10.11.12—Counting on a Bright Future
Call for Conference Sessions
OCAP invites you to submit a session proposal for our 2012 Annual Conference. The theme this year will be 10.11.12—Counting on a Bright Future. To supplement our great slate of sessions, we’re looking for a few additional session ideas that offer expertise, resources and ideas to help our partners lead students to a bright future. Sessions should appeal to diverse audiences including community partners, high school counselors, campus professionals and more!
Here are a few of the topics we’re hoping to see.
- Financial aid topics
- Successfully engaging parents
- Spreading the word about Oklahoma’s Promise
- Working with low-resourced students and parents
- Resources for mentoring organizations
- Providing services to tribal students
- Reaching under-served populations including at-risk youth, foster children, homeless/unaccompanied youth, homeschool children or others
- Any other topics on college access, default prevention, retention, financial literacy or helping students succeed
At the conference, we will also highlight the best and brightest of YOUR organization’s success stories.Do you have a student who has used your support and services to propel them to a brighter future? We want to hear about it! This packet also includes a form that will allow you to nominate a successful student to be featured in our video success stories during the conference.
If you would like to submit a session proposal or nominate a student, please fill out the appropriate form with all relevant information and email it to Liz Brandon at by 5:00 p.m. on June 11, 2012. The OCAP Conference Committee will review all proposals and identify sessions that will appeal to the greatest number of our partners or that provide unique expertise. If your proposal is selected, you will be notified by June 30.
Please forward this information on to your colleagues that may find it of interest. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Liz Brandon at 405-234-4288 or .
10.11.12—Counting on a Bright Future
Call for Conference Sessions
Presenter(s) information: (complete for each presenter)
Phone: Email:
Phone: Email:
Session title: ______
Please describe your proposed session, including learning objectives:
Brief session description for conference materials: ______
Target Audience: ______
*Please attach a short biography for each session presenter. *
10.11.12—Counting on a Bright Future
Student Success Nomination Form
Your name: ______
Organization: ______Your Phone Number: ______
Your e-mail address: ______
Please tell us about a student who has achieved success through your organization: ______
Describe the role your organization played in the student’s success:
Could you put us in contact with this student? YES NO