Brief information on Development Worldwide
Name of the organization, address of its headquarters:
Development Worldwide, civic association (DWW)
DWW, Máchova 23, 120 00 Prague 2
Czech Republic, Europe
DWW was established in the year 2001 with the aimto support the emerging Czech Development Constituency,development workers, experts and volunteers, NGDOs, Universities, professional institutions and private sector organizations and to facilitate inter aliaintegration of the Czech Republicinto the family of experienced donor countries and international institutions.
DWW mission / Mandate and Objectives:
Development Education & Raising Public Awareness
(seminars, workshops, conferences, publications)
Human Resources Development
(training & education of students and experts)
Consultancy & Advisory Services
(for government bodies, NGDOs, partner countries institutions)
Implementation of OECD/DAC Standards
(project cycle management, integrated approach, sustainability)
Assistance by Building Development Constituency
(enhancing capacities,in co-operation with the MFA and Development Centre)
Preparation, Implementation, Monitoring & Evaluation of ODA Projects
(according to the requirements of ODA constituency)
Facilitating Contacts with Developing & other Donor Countries
(appropriate response to the needs and opportunities)
Background of the organization
DWW has currently 20 members and their special expertise cover large scale of development problems, in particular in the fields of:
- environment protection, including environmental management systems and IPPC
- geology, hydrogeology, geochemistry and geophysics
- health protection, social care and basic education
- development educationdevelopment studies
- support to small and medium size enterprises
- financing tools and institution building for development
DWW and its individual members are actively involved in creating new ODA (Official Development Assistance) systemin the Czech Republic as well as in Slovakia, Lithuania and Latvia. The following activities in this field belong to the most important:
- preparation of ODA guidelines, expert studies and reviews
- training for all stakeholders directly involved in the ODA process (state institutions and implementing organisations from private, academic and NGDO sector),
- development education at 3 Czech Universities in Prague and Olomouc
- assistance in programming - consultations to MFA and line ministries during preparation of pilot Czech Country Strategy Papers (CSP)
- expert appraisal of already several hundreds of Czech and Slovak development and humanitarian project proposals for both MFAs and for Development Centre of the Institute for International Relations in Prague
- direct involvement in pilot evaluations (Vietnam, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ethiopia, Mongolia; and desk review / a.o. meta evaluation of all Czech projects in 2003)
- implementation of development projects (e.g. Malawi, pilot trilateral Czech-Canadian and Czech-Austrian project in Vietnam),
- representation of the Czech NGDO platform “FoRS - Czech Forum for Development Co-operation” including administration of the Canadian ODACE programme and Austrian RPP programme in the CR
Field ODA experience of DWW members covers the following countries and regions:
AfghanistanAlbania Austria Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria CameroonCanada (a.o. WB International Programme for Development Evaluation Training, IPDET)Croatia Egypt Estonia France Georgia GermanyGreat Britain Greece Hungary IndiaIranIreland IsraelLatvia LibyaLithuania Luxembourg Macedonia MalawiMoldovaMongoliaPalestine Philippines Poland Romania Serbia and Montenegro Slovakia Slovenia SpainSudan SyriaTanzaniaTunisiaTurkey VietnamZambia.
Key DWW References 2005
DWW prepared comments and recommendations for several strategic ODA documents: Country Strategy Papers for Vietnam, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Mongolia (Government Resolution No. 664/2005), Rules and Procedures for the Czech ODA (Government Resolution No. 1311/2005) and Manual for ODA Project Cycle of the CR (MFA, 2006).
DWW carried out two-day training for the Czech NGDO platform FoRS on new Czech ODA procedures.
DWW carried out several other trainings and workshops on ODA Project Cycle Management - among other at the Faculty of Science at the Charles University in Prague, at Slovak Technical University in Trnava or for project managers of NGDOs Caritas CR and ADRA.
DWW carried out 2 workshops at the Summer School on ODA at the Palacky University in Olomouc and 2 workshops within the Summer EADI School at the Economic University in Prague.
