Huntingdon Nursery School

November Newsletter

Welcome back to the 2nd half of the Autumn term.

The children have settled really well after the holidays and have enjoyed talking about fire and fireworks! They have made some fantastic creations with ribbons, sparkly beads and paper.

It’s been great to see so many of you coming into Nursery to talk to us about how your child has settled in and what they enjoy doing at home. Don’t forget to record any ‘achievements’ at home on our display boards in the classrooms. It’s really important that we celebrate all the good things that are going on at home too!

There will be additional meetings set for children who are not new to Nursery to talk about the progress they are making in all areas of learning throughout the term.

Our new texting system is now working properly.


If your child is absent please let us know:

  • Call 01480 375216
  • Text 07860 063209
  • Email

Please remember to tell us if you change your phone number or email, so that we can contact you if your child is ill or hurt at Nursery.

Christmas Craft Fair

The Family Learning group who meet here have been very busy this term making really fabulous Christmas gifts and decorations. These will all be for sale at their Christmas Fair on Wed 6th Dec from 12.00-3.00. The fair is going to be opened by the mayor. Come along and grab some lovely Christmas bargains.

Cooking and Fruit Money

We try hard to teach the children to enjoy lots of different healthy food, with cooking activities and through the fruit we eat at snack time every day. These are a considerable cost for the Nursery. This term we will be sending out envelopes asking for your help to support our healthy eating. Please give what you can. Thank you.

Parents Boards

Display boards in the classroom are updated each week with the core book, the key activities that the children will be doing and how you can help your child at home. The teachers and key workers are available to explain about anything that appears on the boards to give you extra information.

Parking and Entrance barrier

Please do not park on site unless you have a disabled badge. We have parking permits for the back car park at Huntingdon Regional College if you require one. Some people are walking under the barrier when it is raised – we had one accident where the barrier came down causing an injury requiring hospital treatment. Please keep to the paths and keep your children safe.

Internet security

Please check the security/privacy settings on you and your children’s mobile devices. is a really useful website which will take you through step by step how to put protection on all your devices and computers.

Bad Weather closure information

We try to keep the Nursery open through bad weather and we decide with the primary school if the site will open. The best way of finding out about school closure is to check the county council website or to listen to the local radio: The information you need to check is below:

the front page of the website under schools is a link to the school closures page). The following radio stations give regular updates:

BBC Radio Cambridgeshire (96.0) Heart FM (103) Star Radio (107.9/1)

Diary dates

Last day for School photo orders – Fri17th November

Christmas Craft Fair – Wed 6th December

Term ends on Tuesday 19th December

Spring Term starts on Thursday 4th January 2017