Guernsey Velo Club


years of cycle racing in Guernsey

Affiliated to:

British Cycling

Cycling Time Trials

Guernsey Sports Commission

Guernsey Commonwealth Games Association

Guernsey Island Games Association

Hand Book

(Revised January 2012)


2015 Club Committee

PresidentGary Wallbridge Les Avants, La Route des Landes, Vale, GY3 5JJ

Tel 715234(w)Mobile07781-106768E-Mail Address:

Hon General SecretaryGraham Le Maitre Le Colombier, Kimberley Estate, Sandy Hook, L’Islet, St Sampson, GY2 4EW

Tel 244162 (h)Mobile 07781-134316E-Mail Address:

Honorary TreasurerPete Miller,

Appletree Cottage, Les Hurettes Lane, St Martin, GY4 6QS

Tel 07781 131211E-Mail Address:

Racing SecretaryAllan Renyard Sidlesham, Rue des Pointes, St Andrew, GY6 8UJ

Tel 236832Mobile07781-463809E-Mail Address:

Social SecretaryVacant (Andy Cleal elected but subsequently stood down)

Press and Publicity OfficerKarina Bowie

The Bike Shed, La Colline de bas Courtils, St Saviour, GY7 9YQ

264503E-Mail Address:

Website Co-OrdinatorSam Rouxel

L’Abri du Val, Les Villets, Forest, GY8 0HR

Tel 232855Mobile 07781458368E-Mail Address:

MTB Co-Ordinator (1)Steve James Ch’Lisier, Mont Morin, St Sampson, GY2 4JD Tel 244146 Mobile 07781-123639 E-Mail Address:

MTB Co-Ordinator (2)Dan Thwaite Clochemerle, Rue Frairies, St. Andrew, GY6 8XU

Tel 07911-722183E-mail address

Child Protection OfficerMaxine Le Cheminant Tamarinda, Rue des Salines, St Peter, GY7 9HL

Tel 263663Mobile 07781-131707E-Mail Address:

Cycling Development Officer Paul Brehaut

L’Amarrage, La Frairie. Rue des Frairies, St Andrew, GY6 8XT

Tel 721581(w) Mobile 07781-414275E-Mail Address:

Chief Race MarshalTony Lane Les Girards, Rue des Cauvains, Castel, GY5 7NL

Tel 252777(h), 732086 (w)Mobile 07781-137090 E-Mail address:

Safety OfficerMark Smith Tamarind House, Clos Du Marais, Rue des Marais, Vale, GY6 8AZ Mobile 07839-264819E-Mail Address:


Welcome to the Guernsey Velo Club handbook. If you are a new member some suggestions that you may find helpful appear below. If you are a new or an established member you should read this handbook and understand the rules that apply to you as a member of this Club. Over the years the Club Committee has endeavoured to keep the number of rules to the minimum, but it is the nature of sport and cycling is no exception, that there have to be certain rules so that we all know where the goaIposts are. Please do your best to understand the rules laid down and abide by them - it is in the interest of all concerned in our sport in this island.

Suggestions for newcomers to the sport.

Not everyone taking up cycle racing sticks to it therefore and we would not advise the newcomer to spend what can be several hundred pounds or more on equipment before he/she has a chance to really find out if this is the sport for them.

For road events, a basic sports cycle is all that is needed in the first few months, and can be obtained at a reasonable cost. In Mountain Bike racing it is far cheaper to start on a standard Mountain Bike.

Nine speed gears are quite adequate, although 18, 20, 30 and 33 speed machines are frequently used and are not barred. Full racing tyres are not essential for road events, with a large range of well priced high pressure tyres and rims available. (Most good cycle manufacturers fit these as standard to their sports models).

Riders under the age of 18 years must get their parents consent to join and race and are restricted in the size of gears they can use in club events on the road. This is not to prevent them from beating more senior riders, but to help them develop the essential art of fast pedalling. It also helps to prevent knee injuries in developing adolescents. This is a major factor in their ability to race competitively as they reach adulthood.

All riders under the age of 18 years need to have their gears restricted for Road events (ask your cycle dealer to assist) to prevent breaking this rule, with a check being made from time to time by club officials.

We set the standard - the others follow. All Velo Club members should be proud of their Club and the pastime we all enjoy. It is for us to set the standard of behaviour for all other cyclists and, ultimately, all other road users. Set the example; ride safely and with care and consideration for all users of our roads and tracks, only riding where it is legal and in a manner which will bring credit on the Club and other cyclists

Please note:

1. All time trials races are open to both racing and mountain bikes. Road racing (for 16 year olds and over) and circuit racing requires a road racing bike unless the event regulations specifically allow other machines.

