teresa Hein
Connie Gray
Campus Prinicpals / Oct. 2 / √
Nov. 13 / √
Feb. 2 / √
Apr. 24 / √
3.. Meet with Special Educaiton Department teachers a minimum of once per six weeks to provide program and student data, IEP development highlights, compliance feedback/concerns, professional growth opportunities, resources, etc.. to improve student performance and program effectiveness
. / Carmen G. Zavala
Yesenia Garcia
Bersave Salazar
Blanca Gonzalez
Lucy V. Garcia
Araceli Hurtado
Marina Alvarez
Noemi Pena / End of Every 6 weeks / Carmen G. Zavala
Yesenia Garcia / Oct. 2 / √
Nov. 13 / √
Feb. 2 / √
Apr. 24 / √
4.. Provide new teacher orientation overview training on Special Education, Section 504, and RtI requirements, compliance, and classroom implementation. / Carmen G. Zavala
Campus Administrators / Aug 2015-
Nov. 2015 / Carmen G. Zavala / Oct. 2 / √
5.. Provide all teachers with a uniform overview of Special Education, Section 504, and RtI to enhance understanding, compliance, and implementation requirements. / Carmen G. Zavala
Campus Principals and Asst. Principals / Sept. 2015-Nov. 2015 / Carmen G. Zavala
Jerry Garcia
Elsa Martinez
Diana Brandon
Elma Almaraz
Dahlia Garcia
Marlen Guerra / Oct. 2 / √
Nov. 13 / √
6.Continue to provide principal feedback on teacher’s effectiveness in ARD documentation and compliance with timelines and follow up with campus administration response. / Carmen G. Zavala
Yesenia Garcia
Araceli Hurtado
Marina Alvarez
Noemi Pena / August 2015-June 2016 / Carmen G. Zavala
Yesenia Garcia
Jerry Garcia
Elsa Martinez
Diana Brandon
Elma Almaraz
Dahlia Garcia
Marlen Guerra / Oct. 2 / √
Nov. 13 / √
Feb. 2 / √
Apr. 24 / √
Invest and optimize the use of resources to maximize
educational services. / Objective 1:Ensure appropriate staffing and evaluate the effectiveness of scheduling and course offerings.
Action / Resources / Timeline / Person(s) Responsible / Status / On Target / Not On Target
1.Ensure that the special education human resources are maximized to provide the required educational sevices deemed necessary in student’s IEPs. / Olinda Flores
Carmen G. Zavala
Local Funds
IDEA B Funds / July 2015-June 2016 / Carmen G. Zavala
Olinda Flores
Teresa Hein
Connie Gray / Aug 14 / √
Oct 2 / √
Nov 13 / √
Apr 24 / √
2.Monitor case load of case managers by campus to maximize program effectiveness and compliance / Staffing Formula
Local Funds
IDEA B Funds / July 2015-June 2016 / Carmen G. Zavala
Yesenia Garcia / Oct. 2 / √
Nov. 13 / √
Feb. 2 / √
Apr. 24 / √
3.Provide after school and summer Vocational Experience Camp offerings in conjunction with CTE to enhance student independent living skills and develop post secondary goals. / Local Funds
CTE Funds
IDEA B Funds / July 2015-June 2016 / Carmen G. Zavala
Janie Rodriguez
Pedro Morales / Oct. 2 / √
Nov. 13 / √
Feb. 2 / √
Apr. 24 / √
Invest and optimize the use of resources to maximize
educational services. / Objective 2:Align resources to accomplish priorities within a balanced budget
Action / Resources / Timeline / Person(s) Responsible / Status / On Target / Not On Target
1.Provide resources and materials needed to implement student’s ARD/IEP goals and objectives, modifications and accommodations, and related services. / Local Funds
IDEA B Formula
IDEA B Preschool / July 2015-June 2016 / Carmen G. Zavala
Yesenia Garcia
Teresa Hein
Connie Gray / Oct. 2 / √
Nov. 13 / √
Feb. 2 / √
Apr. 24 / √
2. Provide necessary resources to provide related services and evaluations in home campus as deemed necessary to comply with prescribed IEPs and required evaluations. / Local Funds
IDEA B Formula
IDEA B Preschool / Sept. 2015-June 2016 / Carmen G. Zavala
Yesenia Garcia
Teresa Hein / Oct. 2 / √
Nov. 13 / √
Feb. 2 / √
Apr. 24 / √