State Land Office
Requirements Definition Project
Use Cases Report
Productive Data Solutions, Inc.
Joel Matek, Sr. Project Manager
Paul Apodaca
October 30, 2003
Table of Contents
Mineral Resources – Oil, Gas & Minerals
Use Case 1: Create OGRIDs
Use Case 2: Change OGRID Information
Use Case 3: Lease Sales
Use Case 5: Unitization
Use Case 6: Industrial Minerals, Salt, & Potash Exploration & Leasing
Use Case 7: Coal, General Mining, & Geothermal Resources Leasing
Use Case 8: Communitization or Consolidation Agreement Termination
Use Case 9: Lease Relinquishment (Release)
Use Case 10: Lease Cancellation
Use Case 11: Lease Expiration
Use Case 12: Lease Reinstatement
Use Case 13: Lease Stipulations
Use Case 15: Oil & Gas Contamination
Use Case 16: Removal of Unwanted Equipment
Use Case 17: Geophysical Permit
Use Case 18: Lease Sale Nominations
Use Case 19: Reclamation SUA
Use Case 20: Mineral Evaluation & Special Projects
Use Case 21: Shut-In Royalties
Use Case 22: Stripper Well Reduced Royalty Rate
Use Case 23: Lease Assignments
Use Case 24: Lease Sale Notice
Use Case 25: Communitization or Consolidation Agreement
Use Case 26: Review Correlative Rights Issues or Oil & Gas Production
Use Case 27: Commingling and Off-Lease Storage
Use Case 28: Change of Unit Operator
Mineral Resources – Royalty Management
Use Case 29: Funds Reconciliation
Use Case 30: Receive Royalty Returns and distribute royalty
Use Case 31: Royalty and Gas Plant Audits
Use Case 32: Shut-In Royalties
Use Case 33: Refund of Erroneous Payments
Administrative Services
Use Case 34: Document Processing
Use Case 35: Distribution to Beneficiaries
Use Case 36: Budgeting & Expenses
Mineral Resources – Oil, Gas & Minerals
Use Case 1: Create OGRIDs
The purpose of this use case is to add an OGRID number for an entity.
Primary Actor
Designated user from Oil, Gas, and Minerals Division, or backup user if primary is unavailable. May also be designated user/backup from OCD, or TRD.
Starting Point
Receive correspondence or phone call requesting an OGRID number.
Ending Point
Request has been completed or cancelled.
Measurable Result
A new OMID (if necessary) and OGRID numbers and associated information have been added to the database, and the entity was notified of their OGRID number.
Flow of Events
- User enters entity name to determine if they already have a master number assigned. System displays a list of all entities that contain entered text as part of their name.
- User selects option to create new entity. System displays name that was previously entered and drop-down list for types of entities.
- User enters type of entity (company, individual, trust, partnership, LLC). System automatically creates unique master number (OMID) for the entity, updates the information in the database, notifies the user that the data was successfully saved, and moves to the screen for entering OGRID data.
- User enters name of specific entity (e.g. company name), and primary contact information for entity: address, city, state, zip code, phone number; and optionally contact person name, fax number, and email address. User specifies to save the data and add secondary contact information or save and finish. System automatically assigns an OGRID number, updates the information in the database, notifies the user that the data was successfully saved, and if add another selected then redisplays the required information which may be modified as needed.
- User enters business function (e.g. O&G, Royalty).
- User enters role type (address type) for given entity (e.g. O&G lease remitter, O&G royalty remitter, O&G prospective bidder, Lessee of record).
- User specifies previous entity contact information applies or enters new contact data: name of specific entity (e.g. company name), address, city, state, zip code, phone number; and optionally contact person name, fax number, and email address. User specifies to save the data and add another contact information or save and finish. System updates the information in the database (associated with the OGRID number recently created), automatically sets the status to “Active”, notifies the user that the data was successfully saved, and if add another selected then redisplays the required information which may be modified as needed.
- Repeat steps 5 - 7, as needed.
- Send letter to entity informing them of their OGRID number, along with Oil & Gas manual and royalty filing kit.
Alternative Flow of Events
In step 1, if entity name already exists, select appropriate entity and verify that associated information is correct. If data is not correct, follow procedures in Use Case: Change OGRID Information to modify data. Otherwise, skip steps 2-3.
Use Case Extensions
Related Business Rules
Primary Subject Matter Expert(s): Anna Villa
Use Case 2: Change OGRID Information
The purpose of this use case is to change OGRID information for an entity.
Primary Actor
Designated user from Oil, Gas, and Minerals Division, or backup user if primary is unavailable. May also be designated user/backup from OCD, or TRD.
Starting Point
Receive written correspondence (letter, fax, or email) from an entity requesting an address change for OGRID information. Name change requires miscellaneous instrument to be filed (see Miscellaneous Instruments Use Case).
Ending Point
Request has been completed or cancelled.
