Spring/Summer Newsletter2016








After reading this newsletter thoroughly, keep it in a safe and accessible place as it forms the main line of communication in the branch. You are advised to keep the last 2 newsletters at least, as it would make each one too long to repeat all the general information in every edition.



The Spring and Summer months are usually dominated by competitions, camp, exams and holidays. As usual members are slow at putting themselves forward for team competitions. Many of you can have a go at the show jumping teams and some are very good so please contact Kate Radford if you are jumping 90cm and above, Tina Samson if jumping 70cm and 80cm courses and myself if jumping less than 70cm. There are also dressage and eventing opportunities.The area competitions are the most important and lead to the national finals. However, to be in area teams you and the horse must have attended at least 3 rallies one of which must be after January 31st 2016 and have re-joined/joined by February 29th.

With so many members attending local riding club shows over the spring and summer and doing very well I might add, we have not put on many activities. However, three of the four rallies are slightly different to usual. One is a “one stop” rally where there is a choice of activities, another is a barbecue rally at a new venue and finally an evcnting rally with an option to gallop also at a new venue.

I was very sorry we had to change the date of camp as I know this has disappointed many of you but we were given little choice. Our normal dates are not interfered with by school term dates for the next four years at least so in 2017 we shall return to our normal week of the last week in July. However, we have two new ventures this year, the Cottesmore branch are joining us and we are trialling a small adult camp aimed at ex STPC members and those recommended by PC instructors. Details have been circulated. There are taster days for potential new members and a single day option for existing members who are unable to attend the whole camp due to a medical condition or other extenuating circumstance. If paying by bank transfer remember to still post any forms stating the date of the payment and please mark envelopes “Camp”.

The South Trent Show Jumping competition is on April 16th. Please support by entering and/or helping.The schedule has been circulated.

For the first time the branch organised the area 6 Quiz on February 7th. It was a lovely afternoon made even better by one of the South Trent teams winning and therefore, qualifying for the National Final on April 2nd. Our winning team consisted of Bethany Dreher, Lucy Willamett, Bridie Boll and Jessie Sread.

We are also organizing the Area Horse & Pony Care on June 1st at Derby College. Contact Ruth Willamett if interested in being in a team. Teams consist of 3 members. The seniors are aged 14 – 24yrs on 1/1/16 (one member 16yrs and under) and the standard is quite high e.g. B to AH. Juniors are13yrs and under with one member 11yrs and under.

All PC competitions for area 6 East Midlandsare on a list already circulated with schedules on the host branch’s website or

Area competitions are for selected teams/individuals only and are entered through the branch. Area eventing will include non-area classes open to all though.

ST members continue to do well in competitions outside of PC and always represent the branch and the PC movement well exhibiting good sportsmanship and manners as well as high standards of turnout, welfare and riding.

Achievement badge training for both mini and standard badges is continuing but needs a minimum of 5 members for each session to run. We hope to start advanced badge training for those of C+ standard and above aged 14yrs and over. These badges are heptagonal in shape. The show jumping competition badge and introductory badge can be achieved by attending the SJ training on Wednesday evenings. Similarly the dressage competition badge is available at dressage training.

Test training is soon to get started. Contact Ruth Willamettfor D and D+ and Debbie Thorpe for C, C+ and B. The test syllabii are available on

As if we weren’t doing enough new initiatives the Pony Club movement has gone through a re-branding exercise the effects of which will slowly percolate through to branches and centres. The logo is changing so in the future you may find your new sweatshirt looks a bit different. However, we shall not insist on members buying new clothing; they can wear second hand sweatshirts with the existing logo for as long as they want to.

Thank you to all the parents as well as the instructors, hosts and organisers who enable the members to enjoy so many activities.

Jane Foster D.C.


All rallies are pay on the day but you will be charged a cancellation fee (50% of the original fee) if you cancel a booking after 8pm the Monday before the week-end (or 5 days before an evening rally) or do not attend. This is to cover costs already incurred by the branch. Please try and book 2 weeks beforehand. Most rallies have allocated times. These will be emailed or texted out approximately 3 days beforehand to participants.

Third member of a family goes half price to all rallies (not training).

Vouchers – after attending and paying for 5 rallies a member receives a voucher worth £10 that can be redeemed at any future rally. If you intend to use a voucher please inform the rally organiser when booking in as they cannot be accepted without prior notification. The rally at which the voucher is used does not count towards another voucher. Vouchers cannot be redeemed at training sessions.

Some venues* have their own website for you to get location details. If you want directions just ask. Do not totally rely on satnavs; have a map with you!

Remember to turn out correctly for rallies i.e. light coloured jodphurs, long sleeved white shirt & tie or ST polo shirt, ST sweatshirt, hat with ST silk or black, navy or brown silk, jodphur or riding boots.

