The sentence, from line 10-11, page 95: Homō sānus nōnāgintā vel etiam centum annōs vīvere potest; . . .

Word / Form / Syntax / Expectation
homō / masc. nom. sg. / subject / verb 3rd sing.
sānus / masc. nom. sg. / modifies homō / same
nōnāgintā / indecl. numerical adj. / modifies a noun (cannot be homō, since that is singular) / a noun; probably accusative
vel / conjunction meaning "or" / there will be another number adjective
etiam / adverb modifying verb, adverb or adj. / probably another number adjective
centum / indecl. numerical adj. / modifies a noun / this is the other number; noun is coming, probably accusative
annōs / masc, acc. pl. / direct object; accusative of extent of time / transitive verb or verb suggesting a length of something
vīvere / pres. infinitive / objective complement of some finite verb form / sort of verb that takes an objective complement
potest / present tense, third sing. active verb / governs infinitive "vīvere"