2. Clothing - wear what you like and only spend money on special clothing when you are sure about the sport.

3. Always be at the event headquarters no less than 25 minutes before the race starts. Ask for the signing on board as all competitors must sign a declaration of indemnity. Entriesclose 20 minutes before the race is scheduled to start and late entries are not encouraged accepted. Most Time Trials can be entered online prior to the event – please use the system in place.

4. Pin your race number on your lower back and make sure that it is pinned to your shirt and shorts to prevent it rucking up. Do not fold it. The top of the number should be at your waist. When finishing a time trial try to call out your number as you finish which will help the timekeepers.

5. If you are in any doubt about any forthcoming event, try the Velo Club website –

Constitution and General Rules.

1. The name of the club shall be The Guernsey Velo Club.

2. The object of the club shall be to promote cycle racing, Road Racing, Time Trials, Cyclocross, Grass Track Racing, BMX racing, Mountain Bike racing and generally to encourage a good and enjoyable club life in relation to its members cycling activities.

3. All racing will be carried out in strict compliance with Guernsey Velo Club Rules of Racing.

4. The club shall be affiliated to British Cycling and Cycling Time Trials, and shall maintain a cordial relationship with the Caesarean Cycling Club Jersey, Velo Sport Jersey, the Jersey Cycling Association and the Guernsey Triathlon Club.

5. The club shall be responsible for the equipment, trophies, races and other activities of The Island of Guernsey Cycling Club, which it supersedes.

Club Meetings.

The Annual General Meeting will take place in the month of November each year.

  1. Members shall be notified of the date of The A.G.M. not less than 28 days prior to that date. Motions must be handed into the General Secretary at least 14 days prior to that date. All motions, reports etc. shall be circulated to the membership at least 7 days prior to the day of the meeting.The financial year of the club shall terminate annually on the 31st October. Year-end accounts shall be prepared by the Treasurer and submitted for review prior to the AGM. A suitablyqualified individual (or group of individuals) shall be elected at the AGM who shall not be a committee member.
  2. An Extraordinary Meeting (E.G.M.) may be called by not less than 5 members, giving at least one weeks’ notice.
  1. Club members who are unable to attend an AGM, or committee members who are unable to attend a committee meeting are able to express their views in writing to a committee meeting, prior to the said AGM or committee meeting.

The Committee.

  1. The Committee shall consist of: Hon. President, Hon. General Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Racing Secretary,Social Secretary, Press & Publicity Officer, Website Co-Ordinator, Mountain Bike Co-Coordinator, Child Protection Officer, Cycling Development Officer & Coaching Co-Ordinator, Chief Race Marshal and Safety Officer. A Committee member shall not hold the same position for more than three years, unless under exceptional circumstances.

All positions listed from the General Secretary onwards may head a Sub Committee and each is responsible for reporting back to the main Committee at each Committee meeting. The head of each Sub Committee will have the power to co-opt members, and will nominate a deputy to attend the main Committee meeting in the absence of him or herself.

  1. In the Committee a quorum shall consist of 50% plus one of the elected members.
  1. The Committee shall be elected annually at the A.G.M. Additional members may be co-opted to the Committee and be responsible for certain duties at the discretion of the Committee.
  1. A Committee member who fails to attend two Consecutive committee meetings without apology for absence may be asked to resign.


  1. (a) Application and renewals for membership must be approved by the Committee. Applicants may race before the Committee meets to consider the relevant application.

(b) Nominations for Hon. Life Members should be made in writing to the Committee with a proposer and seconder and reasons for proposal. Subject to Committee approval the proposal will be put to members at the next A.G.M.

  1. Any members of the club behaving in a manner contrary to the rules of the club, or in a way which would discredit the club, shall be reported to the committee who shall use their discretion in the matter with the power of suspension.

(a) If the Committee shall receive any complaint about any member of the Club ("the Member") behaving in a manner contrary to the Rules of the Club or in any way which would discredit the Club then the Committee shall in writing send a notice requesting such Member to appear before the next scheduled Committee meeting, provided that meeting does not occur within seven days of the complaint being made, and no later than 14 days of such complaint being received.

(b) The notice shall state the allegation being made against the Member and shall detail the day, time and place where the meeting shall be held to discuss the complaint.

(c)At the hearing of the complaint the person making the complaint ("the Complainant") shall attend and shall give details of the complaint to the Committee. The Member shall also give his or her account and they may question each other about the allegation. The Committee shall also be able to question the member and Complainant about the allegation. The Member and Complainant can be represented by a parent or friend and shall if they wish bring witnesses to support or deny the allegation and again such witnesses may be questioned by either the Complainant or member and also by the Committee.

(d) After hearing the evidence the member and the Complainant together with any witnesses shall be asked to leave the room and the Committee shall then determine the complaint on the evidence they have heard. The Complainant and the Member shall then be invited to return and the Committee shall announce its decision.

