Mandatory Disclosure

1 i)Name and Address of the Institution

Name / ShekhawatiEngineeringCollege, Dundlod
Distt. Jhunjhunu (Rajasthan)
Address / Permanent Location as approved by AICTE
Village / Sainipura Dundlod
Taluk / Nawalgarh
District / Jhunjhunu
Pin Code / 333702
State / Rajasthan
STD Code / 01594, Phone No: 225375, 223671, 224821
Fax No. / 01594-225721 / E-Mail:
Web site /
Nearest Rly St. / Nawalgarh
Nearest Airport / Jaipur

II Name and Address of the Director/Principal

Dr. Ram Singh


ShekhawatiEngineeringCollege, Dundlod

Sikar-Jhunjhunu Road Dundlod, Distt. Jhunjhunu.

Residence: A1, College Campus, ShekhawatiEngineeringCollege, Dundlod, Distt.-Jhunjhunu (Rajasthan)

Phone: (0194) 225375 (O)

Mobile: +919314264516

Fax: 01594-225721


III Name of the Affiliating University

University of Rajasthan

J.L.N Marg, Jaipur


The governing council of the College consists of 15members; the details of them are given in the following table.

Governing Council

S.No / Designation / Designation of Governing council
1. / Shri Shis Ram Ranwa
Satwic Jeevanshala Trust / Chairman
2. / Shri R.K. Singh, Maysore House, Civil Lines, Jaipur / Member
3. / Shri Surja Ram Meel
(Chairman, Swami Keshwanand Institute of Technology, Jaipur / Member
4. / Shri Jagdish Sahu, (Director, Jaipur Need Nirman Pvt. Ltd.) / Member
5. / Shri Shantanu Kumar
IPS (Retd.) Ex-DGP, Rajasthan / Member
6. / Dr. G. R. Verma
Prof. of Mathematics, Rhode Island, U.S.A. / Member
7. / Dr. Surendar K. Kaushik
Prof. of Finance, Pace University, New YorkWestchester, U.S.A. / Member
8. / Shri Tara Singh, Ex-Technical Member R.S.E.B., Rajasthan / Member
9. / Prof. Ram Singh
Principal, ShekhawatiEngineeringCollege / Member-Secretary
10. / Shri Anand Swaroop
Director, ShekhawatiEngineeringCollege / Member
11. / NomineeState Govt. of Rajasthan / Member
12. / Prof. R. Bohra, NomineeUniversity of Rajasthan / Member
13. / Shri Keshri Singh, IAS (Retd.) / Member
14 / Amar Singh Godara, Hon,ble Justice (Retd.) / Member
15. / Dr. Har Lal Singh, Assistant Professor
Shekhawati Engineering college / Faculty Member


The Executive council consists of following members.

Satwic Jeevashal Trust / Chairman
Principal,ShekhawatiEngineeringCollege, Dundlod / Member Secretary
Executive Director, ShekhawatiEngineeringCollege / Member
Director, ShekhawatiEngineeringCollege / Member
Four Heads of Dept. nominated by Chairman / Member
Administration Officer / Member
Account Officer/Deputy Registrar / Member


The objective of Executive council is to execute the policy and broad guide lines framed by Governing Council.


The Board of Governor, as far as practicable, meets once in every year and the meeting of an Executive council is held once in every 4 months.

Organizational Structure

Nature and Extent of Involvement of faculty and student in academic affairs/improvement

All the faculties of the college are fully committed to impart instructions to best of their ability. The full coverage of course curriculum prescribed by the University is carried out in class itself. In order to ensure the full strength in the class, the student who are absent in more than 25% total held classes are detained from University Examination. Students are required to take prior permission for any leave by Proctor/CCAA.

In each semester, students are required to appear in two mid term tests which ensure the continuous study throughout the session.

Substitute arrangements are made for the vacant classes due to leave/absence of faculty to ensure full engagement of classes.

