Corequisite Math: Design and Execution Planning Template

Designing Corequisite Support

CCA Scaling
Standard / Institutional Action / Key Questions / Action Steps / Responsible Party
Implementation / Build a team of faculty and other campus staff committed to building your strategy. /
  • Does your team include both developmental and college-level math faculty?
  • Are faculty who teach each college-level math course on the team?
  • Are academic advisors and student services staff part of the team?
  • Are faculty from other departments involved?

Data / Examine remedial enrollment and college-level completion of students in first academic year to assess enrollment in current remedial interventions, and their effectiveness. /
  • What percent of students placed into developmental math enroll in remedial/corequisite courses in their first year?
  • What is the percent of developmental students enrolled at each level of developmental education you offer?
  • What percent of all new entering students are placed into developmental math?
  • What percent of new entering students placed into developmental math complete college-levelmath in their first academic year?
  • What is the college-level success rate in the first year for students for each level of developmental math you offer?
  • How do the college-level completion rates for developmental students compare to students placed directly into college-level courses?

CCA Scaling
Standard / Institutional Action / Key Questions / Action Steps / Responsible Party
Data, Equity / Examine remedial enrollment, remedial effectiveness, and college-level completion for underserved populations to incluce race/ethnicity, age and Pell status. /
  • How do developmental math placements and enrollments differ by different underserved populations?
  • What is the distribution of students of color and low-income students across all levels of developmental math at your institution?
  • How do college-level course success rates in college-levelmath differ by different underserved populations? Overall and by each math placement level?
  • How do college-level math success rates for underserved students compare between those placed into developmental vs. those placed in college-level?

Data / What percent of students placed into developmental math will be placed in corequisites in 2018, 2019, 2020? /
  • What evidence do you have that these are the right levels of scale for your institution?
  • What evidence do you have that the students who are denied access to coreqs will be more likely to complete college-level math if placed into developmental math?

Data / Set targets for percent of students who complete college-level math in their first academic year. /
  • What is your goal for the percent of all new entering students placed into developmental maththat will complete college-levelmath in their first year after corequisites are implemented?

CCA Scaling
Standard / Institutional Action / Key Questions / Action Steps / Responsible Party
Policy / How will you place students into corequisite math? /
  • Which combination of measures will you use? HS GPA, placement exam, HS transcript information, test scores, something else?
  • What evidence do you have that your placement measures and rules have predictive validity (i.e. do a good job identifying who is, and who is not, ready for college-level math –either with or without coreq support).
  • What will your “cut point” for enrolling in corequisites be for each college-level math course that has a corequisite option?
  • How will you ensure that all students who can benefit from corequisites have the opportunity to enroll?

Implementation / Corequisites are paired with multiple math pathways where college-level math courses are developed or revised to align with the skill and knowledge requirements for different programs of study. /
  • Do you have alternatives to college algebra for students who do not require calculus for their program of study?
  • Do alternatives to college algebra, such as Quantitative Reasoning or Statistics meet program requirements for non-STEM majors?
  • Are alternatives to college algebra transferable and meet program requirements at receiving institutions in your region, system or state?

Implementation / Assess institutional capacity and constraints that will impact the model of corequisite you choose to implement. /
  • What will be the class size for the corequisite courses?
  • How will you ensure you have enough faculty with the proper credentials to teach the college-level courses?
  • What space and scheduling constraints do you have for offering corequisites?

CCA Scaling
Standard / Institutional Action / Key Questions / Action Steps / Responsible Party
Implementation / Choose a corequisite model for each college-level math course that has been tested and that fits institutional context, available resources, and student needs. / Will your model include the following:
Same instructor for college-level and corequisite sections or different instructors who align curriculum in college-level or corequisite course?
Smaller class size?
The co-req class is not a broad-reaching basic math skills class; Instruction will focus on the identified skills students need to succeed in the college-level course.
The co-req class contains structured content rather than unstructured homework/tutoring hour.
  • Is a new college course being developed? If so, will the number of credits differ from the traditional college course?
  • How will you ensure that appropriate levels of quantitative reasoning and critical thinking are maintained in the college courses with attached coreq support?
  • How many credits will the corequisite section be to ensure students receive the support they need to succeed in the college-level course?
  • What is your justification for the number of credits for the corequisite course?
  • Will you attempt to give college credit for the corequisite course?
  • How will grading in the corequisite course relate to grading in the college course? In particular, will it be possible to pass the coreq and fail the college course or vice versa?

CCA Scaling
Standard / Institutional Action / Key Questions / Action Steps / Responsible Party



Course Offerings.


Which college-level math courses will you have corequisite options for?

