Okura Flexible Automation Systems Pte Ltd
Survey on After Sales Service Quality
It would be very much appreciate if you could take a few minutes from your day to completethe attached survey to help me withmy research as partial fulfilment of my final year dissertation.
Customer satisfaction is the driver of our business and we are committed to exceeding our clients’ expectation through superior performance thus your feedback is an important aspect to us in helping us to achieve these result. We have enclosed an after sales service quality survey and would value your participation.
- The questions are simple and straightforward and it will not take more than 15 minutes of your crucial time.
- Please the right choices wherever applicable and provide your opinions for those questions where choices are not provided.
- The rating is on a scale of 10% - 100%, where the higher the percentage determines a strong satisfaction on the survey questions.
- Please present your honest view through this questionnaire.
- All the given details will be used only for research purposes and will be kept strictly confidential.
- There is not a requirement for you to put down your name, however, it is a mandatory for you to indicate your company for verification purpose.
- Please kindly complete the questionaire and submit back through e-mailby31st May 2015.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if there is any questions or concerns. We appreciate your business and thank you for your participation.
Lim Chung Boon
Survey on After Sales Service Quality
- Technical Supportrefer to a plethora of services provide by a retailerwhich provides registeredusers with helpand advice about their products.
- Service Personnelrefer to the people who maintains and repairs equipment.
- Timely Follow Through mean to continuefollow up on the taskuntil it has been completed.
- Product Knowledge refer to detailed knowledge of a product's feature and benefits.
- Response mean a reaction to an event, occurrence, or situation, aimed at its containment or control.
- Service Contract refer toa contract offered by a retailer for maintaining and repairing a product beyond its manufacturer's warranty coverage.
- Warranty Service Repair refer to the responsible for repairing or replacing the product usually for a certain period of time after its purchase.
- Spare Partsrefer to aduplicate part to replace a lost or damaged part of a machine.
- Inquiry mean a seeking or request for certain information.
- Lead Time refer to the amount of time between the placing of an order and the receipt of the goods ordered.
- Deliveriesis the process of bringing goods to a place.
- Urgent mean very important and needing immediate attention.
- Quality of Service is the degree to which a provided activity promotes customer satisfaction.
- Breakdown refer toa failure of a machine to function.
Survey on After Sales Service Quality
Company: / Customer Name: / Date:Strongly Dissatisfied Neutral Strongly Satisfied
10% / 20% / 30% / 40% / 50% / 60% / 70% / 80% / 90% / 100%
Section A: Field Technical Support
1 / Overall, how satisfied are you with the level of the technical support we provide?
2 / When you call to our companywith a technical question, you are promptly connected to a person who can give you an answer.
3 / How satisfied are you with our service personnel's timely follow-through on your issue?
4 / How satisfied are you with the service personnel's level of product knowledge?
5 / How satisfied are you with the time it took for the service personnel to response to resolve to yourequipment breakdown issue?
6 / The maintenance schedule stated in the service contract are perform and follow up on schedule.
7 / How satisfied are you with warranty service repair?
Company: / Customer Name: / Date:
Strongly Dissatisfied Neutral Strongly Satisfied
10% / 20% / 30% / 40% / 50% / 60% / 70% / 80% / 90% / 100%
Section B: Spare Parts Distribution
8 / Overall, how satisfied are you with the dealing ofspare parts with our company?
9 / How satisfied will you be if the following time is taken to response to your spare parts inquiry?
a)Less than 2 Days
b)2 Days and less than 4 Days
c)4 Days and above
10 / How satisfied are you with the price of the spare parts quoted to you?
11 / How satisfied will you be if the following lead time is taken for spare parts?
a)Less than 7 Days
b)7 Days and less than 14 Day
c)14 Days and above
Company: / Customer Name: / Date:
Strongly Dissatisfied Neutral Strongly Satisfied
10% / 20% / 30% / 40% / 50% / 60% / 70% / 80% / 90% / 100%
12 / How satisfied will you be if the following lead time is taken for urgent spare parts?
a)Less than 3 Days
b)3 Days and less than 5 Days
c)5 Days and above
13 / All deliveries are clearly marked to identify the contents.
14 / Deliveries of parts arrive are as promised and in good condition.
Section C: Customer Care
15 / Overall, how satisfied are you with the quality of services provided by our company?
16 / How satisfied will you be if the response time is taken for our service personnel to response to the breakdown repair?
a)Less than 4 Hours
b)4 Hours and less than 6 Hours
c)6 Hours and above
Company: / Customer Name: / Date:
Strongly Dissatisfied Neutral Strongly Satisfied
10% / 20% / 30% / 40% / 50% / 60% / 70% / 80% / 90% / 100%
17 / Would you like to receive all the support materials we provide in
c)Both Hardcopy and E-copy
18 / How satisfied are you with the service personnel from our company eagerness to help you to solve the problem?
19 / Commitments and deadlines are always met from our company.
20 / How satisfied are you with the amount of customer visit from our customer support center to get feedback from you?
21 / Are you satisfied with the after warranty support from our company?
22)Please share any additional comments about your experience or suggestionson how we can better improve our
after sales services by writing within the box provided. Thank you for the participation.
Response TimeService Quality