Mechanism/Norm & Procedure democratic for good governance

In order to ensure the democratic governance of the college the major policy and broad guidelines are framed by the Board of governor (Governing Council) which consists of more than 9 members where the decisions are taken by majority.

These guidelines and policies are further executed again by Executive council consisting of 7 members.

The Executive Council is chaired by the Principal Secretary, Govt. of Rajasthan, Jaipur.

However the faculty members (HOD) and Registrar representing the teaching and non teaching employees of the institute participate in the Executive council, which ensure the effective representation of them to express their views and decisions are taken by majority. Each agenda item of the meeting is discussed at length where all members are provided opportunity to express their views in the Executive councils with regards to implementation of the policy which gives them a sense of feeling of belongingness to organization and ensure commitment towards organization.

Student Feedback on Institutional Governance/Faculty Performance

In order to know the feedback on institutional governance, the HOD concerned and faculty discuss with the students about the working of the institute, the areas of improvement & weaknesses. The views of the students are communicated to the Principal who discuss the same with the HOD’s concerned staff and then efforts are made to introduce the improvements in the interest of institute as a whole & students in particular.

The Principal and HOD’s concerned take the feedback about the syllabus covered in the classes, understanding of the subject being taught in the class by the faculty. Accordingly improvements are made in the imparting of instructions through assigning subject to faculty as per their strength, motivating them to make thorough study of the subject and improving the way of delivery by making it more interesting and easy approach.


In the institution conducive environment has been created wherein faculty, staff and students can express their grievances freely. The faculty is free to discuss their grievance with the Principal from time to time. The Principal of the institution takes care of their grievance.The efforts are made to redress the grievance by taking appropriate measures.

The faculty and staff may also interact with the Chairman Executive Council.For students, a complaint box is kept in the Principal Secretariat where in the aggrieved students may drop their grievance which are kept before Principal who tries to redress it himself by taking appropriate measure or referring to Dept. / Section/Concerned.

In addition to this, for each group of student of 15-20, a tutor has been appointed and assigned them task of having a discussion with students concerned with regard to problem being faced inside and outside campus. These problems are discussed with HOD and Principal and appropriate actions are taken accordingly to resolve them.


Name of Program / Number of Seats / Duration / Fee* / Placement
B.E(Electronics) / 60 / 4 Years / Courses started from the session 2003-046
B.E(Computer) / 60 / 4 Years
B.E(IT) / 60 / 4 Years
B.E.(Electrical Engineering) / 60 / 4 Years
  • As decided by Govt. – details given in Section VIII

VII Faculty

Discipline / Permanent Faculty / Faculty on Contract / Adjunct Faculty / Guest Faculty / Total / Permanent Faculty Student Ratio (II & III Year)
Electronics / 10 / 15 / - / - / 10 / 60+42=102/10 10.2:1
Computer & IT / 14 / 14 / - / - / 14 / 29+14=43/14
Electrical Engineering / 08 / 08 / 08 / 36+09=45/8

Number of faculty employed and left during last three years. Three

One professor (each) in Electronics, Electrical & Computer Science and,two Reader (each) branch, shall be recruited shortly. The advertisement has been released.


Discipline / Category / SC/ ST/ OBC/ Girls / General
Computer, IT,
Electronics & Communication,
Electrical / Self Finance / Rs.41000/- Per Year / Rs.41000/- per Year

In addition to this, the students are required to pay Rs.1500/- as an examination fee to the University of Rajasthan, Jaipur

Time Schedule for payment of fee

The students are required to pay annual fee at the time odd semester registration in the month of July.

