Missouri Heights Community League
November 12, 2016
Pursuant to notice, the annual meeting of the Kings Row HOA was held at the Missouri Heights Community League School House, Carbondale, Colorado, on Saturday, November 12th, 2016 beginning at 6:00 pm.
Board Members Present:Carolyn Dahlgren, Peter May,Gerald Fielding, Mimi Trombatore, Jeffrey Conklin (Attorney).
Jacquie Tannenbaum (recording secretary) was also present.
The following proxies stated who was allowed to vote the proxy and the lot represented:
-Carolyn DahlgrenLots: 4, 5, 18, 25, 27, 28, 30, 33, 36, 39, 40, 42,49
- 13 proxies total were received
The following HOA members were present and able to vote. Authorized voter is indicated in parenthesis below:
Carolyn DahlgrenLot 2
(Patrick) & Becky ChaseLot 3
RoshniSlaliLot 4
(Jeffrey Bader) & Holly AloiLot 7
Jo AshtonLot 8
Antonia Cooper Lot 9
Kathy SydorykLot 10
Hunter WebsterLot 11
(Peter May) & Carol NieuwenhuizenLot 12
(Joel) & Page CookLot 14
Gerald FieldingLot 16
Tom HazardLot 17
Sylvia WendrowLot 19
Ed PhillipsLot 20
Robert & (Felicia) KuenLot 21
Susan CuseoLot 23
Rachel Dayton & Chip McCroryLot 32
Rich & Jean LeetyLot 34
Jessica BartlettLot 37
(Molly) & Toby BartholowLot 38
Carol GaultLot 41
Tim & (Mimi) TrombatoreLot 43
Liz & (Bill) PhillipsLot 44
Carolyn Dahlgren, President announced that a quorum WAS present. Meeting was called to order.
2016 Meeting Minutes
Carolyn Dahlgren suggested a possible amendment to the 2015 Meeting Minutes as presented, regarding language about the insurance premium increase. Carolyn Dahlgren motioned to approve the meeting minutes from November 7th, 2015, as amended; Tom Hazard second; all were in favor.
Water Court and State Update
HOA attorney, Jeffrey Conklin summarized his firm’s expenditure of about $3,000 in legal fees actions in Water Court Cases 202015CW3087 and 2014CW3172, and, administrative action regarding Well Permit No. 2. Both cases are now closed. The Well Number Two Issue is still pending. This issue regards the keeping of livestock vs. pets and the open question is if horses may be considered pets, deeming water use “domestic” versus “livestock watering”. In the event of a drought, this may become an issue. It was determined more research needs to be done and Kings Row needs to prepare a well permit amendment for Well No. 2 because livestock watering is not covered in Kings Row Augmentation Plan.
Introduction of New Residents
Jeff Bader, owner of Lot 9. Once his home is constructed it will be the first lot in the HOA that will have a water meter. Jeff has agreed to share his meter reading with the HOA.
Lot 37 has been purchased by Jessica Bartlett. She and her partner, Sauron Chapman, and their five children are living at 0890 Kings Row. Jessica and Sauron were both present.
Cross Contamination - Potable and Ditch Water; Curb Stops for Potable Water
Tom Hazard (Lot 17) of Green Acres Land Care is one of the HOA’s main irrigation contractors, along with Environmental Process Control (EPC). Tom reviewed October’s experience with potable, chlorinated waterback-flowing into our irrigation (raw, unfiltered water) ditch main on Kings Row, South, and, state regulations involving keeping the two systems separate.
- Some Kings Row homes are equipped with both water systems. Those with dual water systems could potentially leave the HOA’s potable, treated and raw, untreated water for irrigation water system open to contamination by the ditch water.
- Each home with a dual system has to have a back-flow preventer (and possibly a check valve system) to ensure that no cross-contamination will occur.
- Per State law backflow devices must be installed by and inspected annually by a properly licensed technician. The information contained in the Surveys handed out in the meeting packets (and made available earlier by email) will be collated and provided to EPC. EPC, as our potable water system “operator” under State regulations, is required to provide collated information to the Colorado Department of Health and Environment. Based on that information, the State will make a “risk” determination for Kings Row.
- HOA could be held responsible for any contamination that may occur due to a faulty or nonexistent back flow device. If a contamination happens, the potable water tank and all the mains and service lines would have to be drained.
- Further, the State would publicly notice this contamination.
- Tom Hazard and Tim Trombatore will be available to assist lot owners in determining what they need to do for inspections and possible backflow preventer installation.
- There is no historical record of curb-stops for the neighborhood’s potable water system, so a contractor will need to be hired by the HOA to locate and map these curb-stops. Tom Hazard suggests that the best way to enforce the requirement of installation and testing of backflow preventers is for the HOA to turn off potable water – at the curb stop – until the owner of a dual system for irrigation shows and inspection report. The Board will determine an enforcement procedure prior to ditch opening in spring 2017. Enforcement aside, the Association owns the potable water infrastructure, including the curb stops, and needs a maintenance program for the mains and curb stops, understanding that lot owners own the service lines from the curb stop to the house.
- EPC will be attending a state training about possible cross contamination of potable water and irrigation systems. Tom Hazard and Carolyn Dahlgren may attend as well.
President’s Report
Carolyn Dahlgrenstated that she will send out a follow-up Presidents Report for 2016 and then reported on the following items from:
1.Leavenworth Easement
- Upon a verbal offer of an easement between the Leavenworth’s and HOA. Tom and Mimi Trombatore and Carolyn Dahlgren staked out a path along the lot line between lots 38 and 39. The access path was to be on the Leavenworth (Lot 39) property, connecting Kings Row to the South East Open Space parcel. There was never a recorded easement granting this easement granting access to this trail and the Leavenworth’s have now withdrawn their offer to grant this easement.