DWW lecturer, Mgr. Daniel Svoboda, prepared and lectured 2 semesters of seminars on Management of Development Projects at the Economic University in Prague (the seminar continues since February 2006).
DWW produced manual for Czech NGDOs “Development Funds of the European Union” (see
DWW was involved in management of the Czech NGDO platform FoRS - Czech Forum for Development Co-operation (Daniel Svoboda - Vice-Chair of the Board; Jana Pícková - assistant of the FoRS Secretariat).
We took part in preparation of most of expert opinions and policy papers of the FoRS and we represented FoRS at national and international events (e.g. in Prague, Bratislava, Riga, Ljubljana or Vienna). We also prepared two Czech Round Tables on Development Co-operation with Vietnam.
DWW steers three FoRS Working Groups: on Vietnam, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Mongolia; and it is a member of FoRS WGs for Serbia and Montenegro and for Development Education.
Since 2005, we are also active in the Working Group of CONCORD (European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development) FDR - EU Funding for Development and Relief.We already participated in preparation of new policy papers of CONCORD.
We also took part in evaluation of the second biggest Czech ODA project in Bosnia and Herzegovina (mining and energy sectors), appraised 3 UNDP projects on environmental hot spots (two of these projects - in Kazakhstan and Albania have already started), 30 proposals of Czech ODA project in non-priority countries and 2 humanitarian projects for Bulgaria. Internal evaluation was carried out within the previous DWW project in Vietnam (Round Table at DONRE Bac Ninh and workshop with representatives of the Czech and Canadian Embassies in Hanoi).
Besides other workshops and conferences, we participated in Biennial conference of the International Development Evaluation Association IDEAS „Evaluation for Development - Beyond Aid“ in April in New Delhi and in consequent IDEAS workshop in Cairo.
We also met with EU Commissioner Louis Michel and took part in preparation of two international seminars in the Parliament and Senate of the CR.
In cooperation with another FoRS member Volonte CR, we produced a training manual for development workers in the frame of international GLODEV project, and with ADRA CR we applied for grant on another NGDO training programme in the frame of the EU Structural Funds. DWW also offers consultations on ODA projects for NGDOs and other partners within the Czech Development constituency.
In cooperation with DWW volunteers, we started project „New Chance for New Generation“ in Malawi, focused on pre-school facilities and on work with community.
Within the UNDP programme, we prepared analyses and carried out inception ODA trainings for emerging ODA constituencies in Lithuania and Latvia. Manual for ODA management, prepared by DWW for Slovakia in 2003, was adopted also in Hungary.
The key activity in 2005 was the trilateral project “Improvement of Environmental Situation in the Paper Producing Villages Duong O, Phong Khe, Yen Phong in the Bac Ninh Province, Vietnam, 2005” funded through ODACE programme by Canadian CIDA and Czech MFA. As a follow-up, two new projectsfor Vietnam were prepared:
- “Strengthening capacity of Vietnam Environmental Fund through transfer of experience from Central and Eastern European environmental funds” the project was already approved by the Austrian-Czech Regional Partnership Programme for Austria and Neighbouring New Member States (RPP);
- “Environmentally Friendly Production - Demonstration of Benefits”, project proposal on waste water treatment and environmental and health awareness in the handicraft village Phong Khe, Bac Ninh province - the proposal is to be submitted for the new Call for Proposals under the grant scheme of ODACE programme (trilateral programme of the Canadian CIDA and Czech MFA).
And we also started a discussion on trilateral ODA projects with the Embassy of Luxembourg.
Mgr. Daniel Svoboda
Vice - Chair
Development Worldwide
DWW, Machova 23, 120 00 Prague 2, Czech Republic, Europe
phone/fax: (+420) 222513123, 222513971
mobile: (+420) 724179562
Development World Wide, Machova 23, 120 00 Prague 2, Czech Republic
Phone/Fax: (+420) 222513123 / 222513971 E-mail:
Registration: Min. of Interior, VS/I-1/49232/02-R IC: 265 84 212 Bank account: 176358591/0300