NCVLGA Richardson Trophy Rules

  2. The Richardson Trophy is an Inter-County tournament played annually between theVeteran/Senior Ladies’ Golf Associations of Cheshire, Cumbria, Durham, Lancashire, Northumberland and Yorkshire.
  3. Each County shall play every other County once annually, with matches either home or away in alternate years, with a maximum of 3 home matches in any one year.
  2. Each team shall consist of 7 players and 1 reserve, all of whom shall meet the eligibility criteria in the NCVLGA Rules, Membership Section 2.2 (revisedOctober 2015).
  3. Format for each match shall be 18 holes singles scratch matchplay in accordance with the Rules of Golf.
  2. Organisation of Matches
  1. The venue for playing each match shall be determined by the home County.
  2. The date for playing each match shall be agreed between the two Counties involved and once confirmed the NCVLGA Secretary must be advised of the date. All matches must be played by 31st August each year (revised October 2013).
  3. The home County Captain shall liaise with the host golf club to organise tee times for a practice round on the day before the match for the visiting County team.
  4. A courtesy practice round shall be provided only for the visiting County team (7 players and 1 reserve).
  5. It shall be up to the visiting County Captain to arrange any additional practice rounds required for visiting County officials, caddies and supporters, all of whom shall be expected to pay a green fee.
  6. Each County may appoint one person, e.g. the Captain or other authorised person, who may give advice to team members of that County during the match. If the authorised person is not the Captain, the opposing Captain must be notified before the start of the match. The authorised person must not be a professional golfer.
  7. The two County Captains shall form the “Committee” to determine disputes and claims (Rules 34-1 and 2-5) on the day of the match.
  8. Liability: Neither the host Golf Club, home County Association or NCVLGA shall be responsible for the loss of, or damage to equipment or personal possessions.
  9. Health and Safety: The home County Captain shall make known the health and safety requirements and contact details for the first aid co-ordinator of the host Golf Club to the visiting County Captain.
  10. Suspension of Play due to Bad Weather or a Dangerous Situation
  1. If the course is closed on the arranged date for playing a match, an alternative date shall be mutually agreed andthe match rearranged. In this case an extension of 2 weeks into September (see 3.1b above) may, if necessary be granted by the NCVLGA Executive Committee.
  2. Suspension of play by the Committee due to bad weather shall be applied in accordance with the Rules of Golf, Rule 6-8 and the Note to Rule 6-8b. This shall be signalled by one prolonged blast for a dangerous situation (play must be discontinued immediately)or three consecutive short blasts for other suspensions (players shall have the option to discontinue immediately or complete the hole). Players must familiarise themselves with this Rule.
  3. Resumption of play shall bebe signalled by two short blasts, repeated of the klaxon. Players must not resume play before the klaxon sounds.
  4. Players may discontinue play under Rules of Golf, Rule 6-8a(ii) if they believe there is a danger from lightning.
  5. If play is suspended during a match, the position of balls shall be marked at the point where play ceased. The match shall be recommenced at the same point as soon as conditions improve and resumption of play is signalled by the Committee by sounding the klaxon.
  6. If it is not possible to recommence on the same day and a result has not been obtained then the match shall be abandoned and re-arranged (See 3.2a above).
  7. Team Players and Substitutions
  1. The County Captains shall exchange team sheets at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start of play and it is recommended that all players shall be present at this time, unless agreed by prior arrangement between the Captains.
  2. If a Captain is unable to field a complete team she must list her team in order, starting at the top (i.e. missing players at the bottom of the list) and she must give a walkover to the opposing team for each player short.
  3. If after the exchange of team sheets and before her tee off time, any player is unable to play due to accident, illness or other unavoidable occurrence, then a substitute may be used. The substitute must take the place and tee time of the incapacitated player.
  4. If a player is injured or taken ill during her game, and so prevented from playing on, she shall concede the individual game. No substitution is allowedand she must give a walkover to the opposing team player.
  5. Where a player is late on the tee and incurs the penalty of disqualification,then the game result shall be recorded as a walkover for the opposing team player.
  6. Where the Committee determines that exceptional circumstances have prevented a player from starting on time, there shall be no penalty but the player must be able to start the game immediately after the last game has set off or otherwise concede the game.
  7. Results
  1. BothCounty Captains must sign and retain a copy of the match results sheet.
  2. The match results sheet shall be posted or e-mailed to the NCVLGA Secretary as soon possible after each match by both County Captains.
  2. Scoring
  1. The scoring for each match shall be as follows: 1 point for a win, ½ point for a half and 0 points for a loss. The winner of the Richardson Trophy shall be the County with the most match points.
  2. Each match shall consist of 7 individual games. Each game shall be scored as a win, a half or a loss to determine the overall match score.
  3. If the course is closed and/or the match abandoned and the match cannot be re-arranged (See 3.2 above) in the time allowed, then the match will be classed as a half with each individual game scored as a half.
  4. If a player concedes an individual game due to injury, illnessor other circumstances then this shall be recorded as a walkover for the opposing team player.
  5. A walkover shall be recorded as a game win for the opposing team player.

4.2 Resolution of Ties

Following the completion of all matches, in the event of a tie between 2 or more Counties, the winner of the Richardson Trophy shall be determined as follows:

  1. The winner shall be the County with the most match points (maximum 5 points).
  2. When 2 or more Counties have scored an equal number of match points, the County with the greatest number of individual game points (including halved matches) shall be the winner.
  3. If there is still a tie, the County with the greatest number of individual games won (excluding halved matches) shall win.
  4. The Richardson Trophy shall be shared, if the 2 or more Counties are still tied.
  2. Caddies are permitted in accordance with the Rules of Golf (Rule 6-4).
  3. A player is prohibited from having a professional golfer serve as a caddie during any individual game or match.
  2. Under Local Rule, DMDs are permitted in all competitions organised by the NCVLGA to obtain distance information only.
  3. However, if a playeruses a DMD to gauge or measure other conditions that might affect their play (e.g. elevation changes, wind speed etc.) then the player is in breach of Rule 14-3 (2016).

7.1 The use of mobile phones is not generally permitted within golf clubhouses or on the

course. However, it is a recommended that players take a phone onto the course for use

in an emergency.

7.2 All mobile phones must either be switched off or put onto the silent mode setting.

Review Working Group

6th August 2016