- There was never a recorded easement granting access to this trail.
- Molly Bartholowstated that folks are also using the trail on her land.
- This area may ONLY be accessed via express permission from the lot owners.
2.Discussion of possible creation of an easement along Kings Row’s eastern boundary.
- Another way to connect the South East Open Space parcel would be to stake out a trail along the eastern edge of the subdivision, connecting to the existing open space that has electric transmission lines.
- The Rex Trust has given permission to walk this area to see if a trail could be able to be constructed.
3.South Bandit Trail
- The Board is directed to continue to work with the Lot Owners to reach an agreement to allow HOA residents to access the South Bandit Trail area. Discussions are ongoing.
- The Board supports the HOA owning the easement to be used for limited recreational use only. No motorized vehicles would be allowed.
- Carolyn Dahlgren asks for a Motion to accept the South Trail Agreement to create this easement. The Board needs to purchase liability insurance and spend up to $400 for signage on all Open space and the trail over the south lots, stating ownership and “Use at Your Own Risk” status.
- Chip McCrory made a motion allowing the Board to negotiate with the land owner regarding the trail. Seconded by Tim Trombatore. One HOA member is opposed, Molly Bartholow; the Motion passed.
- The Motion to allow a budget for signage is approved. The Motion was made by Tim Trombatore, seconded by Chip McCrory, and passed ______.
4.Triangle Parcel
- The HOA owns thetriangle-shaped parcel across CR 100 from our westerly Open Space trail. It was platted as Open Space back in the 1970’s.
- The owners of the property SW of the CR 100 curve, on which the windmills are located, are John and Kim Pinccinati. They have allowed their collection of farm implements, windmill parts and plantings to encroach on our Open Space.
- Our lawyer has sent them a revocable license agreement, allowing their personal property to be located on our land and indemnifying HOA from liability for personal and property damage. The owners have told Jeff that they will sign the document as drafted, but Jeff has not received the agreement
- Two persons have expressed an interest in purchasing the triangle parcel from the HOA. The HOA would have to get formal permission from Garfield County because the triangle parcel contains drainage culverts for the County Roads and was platted to collect drainage from all of Kings Row’s land. That parcel was also part of the required open space acreage when the subdivision was first platted in the 1970’s
- After discussion, the membership decided that a vote on the possible selling of this property will be put off until a more formal offer is nailed down. Jeff will explore whether the possible purchasers are willing to take on the cost of Garfield County land use and Road & Bridge approvals.
5.Dog Issues
- The Board prefers that homeownersdeal with conflict over dogs; if the two homeowners can’t reach a resolution or the problem persists then the Sherriff’s animal control officer– Garfield or Eagle - needs to be notified. Both Counties have dog-at-large, etc. laws and trained professional staff.
- The Covenants need to be rewritten to mirror county regulations. It simply has not worked for the Board to insert itself in these disagreements and the $100.00 a day fine is difficult to enforce.
6.Lot Owners in Arrears
- There are two Lot Owners who are behind in their assessments; one owes more than $3,000 and the other owes $600.
- Jeff Conklin advises against reporting this to credit agencies.The best course of action appears to be to continue sending out formal notices andkeeping recorded liens against the properties updated On a case by case basis, the Board needs to consult with Jeff regarding starting a County or District Court case.
Budget for 2017
Gerald Fielding presented the Board’s proposed 2017 budget:
1. The Board predicts an increase in expenses in 2017, based on expenses related to water issues and real estate issues in 2016, but there was also money saved in 2016 in some areas:
- Bookkeeping fees had been allocated at $8k but only cost $5,70
2.2017 is likely to see increased spending on:
- A possible need to replace a water pump, based on the increase in electrical service expenses
- Legal fees and costs for amendment of the Well Permit for Well No. 2
- Legal fees and costs to finish up real estate matters and work on Covenant re-write.
- Costs associated with the Cross-Contamination work required by the State, including identification of dual system homes and costs of inspection of backflow preventers. Costs belong to homeowner, but Board will need to be involved in dealing with EPC and the State and providing information to the membership.
- On-going costs of operating two water systems, including location and marking of curb stops.
3.The Board predicts a budget deficit of up to $4,425. Becky Chase noted that the deficit amount is close to the fees in arrears of the two lot owners, discussed earlier. Gerald Fieldingstated the options, i.e., the HOA could:
- Raise the annual/quarterly assessment to make up for the deficit;
- Move money, as needed from the HOA Reserves, as long as related to water systems;
- Re-allocated the present fees between operating and reserve accounts;
- Special assessments as needed.
4.Gerald Fielding stated the Board’s recommendation to re-allocate fees among funds and The Board asked for MotionsTim Trombatore motioned to approve re-allocation of fees. Tom Hazard motioned to authorize the Board to move up to such funds as are needed from Reserves to cover the expense of replacing water pumps.
Becky Chase motioned to approve the 2017 budget; Chip McCrory second; all were in favor.
Approval of New Board Member:
Mimi Trombatore agrees to continue serving onthe Board and was elected unanimously Carolyn Dahlgren will remain as President and Secretary. Gerald Fielding will continue to serve as Treasurer. Peter May will serve as Vice President. Krystle Beattie will continue to fulfil administrative duties. The Board will have its Annual meeting early in 2017 and will advise the membership of any changes.
Chip McCrory motioned to adjourn at 8:30 pm; Peter May second; all were in favor.