Measurable Result
The information associated with the OGRID has been added/modified in the database, and applicable agencies have been notified of the change.
Flow of Events
- User enters entity name in search screen. System displays a list of all entities that contain entered text in their name.
- User selects given entity from the list, and specifies change information for given OGRID. System displays list of all business function / role types that were previously entered.
- User selects given business function / role type from the list. System displays all information for given role type.
- User enters/modifies data from any of the following fields as needed: name of specific entity (e.g. company name), address, city, state, zip code, phone number, contact person name, fax number, and email address. User specifies to save the data and modify another role type or save and finish. System updates the information in the database, notifies the user that the data was successfully saved, and if modify another selected then redisplays the list per step 2.
- Repeat steps 3 - 4, as needed.
- System lists all leases for the given OGRID. User requests appropriate number of copies of changed data, system prints out changed data.
- User adds one copy to each physical lease file in records, and one copy to correspondence file. If role code attached to OCD or TRD, notify them of change so they can update their records.
Alternative Flow of Events
In step 3, if role type requires approval from OCD or TRD before proceeding, stop processing until their approval has been received.
Primary Subject Matter Expert(s): Anna Villa
Use Case 3: Lease Sales
The purpose of this use case is to enact the monthly oil & gas lease sale.
Primary Actor
Various users from Oil, Gas, and Minerals Division.
Starting Point
Download the date of the upcoming sale to the Lease Information Management System.
Ending Point
Lease sale has been completed, and data processing completed.
Measurable Result
The lease sale has been completed, all applicable information has been added into the database, applicable money has been collected and processed, and applicable entities have been notified.
Flow of Events
- Prior to the day of the sale: download tract nominations, OGRID numbers, PC sale (last sale number and tracts) onto laptop computer to be used in sale. Laptop computer has Lease Information Management System (LIMS) application loaded, which is a separate software application written in Visual Basic and Crystal Reports.
- Start LIMS, clear tables to empty old data from previous sale.
- Import files downloaded in step 1 into LIMS.
- On the day of the sale: register bidders from data on registration sheet; user enters: OGRID number, company name, representative name (one bidder at a time until all bidders have been entered). Set each bidder to active status.
- Open sealed bids. Sort bids into folders by tract number. Sort bids from lowest to highest bonus amount in each folder.
- Record sealed bid data on worksheet (as time allows during the sale). Select tract, system shows tract number and starting bid amount (minimum bid). Enter OGRID number and amount bid for successful bidder. System shows company associated with the given OGRID number. Repeat for each tract offered under sealed bid.
- Verbally announce bid amounts for sealed bids for each tract from lowest to highest amount bid, stating company name and bonus amount ($) bid.
- For oral bidding, perform bidding by tract. Enter successful bidder’s OGRID number and bid amount. Repeat for each tract in regular and special oral bidding.
- During sale: User1 (Darlene Vigil) manually records results in worksheet and keeps running total with calculator. User2 (Cecilia Maestas) enters data in Excel spreadsheet (previously prepared by OGM Director and added to shared drive) as unofficial copy used to project results on screen during lease sale. User3 (Anna Villa) enters data into LIMS.
- After the sale, go to report screen to verify numbers and company names. Print lease sale detail and verify totals, acreage, data entry are correct.
- Open MS Word document and update automatic links. Use LIMS and Word to create lease documents for all leases from the sale.
- Use LIMS lease sale details to include lease numbers. Print hardcopy and file in folder for that sale/month.
- Close LIMS.
- Upload sale data from LIMS on laptop into database (currently on mainframe TSO: upload sale info). Open LIMS. Select output file (uploads two files. Exit LIMS. Go to database (currently on mainframe TSO: Leaseup) and upload data. Call GSD-ISD to run job to verify if data was uploaded successfully.
- Print bid summary report from database.
- Review leases and verify legal descriptions are correct, and manually edit if necessary.
- Print one set of leases (duplex printing). Print oil and gas documents: notification letter per operator/lease.
- Print acknowledgement for Yates Petroleum. Replace Yates back pages with printed acknowledgement.
- Go to printshop for copies. User makes 3 copies of each lease on 25% cotton paper.
- OGM Director signs letters (for Commissioner). Mail letters and leases to lessees. Create new lease file for each lease. File copy of letter in lease file, and copy in reader file.
- Lessee sign and returns lease.
- User prepares plat and attaches labels with lease number on files.
- OGM Director signs leases (for Commissioner). Send copy of signed lease to lessee. File copy in lease folder, and send copy to Records Management for posting and microfilming.
- Copy lease files (MS Word format) onto network drive in directory by month and year.
- Delete all lease documents and notification letters from LIMS to prepare for next lease sale.
- System automatically generates high bid analysis for next lease sale notice, including oral vs. sealed results, and highest bonus per acreage received; (currently done in MS Word and Excel [Cal2003 spreadsheet]).
