  • This is your opportunity to tell us what the LGBTI Aged Care Action Plan should include.This Survey is part of a nationwide consultation. Visit:
  • The Government is developing an LGBTI Action Plan. This will be part of a new Aged Care Diversity Framework. This plan is very important and the Government will use it when working with LGBTI communities in Australia.

The Diversity Framework lists six imperatives that will be incorporated in the LGBTI Action Plan:

  • Empowerment:Older people with diverse characteristics and life experiences, their families, carers and regular representatives are respected and supported by the sector and have the information, knowledge and confidence to maximise their use of the aged care system.
  • Equity of access and outcomes:Older people have equitable access to information and services that are effective and appropriate to their needs, take account of individual circumstances and overcome any barriers.
  • Inclusion:Older people with diverse characteristics and life experiences, their families, carers and regular representatives are included in the development, implementation and evaluation of aged care policies and programs on an ongoing basis by providers and the Government.
  • Quality:Older people are treated with dignity and respect, and can maintain their identity, make choices about their care and services and how their care and services support them to live the lives they choose.
  • Responsive and accountable:Providers demonstrate they meet the diverse needs and expectations of older people, their families, carers and regular representatives by being responsive and accountable and having transparent reporting and activities.
  • Capacity building:Older people and their communities have the capacity to articulate their ageing and aged care needs; be involved in the development of services and the workforce to meet their needs; and have diverse characteristics and life experiences embraced.

Please keep these in mind as you complete this survey.

  • Safety in Aged Care

What would make aged care safe for you?

  • Knowing something is safe for you

How would you know it is safe? (For example, is it their policies or staff have been trained, or visual things like pictures)


Thinking about aged care and the process to access aged care, what are the key things that can be done to make that journey easier for you and more inclusive?

  • Before you enter aged care and you're just starting to think that you may need some aged care services and supports.

What do you need to help you with making decisions?

  • You've decided that you need services and you must contact My Aged Care.

What can be done at this point to make the My Aged Care inclusive?

  • You need an assessment from a Regional Assessment Service or an Aged Care Assessment Team/Service.

What needs to happen so that you feel comfortable?

  • After the assessment you get referred to an aged care provider or you start looking at different providers to decide who you want to use.

What do you need to help you make that decision?

  • Once you are getting services from an aged care provider, either home care, flexible care or residential care

What needs to happen to ensure that the services include you and meet your needs?

  • When it comes to end of life care or palliative care...

What do you need to make sure a service supports you and/or your partner/carer/friends/family of choice?


There are six priorities for the Diversity Framework that will apply to the Action Plan.

What are specific actions you would like to see under each priority?
Who has responsibility to make sure that the action happens (for example government, department of health, aged care provider, consumer etc.)?

  • Priority 1: Making informed choices

"Older people are given information in a way that enables them to be well informed about aged care and healthy ageing to enact their informed choice and control over the care they require."

  • Priority 2: Adopting systemic approaches to planning and implementation

"Older people are partners in a systemic approach to planning and implementation that includes the capture, monitoring, analysis and evaluation of data about their diverse characteristics and life experiences to ensure equitable access and outcomes. "

  • Priority 3: Ensuring quality care and support

"All older people receive quality aged care services and supports that meet their diverse needs particularly where there is limited choice around services that are acceptable and accessible."

  • Priority 4: Supporting a proactive and flexible system

"A proactive and flexible aged care system that will respond to the needs of existing and emerging diverse groups, including an increasingly diverse aged care workforce."

  • Priority 5: Respectful and inclusive services

"Providers meet the requirements of older people with diverse characteristics and life experience, their families, carers and regular representatives, through respectful and inclusive services; ensuring specific needs are effectively addressed."

  • Priority 6: Affordability

"Older people have access to safe and quality aged care services irrespective of their financial and/or socio-economic status"

  • How would you know/evaluate that the actions had been achieved?

There is a possibility of linking the Diversity Framework and Action Plans to the new Single Quality Framework so that when providers are accredited they will need to show they are meeting the priorities

  • Further comments

Is there anything else that should be included in the Action Plan or that you would like to add?


Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

You don’t have to but this helps us know if we have missed out on anyone.

The information in this section is confidential.

  • Your age

Please select:


Action Plan Survey Full Final.docx

___ 18-54 years

___ 55-64 years

___ 65-74 years

___ 75-84 years

___ 85 years and older


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  • Are you an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander?


  • Are you from a culturally or linguistically diverse background?


  • Which State/Territory do you live in?Please select


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___ Australian Capital Territory

___ New South Wales

___ Northern Territory

___ Queensland

___ South Australia

___ Tasmania

___ Torres Strait

___ Victoria

___ Western Australia


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  • How would you describe where you live?


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___ City

___ Metropolitan

___ Outer Metropolitan

___ Rural

___ Regional

___ Remote


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  • There are many different groups and/or needs that are covered by the Diversity Framework.
    Do you describe yourself as being a part of any of these other groups, tick all that apply:


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___ Carer

___ Care Leaver

___ Dementia

___ Disability

___ Financially or socially disadvantaged

___ Homeless

___ Mental Health

___ Rural and remote

___ Veterans (including spouse, widow, widower...)


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  • Please select any of the following terms that apply to you...


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___ Asexual

___ Agendered / No gender

___ Bisexual

___ Brotherboy

___ Cisgender

___ Female

___ Gay

___ Genderfluid

___ Genderqueer

___ Heterosexual

___ Homosexual

___ Lesbian

___ Male

___ Nonbinary

___ Pansexual

___ Sistergirl

___ Trans

___ Another term?______


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Please select:
Do you have an intersex variation?
No /Yes


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Submit your survey:


Attn: Silver Rainbow Survey
PO Box 51
Newtown, NSW, 2048


Action Plan Survey Full Final.docx