No of Fee waiver Granted with amount and name of students

Number of Scholarship offered by the Institution and Amount

S.No / Name of Scholarship / Offered by / Duration / Amount Per Year / Criteria
1. / SC Scholarship / Social Welfare Dept., Govt. of Rajasthan / 4 Years / As per Govt. Norms / For SC Category
2. / ST Scholarship / Social Welfare Dept., Govt. of Rajasthan / 4 Years / As per Govt. Norms / For ST category
3. / Merit Scholarship / Board of Secondary Education, Raj. Ajmer / 4years / Rs.3000/- / For Merit holder students in X and XII of Board Exam.
4 / Merit Scholarship / Stawic Jeevanshala Trust / 4 Year / Rs.5100/-
Rs.501/- / For Merit holder students in BE. Courses


Students / Category / Total Amount
00 / ST / Rs.0000.0
03 / SC / Rs.133704/-
24 / General / Rs.57815/-

Estimated cost of boarding and lodging in hostel

The students have been provided hired hostel accommodation at the cost of Rs.1800-2500 per month that includes boarding and lodging.


Discipline / Sanctioned Seats / Students Admitted
Category / 2005-06 / 2004-05 / 2003-04
2005-06 / 2004-05 / 2004-03
B.E. Electronics and Communication / 60 / 60 / 60 / Gen / 28 / 21 / 23
SC / 01 / 01 / 01
ST / - / - / -
OBC / 27 / 12 / 27
Girls / 02 / 07 / 09
B.E. Computer / 60 / 60 / 60 / Gen / 15 / 04 / 12
SC / 01 / 01 / 01
ST / - / - / -
OBC / 14 / 06 / 09
Girls / 06 / 04 / 07
IT / 60 / 60 / 60 / Gen / 03 / - / -
SC / 02 / - / -
ST / - / - / -
OBC / 07 / 01 / -
Girls / 02 / - / -
Electrical Engineering / 60 / 60 / 60 / Gen / 11 / 01 / 16
SC / 01 / - / 01
ST / 01 / - / -
OBC / 09 / 05 / 18
Girls / - / 02 / 01

In addition to this, there are 10% seats of above sanctioned seat for Diploma students which are admitted in the III semester (IIYr.) directly on the basis of marks obtained in Diploma examination.


The admissions in the college are made through RPET which is conducted at the state level by a Govt. agency nominated by Govt. of Rajasthan. Presently it is being conducted by Directorate, Technical Education, Jodhpur.

The 15% of sanctioned seats are filled through AIEEE15% of sanctioned seats are filled through Management.

Website of test agency:


The admissions are made on the basis of the rank obtained by students in the RPET Exam. The rank is awarded on the basis of marks obtained in the test. The minimum qualification for participation in test is 10+2.

The admissions at college level are made after exhausting the merit list of RPET prepared by test conducting agency.

The admissions at the college level are made in the order of RPET, rank, percentage in 10+2, with a minimum of 45%.



Programme / Books / Journals
Title / Volume / National / International
ECE / 308 / 940 / 03 / 03
Computer & IT / 569 / 1689 / 04 / -
EE / 286 / 854 / 04 / -
Chemistry Hum SS, Mech. / 567 / 2195 / 14 / -


B. Building Details

S.No. / Carpet Area with circulation area / Area in Sq. meter
1 / Instructional Area / 5390.19
2 / Administration Area / 979.14
3 / Amenities / 1775.61
4 / Residential facilities / 16691.17
Total / 24836.11