Alternative Flow of Events
In step 3 or 14, if upload or download function from/to laptop does not work, can transfer data via floppy or CD instead.
Use Case Extensions
Related Business Rules
Primary Subject Matter Expert(s): Anna Villa
Use Case 5: Unitization
The purpose of this use case is to approve units and control/monitor exploration and development for hydrocarbons on said units.
Primary Actor
Petroleum engineer user from Oil, Gas, and Minerals Division
Starting Point
Receive application from operator recommending proposal to unitize, or receive unitization notification from OCD that statutory unitization order will be issued, or receive notification from BLM that unitization process is planned.
Ending Point
Request has been completed or cancelled.
Measurable Result
The unit has been approved, all unit information has been added/modified into the database, and applicable agencies have been notified.
Flow of Events
- User receives application data, and other information concerning proposed unit. This information would include initial form of unit agreement, engineering report, geologic data, rough form of Exhibits “A” and “B”, and Letter of Designation by the BLM (if the unit contains Federal lands). Suggested geologic exhibits to include in package are: structure map, isopach map, cross sections, and geological discussion.
- Review package for completeness and accuracy, for expired/expiring acreage, open acreage, engineering and geologic data, and other SLO requirements.
- Route package to engineers and geologists; complete “Unit Checklist form”.
- Recommend approval or rejection.
- Prepare preliminary approval letter, with any further requirements, or needed clarifications.
- Send copy to OCD (and BLM if applicable).
- Set up file folders for correspondence, plans, unit agreement, well records. File in pending unit file. Send duplicate to Records Center.
- Review application letter from applicant requesting final approval, 2 copies of unit agreement and operating agreement, ratification from at least 75% of lessees, OCD order, (Certificates of Determination from BLM, if applicable), and filing fee. Review package for completeness and accuracy to determine if all conditions or restrictions have been met.
- Verify each ratification received matches lessee of record. Post committed ratifications to exhibits.
- Prepare approval letter with restrictions, approval date, and effective date for Director’s signature. Distribute copies to OCD, TRD, unit agreement file (original), unit correspondence file, Oil & Gas correspondence file, Commissioner’s reader file, (and BLM if applicable). Prepare 7 certificates of approval for Commissioner’s approval and seal.
- Perform final review of Exhibits “A” and “B”, ratifications, and beneficiary review. Prepare & distribute report to departments: OCD, TRD, Royalty Mgmt., Geologists, Engineers, and Unit file.
- Post unit name, subdivision description, and dates to oil & gas tract books - excluding leases that were not ratified.
- Copy ownership plat and put in Unit Agreement.
- User enters unit data (“Utloc file”) including: unit name, operator, OGRID number, county, date, acreage amounts (total, State, Federal, Indian patented, fee), uncommitted tracts, unit type, segregation, automatic elimination, term (years), year of last plan of development, address, city, state, zip, telephone #, contact name, action date, remarks, pool 1 name and code, pool 2 name and code, pool 3 name and code, pool 4 name and code, pool 5 name and code, section-township-range descriptions.
- Pull and stamp actual lease with unit data: Unit name, effective date, approval date, acreage committed (subdivision).
- Make an original and duplicate expansion folders. Also for the original folder, make 5 folders and label for unit agreement, correspondence, plans of development, operating agreement, and well records.All data is filed in original and duplicate expansion folders.
- User enters unit details information: Unit name, record effective date, OGRID number, operator effective date, unit type, allocation type, segregation clause, unit effective date, SLO-OCD-BLM approval dates, and comments. System verifies that the unit name has not been previously used. Operator current date defaults to current date. After entering the OGRID number the operator name is displayed. System automatically assigns a unit status of “Active”, updates the information in the database, notifies the user that the data was successfully saved. The system also enters the new unit name into the unit listing file (“Utnames”) (currently this is done by the user).
- User enters unit boundaries data for each tract: section, township, range, legal description, and lot identifier. If adding boundaries to an existing unit the user may specify the revision number and revision effective date. If no revision date is specified, the system will use the current date for this field. System updates the information in the database, and notifies the user that the data was successfully saved.
- User enters tract data from exhibit “B” for each tract: tract number, ownership (Federal, State, or Private), lease (and assignment) number, acreage, and commitment status (Y/N). If adding tracts to an existing unit the user may specify the revision number and revision effective date. If no revision date is specified, the system will use the current date for this field. System updates the information in the database, and notifies the user that the data was successfully saved.
- The user enters pool identification number, pool name and effective date for each pool to be added to the unit. System updates the information in the database, and notifies the user that the data was successfully saved.
- User enters Oil Conservation Division order number. System updates the information in the database, and notifies the user that the data was successfully saved.
Alternative Flow of Events
In step 2, if doesn’t meet requirements notify operator or their representative of deficiencies, required clarifications, etc. and wait until situation is clarified, or send rejection letter and return application.