  • How many sections of corequisites will you need for each college-level course?

Will there be any college-level gateway math courses that will not have a corequisite option? If so, which courses? If so, why are you not offering a corequisite?

How will you serve students who seek to enroll in a College Algebra path, but place at skill levels below intermediate algebra? Will you:

Design a more intensive corequisite support option attached to College Algebra and place them there?
Place them into intermediate algebra with coreq support?
Place them in another college-level math course with a corequisite and then bridge them to college algebra the next semester?
CCA Scaling
Standard / Institutional Action / Key Questions / Action Steps / Key Leadership
Implementation / Design Course. / How will the corequisite be designed to support the success in the college-level math course?
Alignment of basic skills taught in the corequisite section with skills essential to success in college-level course.
Basic skills taught in a “just in time” manner – as they are needed in the college-level course.
Opportunities for productive struggle with meaningful mathematics/statistics
Attention to making connections between concepts and procedures and among multiple representations of mathematical ideas (graphs, tables, formulas, verbal descriptions)
Will the coreq course include the following components?
Explicit strategies to create a supportive community in the classroom
Active learning and frequent opportunities for low-stakes collaborative practice
Attention to non-cognitive issues and the affective side of learning
Metacognition and self-reflection
Student and college success strategies

Executing Corequisite Support

CCA Scaling
Standard / Institutional Action / Key Questions / Action Steps / Responsible Party
Implementation / Recruit faculty to teach the corequisite model /
  • How are you building buy-in among faculty and the institution for your various corequisite models?
  • How will you identity and/or hire faculty who can teach these pairs of coreq and college-level courses?
  • Check whether any of the developmental ed faculty are close to meeting the credentials to teach the college-level portion and could quickly get credentialed.
  • Are your college-level credentialing requirements above the accreditation mandates? Could you relax them temporarily to meet this demand?

Implementation / Preparation of faculty. /
  • How will you prepare faculty to teach the corequisite course?
Concentrated trainings over several days?
Ongoing workshops throughout the semester?
Mentoring or small peer groups for just-in-time problem solving and planning?
  • How will participating faculty be compensated?
  • What kinds of support do you anticipate that faculty will need?
Support for learning new mathematical/statistical content
Support moving from a student deficit perspective to a recognition of student capacity
Strategies for building a classroom community and for engaging and motivating students from underserved populations
Curricular materials to promote active learning
Lesson planning to provide just-in-time remediation aligned with college course
Pedagogy that fosters low-stakes collaborative practice and productive struggle
Classroom manangement techniques
  • Who will plan and facilitate the professional development opportunities?

CCA Scaling
Standard / Institutional Action / Key Questions / Action Steps / Responsible Party
Implementation / Advising and registration. /
  • How will you be advising students into the right math course for their meta-major or program of study?
  • How will students who are unable to choose a meta-major be advised about enrolling in math?
  • How will the student information system and registration system document corequisite courses?
  • Will all corequisite students be in the same section of the college-level course?
  • How will you ensure students enroll in the proper college-level and corequisite sections of the courses?
  • How will registration systems accommodate the complexity of students enrolling in corequisite courses?

Communication / Develop a communications strategy to share the plans for corequisite support with stakeholders, including students and parents /
  • How will students be informed and made aware of the value of corequisite options?
  • When can corequisites be included in the course catalog?
  • How will you communicate with other campus staff about the shift to corequisites?
  • How will you communicate the impact of your corequisite strategy?

Implementation / Develop approach for continuously improving corequisite support. / How will you evaluate the success of the corequisite course at increasing the percent and number of students who complete college-level math courses in their first academic year?
Disaggregated student success data collected and analyzed each term?
Student surveys or focus groups?
Faculty surveys or focus groups?
How will you plan to revise the model based on evaluation results?
Workshop with faculty?
Department head led committee?
CCA Scaling
Standard / Institutional Action / Key Questions / Action Steps / Responsible Party
Equity, Data,
Implementation / Ensure strategy is improving outcomes for underserved populations as well as closing achievement gaps. / Will your equity strategy include::
Faculty member by faculty member analysis of their success with different student populations after implementation of corequisites.
Has the gap been reduced between the percentage of students of color who pass the college-level composition class and the percentage of white students who pass?
Have all student sub-groups showed improvement in each corequisite model?
Will you develop a strategy to refine corequisite models to address gaps in achievement for different subgroups of students.
Who will gather data on the impact of the coreq model on the college math completion rates for various underserved groups and on achievement gaps in college math completion?
What entities (individuals, committees, departments) are responsible for analyzing the data and developing equity action plans?
Will individual faculty be informed about, and reflect on, their class success rates by demographic group?