All branch clothing is available through Tina Samson.Numnahs from Snaffles Saddlery, Codnor and ST hat silks from the DC

Saturday April 9thEventingstylerally at Greystones, Whitwick Road, Copt Oak, Coalville LE67 9QB for all except those jumping XC at 90cm+ (see note on page 5). LR and JO will be predominantly in the menage while others will do approximately 45 mins in the menage, and 45 mins on XC including if they wish, galloping. Body protectors and hats without peaks are required for the XC (and galloping). Times from 10am.

Cost: £15, LR and JO £10. Instructor: Caroline McWilliam. Organiser: Jay Wright.

Sunday May 22nd General rally for juniors and seniors at Bunny Hill Riding School* LE12 6XN.Times from 11am. Cost £15. Instructor: Sam Humphrey. Organiser: DC

Saturday June 18thOne Stoprallyto include flatwork, show jumping and cross country, at Derby College*Equestrian Centre, Morley DE7 6DN.This rally is for all except those jumping 90cm+ (see note on page 5). The XC is suitable for those jumping 50 to 80cm. When booking state which of the 3 options below you want to do. An alternative to XC or the menage will be to quietly hack round the off road tracks. Times from 1pm. Costs:

Option 1 - £25 menage and XC,

Option 2 - £10menage and hack,

Option 3 - £15 XC and hack.

Instructors: CarolineMcWilliam/Eloise Dobrynski.

Organiser: DC

Wednesday July 6thBarbecuerally for all at The Stables, Mapperley Lane, Mapperley, Ilkeston DE7 6BW. Show jumpingwith a fun element. The barbecue will be available between 6 and 7.30pm. Times from 5pm. Cost £10 to include a burger. Instructor: Chloe Slater. Organiser: DC


All the training listed below in this section of the newsletter has to be booked and paid for as a course. If you cannot attend all the sessions in the course you still have to pay the fixed course fee at the first session.

Saturday May 7th Area Eventing Training at Aylesford XC Course LE14 3PF for those jumping 90cm + and looking to be in area teams this year. Further details will be sent out when available to those who have expressed an interest. Application is through the DC.

Wednesdays March 30th, April 13th and 27th, May 11th Dressage training at Field House Farm, Stanton Hill, Stanton by Bridge DE73 7NF. Cost £40 for the course. Instructor: Liz Hadfield. Organiser: Sue Sread

Wednesdays April 6th, 20th, May 4th and 18th SJ training for all jumping 50cm+at Derby College Equestrian Centre, Morley DE7 6DN. Times from 5pm.Cost £40 approximately for the course. Those who have attended the first course will need to reapply to Kate in order to attend this second course. Instructor: Amelia Payne. Organiser: Kate Radford

Test and Badge Training

D & D+ Training Friday eveningsApril 8th and 22nd (test April 29th) at Field House Farm, Stanton Hill, Stanton by Bridge DE73 7NF.Times D 5 – 6pm, D+ 6 – 7.30pm. Cost: D £20, D+£30. Instructor and Organiser: Ruth Willamett

C/C+/B TrainingIntroductory dismounted session Monday April 4that 6pm atFellsideFarm,153,Cole Lane, Borrowash DE72 3GP. Cost £10. Training will be on alternate Monday evenings. The full training will cost a further £50payable at/by the second attendance which includes the test fee for C and C+. B test fee is £80 set by and payable to PC HQ. Instructor and Organiser: Debbie Thorpe

Achievement and Mini Badges(dismounted). At Field House Farm, Stanton Hill, Stanton by Bridge DE73 7NFonalternate Monday evenings 6 – 7.30pm running from April 4thto early July. Cost £5 per session. Minimum number per session is 5. Instructor and Organiser: Ruth Willamett

Advanced badges: Contact the DC

Riding and Road Safety either achievement badge for C test or the BHS (British Horse Society) for C+ and above. Contact Ruth Willamett if interested. The BHS test will do for C test as well but the minimum age is 12 years and it is quite a tough test.

Summary of Activities

M = Minis 2-10yrs, J = Juniors 10-15yrs, S = seniors 16+

n = Novice, LR = lead rein, JO = just off lead rein

Date / Activity / Who for
March 30th / Evening Dressage training re-starts at Stanton by Bridge / J & S
April 4th / C/C+/B test introductory evening
April 4th / Achievement badge training re-starts / M & J
April 6th / Evening SJ training re-starts at Derby College / All except LO & JO
April 8th / D/D+ training startsat Stanton by Bridge
April 9th / Eventing style rally at Copt Oak / All except thosejumping over 90cm$
May 7th / Area 6 Eventing training at Aylesford / Those jumping 90cm+
May 22nd / General rally at Bunny / J & S
June 18th / One Stop rally at Derby College / All except those jumpingover 90cm$
July 6th / Barbecue & fun jumping rally at Mapperley / All

$ those jumping 90cm+ can attend but the XC elements will only be up to 80cm