9.1 List and describe the principal categories of psychological tests.
9.2 Clarify the concepts of standardization and test norms.
9.3 Explain the meaning of test reliability and how it is estimated.
9.4 Distinguish between three types of validity.
9.5 Identify the contributions of Galton and Binet to the evolution of intelligence testing.
9.6 Summarize the contributions of Terman and Wechsler to the evolution of intelligence testing.
9.7 Outline the debate between Spearman and Thurstone about the structure of intelligence.
9.8 Clarify the meaning of deviation IQ scores on modern intelligence tests.
9.9 Summarize evidence on the reliability and validity of modern IQ test scores.
9.10 Analyze how well intelligence tests predict vocational success.
9.11 Discuss the use of IQ tests in non-Western cultures.
9.12 Describe how mental retardation is defined and divided into various levels.
9.13 Review what is known about the causes of intellectual disability.
9.14 Discuss the identification of gifted children and evidence on their personal qualities.
9.15 Articulate the drudge theory of exceptional achievement and alternative views.
9.16 Summarize evidence that heredity affects intelligence and discuss the concept of heritability.
9.17 Describe various lines of research that indicate that environment affects intelligence.
9.18 Explain the concept of reaction range and discuss recent work on the genetics of intelligence.
9.19 Evaluate heredity and socioeconomic disadvantage as explanations for cultural differences in IQ.
9.20 Assess stereotype threat and cultural bias as explanations for cultural differences in IQ.
9.21 Summarize evidence on biological indicators and correlates of intelligence.
9.22 Contrast Sternberg’s triarchic theory and Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences.
9.23 Explain the notion of emotional intelligence and outline recent criticism of the concept.
9.24 Identify the three unifying themes highlighted in this chapter.
9.25 Evaluate the role of insight and divergent thinking in creativity.
9.26 Describe creativity tests and summarize how well they predict creative achievement.
9.27 Clarify the associations between creativity and personality, intelligence, and mental illness.
9.28 Understand how appeals to ignorance and reification have cropped up in debates about intelligence.