Minutes of a meeting held on 30 January 2014
John Harcus / Tennis membership / JHSarah Harcus / SH
Peter Javes / Treasurer / PJ
Jackie Javes / JJ
Sue McKenzie-Jarvis / SMJ
Jim Neal / JN
George Seager-Berry / GSB
Ian Stainton / IS
Phillipa Stainton / PS
Claire Wotton / CW
Oliver Cadle / OC
PJ opened the meeting and explained that it was the first meeting since March 2013 and it was hoped to raise enough interest to organise a programme of events for 2014. Those present introduced themselves.
2/14 / FINANCE
PJ tabled an Income and Expenditure statement for the 12 months ended 31 December 2014. He explained why the accounts with NS & I and Santander had been closed and the balances transferred to an interest-bearing Community Plus account with The Co-operative Bank. This is an internet account and as far as possible transactions will be conducted on-line.
RESOLUTION THAT the Income and Expenditure statement for the 12 months ended 31 December 2014 showing cash at bank of £4,728 be adopted as a correct record
Proposed: George Seager-Berry. Seconded
Unanimously accepted on a show of hands.
3/14 / TENNIS
JH outlined the tennis coaching programme in 2013, which had been popular and successful. It was hoped to run it again over Easter 2014.
In 2013 the back wall of the court had been raised to allow people to practice alone. In addition steps had been built up to the court. A leaf blower had been bought to make it easier to clear the court of leaves. The court needed resurfacing and recolouring and quotes would be sought.
JH made the case for the tennis section to become a club in it is own right within Sports and Leisure and to apply for membership of the Lawn Tennis Association. Unanimously accepted on a show of hands.
JH felt that the fees needed to be raised and would work out a proposal. / JH
PJ explained that he felt that the current constitution needed revising so that every person living in the parish automatically became a member. A draft for consideration at a later meeting is attached to these minutes.
A balance of grant funding of £2,200 for 2013 could be available from Active Devon. It was agreed to apply for this money and if successful apply it to the project to refurbish the school swimming pool. / PJ
6/13 / EVENTS FOR 2014
Ideas suggested:
- Mini football to co-incide with the World Cup (Jim Neal)
- Mini athletics to co-incide with the Commonwealth Games
- Singing Paddles
- Tennis taster and coaching – Easter 2014
- Tennis tournament after Wimbledon
- Fireworks (set date: Saturday 1 Nov or Wednesday 5 Nov or Friday 7 November?)
- Fun Week
- Music festival
- Adult fitness
Wednesday table tennis was just covering its costs.
SMJ suggested children’s table tennis at weekends if organised by parents.
It was suggested that the village website could have a facility for people to express interest thus be advised of forthcoming events. PJ to take up. / PJ
NEXT MEETING: Thursday 27 March 2014 in the Fisherman’s Rest at 7.30
Casual Tennis Player / Any person paying an hourly fee for the use of the Tennis CourtFinancial Year / A period of 12 months ending on 31 December, but which may be varied by the Annual General Meeting, but in no event for a period exceeding 18 months.
Ordinary Member / Every Resident shall be an ordinary member of the Association without payment of an annual fee
Parish / The parish of Aveton Gifford
Parish Council / Aveton Gifford Parish Council
Resident / A resident, being anyone living full or part-time in the Parish
Tennis Court / The tennis court on Parson’s Field
Tennis Member / Any person, Resident or not, paying an annual subscription for the use of the Tennis Court
Tennis Representative / An officer being a Tennis Member representing tennis interests on the Committee and being responsible for maintaining records of Tennis Members, collecting subscriptions and fees etc.
The name of the organisation shall be the Aveton Gifford Sports and Leisure Association (the Association).
The Association is constituted to:-
- promote interest in sports and leisure activities for Residents
- maintain the Tennis Court
Every Resident shall be an Ordinary Member of the Association.
The Association will be managed by a committee of Residents comprising no more than eight people.
The Association shall elect annually a chairman, secretary and treasurer and a Tennis Representative. Serving officers are eligible for re election but no officer may serve for more than five consecutive years.
A general meeting will be held annually, at intervals of no longer than 18 months from the previous annual meeting, for the purpose of:
- Receiving reports from the Officers
- Adopting accounts for the previous Financial Year
- The election of Officers and Committee
Fourteen days’ notice in writing shall be given of the meeting by displaying notices
in the Parish and on the Aveton Gifford website.
The quorum of the AGM shall be five members.
The Committee may co-opt Residents to fill casual vacancies arising between annual general meetings. Additionally the Committee may co-opt any person to help organise or assist with any event undertaken by the Association.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping a record of income and expenditure
to show a true and fair view of the financial position of the Association for each Financial Year.
The Association will operate a bank account. Officers will be signatories to the account. Cheques are to be signed by at least two of the designated signatories to any bank account maintained by the Association but in the case of internet banking the Treasurer’s authority alone will be sufficient to make a payment providing such payment is sanctioned by the Committee.
No membership fee shall be payable for Ordinary Members.
The Committee shall set an hourly fee for Casual Tennis Players and an annual subscription for Tennis Members.
The Committee may set rules for Tennis Members and Casual Tennis Players and the use of the Tennis Court and for any other activity carried on under the auspices of the Association.
The Association will normally act in concert with the Parish Council and may use the services of the Parish Council to reclaim VAT on assets and services bought for the benefit of Residents.
The Association may seek affiliation with the Lawn Tennis Association for the purpose of promoting tennis.
The Association may seek affiliation with any organisation representing any sport or activity carried on by the Association.
In the event of the Association being dissolved any assets remaining shall be transferred to the Parish Council to hold in trust to be used if a new association is formed within five years from the dater of dissolution. If no new association shall be formed within said period of five years the Parish Council may apply such assets to any cause which will benefit the Parish generally.