
School Council Meeting: September 29th, 2016

In attendance:

Martha Matute-Quiñonez, Jacqui Getfield, IrynaFakhri, Miriam Goldenberg , Sefi Chassid, Christine Smith , Mary Oppedisano, Dini, Naomi Fogel, Ravinder Rosy Singh, Rachel Givon, Poonam Patel, Sunny Mehta, Lisa.

  1. Minutes:

Call to order and acceptance of Minutes from June.

Seficalls to accept the minutes. Minutes accepted by: Miriam, Jacqui, Christine, Martha.

** Minutes should be sent early, so parents and members can come informed.

  1. Meeting days need to be changed. Future meetings- Mondays or Tuesdays. Looking for a day that will work for most people on the Council.
  2. A year at a glance (2015-2016): We formed a Council. We had 2 movie nights (Halloween and Spring), Pro-Grant – We had 2 workshops about internet safety, and we got approved for this year.Our biggest achievement was the BBQ, we made $2043.62.

Council goal: Our goal wasn’t to raise money, it was to bring the community together. Maybe it will change this year. A thought, to set a goal for better communication and partnership.

So far, we used our funds to purchase the water filter station. We need a spending plan for the 2016-2017 year.

  1. Balance- We started this year with $542. BBQ income: $2043.
  1. Amendment to the constitution- We need a co-chair since the chair has many responsibilities. Therefore, we should change the constitution to one chair and a VP, or 2 co-chairs. (need to find and attach the email from one of our members)
  1. New Council:
  2. We had 19 people hand in Parent Council forms. New Parent Council elections need to be completed by week of November 18th.
  3. We need to dissolve the current council and then we vote. We need 15 people and from those 15 we either self-nominate or vote.
  4. We have to contact all people who nominated themselves. We have to follow constitution and we have got to call everyone to ask them to meet and tell them about the positions and responsibilities (maybe read the constitution).
  1. Principal report:
  2. EQAO: Our results showa decrease in some areas. We are working on PLT- professional learning team. Teachers are meeting to create a base line assessment. Since Math was the lowest, we will focus on developing an assessment and analyzing data to decide what specifically to work on.
  3. Safety: At the Kindergarten entrance it’s very chaotic. Some kids are crying at entry, there are too many parents crowding at the parking lot entrance after drop off. School is working on changing the gated entrance to disperse the crowd.
  4. Tech: We are looking at how we can maximize access to TECH and share it around all classes. The school plans to get more access to technology. Putting tech into more student hands i.e. the library is not just to get a book but it is a learning environment and a resource, to be used for inquiry.
  5. VP:we have a temporary VP – Gillian McDowell. She works part time.
  6. Drop off: we cannot have cars parked in front of the school in the fire route. We are looking to find a better and safer way for drop off and pick upof students. There will be a blast about the drive way.
  7. Before and/or after school programs: we want to have program options that the community is interested in considering what times the community feels are most suitable. We had 6 programs participating in the BBQ, we can offer those but need to look into what communityinterests are.
  8. Movie night- Nov 3rd. Halloween theme?
  9. Norms – it is important to review the norms before we meet so our meetings are productive, staying on topic and within the time frame. We should consider having executive meetings before council meetings in order to make good use of the time at Council meetings.

Meeting ended 8:20pm.