(e)The Committee shall have total discretion as to what penalty to impose if the complaint is proved including a power to suspend a Member from membership.

(f) The Committee shall confirm to the Member its decision in writing within three days of the hearing.

(g) The Member shall have the right of Appeal against the decision of the Committee by requesting in writing within 7 days of the Committee's decision the Club Secretary to convene a meeting with the Appeals Panel, whose decision shall be final, such appeal to be held no later than 14 days from the date of the member's written request to the Club Secretary. An Appeals Panel shall comprise five persons elected at the A.G.M. of whom a minimum of three shall form a quorum.

(i) The failure of the Complainant or member to attend before the Committee or the Appeals Panel on any appeal shall not prevent the Committee or Appeals Panel from coming to a decision and exercising a penalty in accordance with sub paragraph (4) of this Rule.

(j) Within two months of the completion of any hearing into any complaint, a report of the hearing, giving brief details of the proceedings and decisions under this rule, shall be notified to the members of the GVC in writing.

(k) When submitting the complaint to the Committee the Complainant shall pay a deposit of £15.00 which sum shall be returned if the complaint is upheld, or otherwise returned or dealt with at the Committee's discretion.

(l) When submitting an appeal to the Committee the member shall pay a deposit of £15.00 which sum shall be returned if the appeal is upheld, or otherwise returned or dealt with at the Appeals Panel's discretion.

  1. If the Committee shall receive a complaint from a non member of the club about any club member then the procedure set out in rule 16 shall be followed with the following exceptions:

(a) The complainant will not be required to attend the meeting but shall be asked to submit the complaint in writing and upon the receipt of the letter of complaint the procedure set out in rule 16 (i) shall be followed.

(b) The complainant shall not be obliged to pay the deposit referred to in paragraph 16 (9).

(c) Following the hearing of the complaint or any appeal the Committee shall within 10 days of the hearing advise the complainant of the decision.

  1. When considering any form of sanction against a club member who has been disciplined in accordancewith Rule 16 or 17 the Committee shall consider the cycling that the member competes in so that the sanction is effective.
  1. Changes to the annual subscription payable by all members shall be proposed by the committee, and approved at the next A.G.M. The period of membership shall be from the 1st of March of the year in question and end on the last day of February of the following year. Riders will not be permitted to ride until membership forms have been completed in full and the correct fee paid.


  1. The Guernsey Velo Club will operate a Child Protection Policy and appoint a Child Protection Officer, who shall be a member of the Committee. The Policy will be approved by both the Culture and Leisure Department and any relevant controlling bodies.
  1. Should any occurrence arise which the foregoing rules do not cover, the committee shall have the power to act as they deem fit and shall inform the membership accordingly at the next following Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting.

Rules of Racing

1. These rules are supplementary to those of British Cycling (BC) and Cycling Time Trials (CTT), and if necessary overrule BC and CTT regulations, as and when local conditions and Police regulations demand.

2. All events will be run with the permission of The Island Police.

3. An entrant to any event run these rules shall be deemed to be competing under these rules from the time that he signs on for a race until he has returned his number or left the venue.

Committee Responsibilities

4.The committee, which shall be responsible for the organisation of races, may amend or add to these rules if it is necessary, except for Rule 4. The committee may also issue guidance notes in relation to these rules or any other matters concerned with the cycling activities of club members.

5. Any competitor using an artificial stimulant in an event promoted by the club, and discovered so doing shall be suspended from competing in any club event promoted by the club for life. The facts of the case shall be reported to BC and CTT. For the purpose of this rule, an artificial stimulant shall be defined as any drug included in the BC prescribed list of forbidden stimulants.

6.In the event of adverse weather, a race may be postponed by the Racing Secretary or the Organizer. Should any championship event be prevented, for any reason whatsoever, counting events may be reduced at the discretion of the committee.

7. Races of 50 miles and over will only be contested if a minimum of 3 riders who qualify under Rule 17 are ready and willing to compete.

8. Protests regarding the conduct or the result of a race must be made to the Racing Secretary within 48 hours of the finish of the race and the protest shall be accompanied by a deposit of £15.00 which sum shall be returned if the protest is upheld, or otherwise returned or dealt with at the Committee's discretion.

9. All competitors in, or in the vicinity of the event, must ride safely. In particular, but without limiting the general principles of this Regulation, competitors must:

A.Not ride in a manner that is unsafe either to them or could be construed to be unsafe by or to other road users.

B.Ride on the left-hand side of the road except for safe overtaking and when making right hand turns.

C. Conform to all traffic signals and direction indicators.

D. In making any manoeuvre before, during or after the event, ensure that it is safe to do so.

Competitors must keep to the left hand side of the road except in one-way streets.