Carpet Area: Class Rooms & Laboratories / Workshop / Library

S.No. / Instructional / Area in feet / Area in Sq. feet / Total Area
1 / Lecturer Theater No. 1,2 / 2x31x30 / 1860 / 1372.7
LecturerRooms 3,4,5,6,7,8 / 6x29x31 / 5394
L 9 to 12 / 4x 27x33 / 3564
LecturerRooms 13 to 16 / 4x29x31 / 3596
2 / Tutorial Rooms / 2x16x28 / 896 / 476.19
2x16x25 / 800
1x16x17 / 272
1x16x15.5 / 248
6x16x29 / 2784
3 / ComputerCenter / 16x54 / 864 / 322
31x37 / 1147
39x35 / 1365
4 / Workshop 5 shops / 28x80 / 2240 / 282.66
28x26 / 728
5 / Engg. Chemistry Lab / 16x54 / 864 / 191.52
37x31.1 / 1147
6 / Physics Lab / 47x16
54.2x16 / 752
867 / 154.0
7 / Drawing Room / 68x26 / 1904 / 181.33
8 / Seminar Hall / 41x44.2 / 1812.2 / 172.6
9 Electrical Department
Machine Lab / 86.5x31 / 2681 / 885.5
Measurement Lab / 17.25x45 / 776
EE/EC Workshop / 22.5x31 / 697.5
Power System & Control Lab. / 45x31 / 1395
Power Electronics Lab / 22.5x31 / 697.5
Computer Based Machine Design Lab / 27x33 / 891
Power System & High Voltage Lab* / 48x45 / 2160*
10 Electronics Department
Digital Hardware / 29x31 / 899 / 670.38
System Design Lab / 29x31 / 899
Microwave Lab / 29x31 / 899
Microprocessor Lab / 45x31 / 1395
Digital Electronics Lab / 45x17.25 / 776
Electronics Lab / 45x31 / 1395
Communication Lab / 45x17.25 / 776
11 / Library / 68x28 / 1904 / 301.33
42x30 / 1260
Circulation Area / 25% / 1078.29

Details of Administrative Areas & staff Rooms

S.No. / Administrative Area / Area in feet / Total Area (Sq.M)
1 / Principal Office / 16x20 / 30.48
2 / Director Office / 16x17 / 25.90
Ex. Director / 28x17 / 45.33
3 / P.A Office / 16x17 / 25.90
4 / Visitor Lounge / 28x16 / 42.66
5 / College Office / 2x20x16 / 60.95
6 / Faculty Rooms / 2x20x16 / 386.38
7 / Central Store / 30x43
18x25 / 165.71
Circulation / 25% / 195.83

Details of Other Facilities

S.No. / Area / Area in feet / Total Area (Sq.M)
1 / Security Room / 10x16 / 15.24
2 / Boys common Room / 41x35.6 / 138
3 / Girls common Room / 41x35.6 / 138
4 / Medical Investigation Room / 15x15 / 21.43
5 / Bank Ext. counter / 35x20 / 66.66
6 / Toilets / 14x14.75x2 / 135
7 / Coolers / 8x16x4 / 154.48
8 / Canteen etc. / 751.80
9 / Circulation & other Area 25% / 284.29

Residential facilities

S.No. / Area / Area in feet / Area in feets / Total AreaSq.M
1 / Guest House / Type A & Type B / 2000+1100 / 295.24
2 / Principal House / 3500 / 333.33
3 / Staff Quarters / Type A
Type B
Type C
Type D / 2x3x2890
8x390 / 1651.43
4 / Boys Hostel No. 01 / 2647.43
5 / Boys Hostel No. 02 / Ground Floor
I & II Floor / 14222
2x13899 / 4001.10
6 / Girls Hostel / 11500 / 1117.14
7 / Mess & Dining / 111x102 / 1078.28
Circulation area 30% / 3852
Total / 16691.17


Number and configuration of System

Configuration / No.
P-IV / 180

Total no of system connected by LAN :-180

Total number of system connected by WAN= nil

Internet band Width :- 64 kbps (V-SAT)

256 kbpsleased line* (Under process)

Licensed Software:- 1. Windows XP Home Edition(30); 2. Windows server 2003 with 5 user(1); 3. MS Office 2003 (1); 4. Turbo C++ (1); 5. Norton Anti-Virus 2003(1); 6. Visual Studio Dot NET (5); 7. Red Hat Linux Desktop(1); 8. Turbo Linux(30); 9. Tina Pro with 5 user(1).


The university examinations are held at the end of each semester in the month of December/January, and April/May. In order to ensure the continuous evaluation two mid term tests are held in each semester carrying 20% weight age of total modules. In addition to this under the lab classes, the 60% weight age of total marks is given to the work done in lab classes, attendance and quiz.