Trinity News
(25th November 2011)
Message from the Headteacher.
It is now only 31 sleeps until Christmas! Christmas has already started at Holy Trinity now our Christmas tree has arrived and the post box is out ready to receive cards! Please ensure children put the name of the receiving child and their class/year group as we need to make sure we know who they are going to.
Thank you very much to Mr and Mrs Ortega Bohlin for sharing their dancing and to Paula and Elsa Forgenie and Oliver Spears for showing and playing the Steel Pans of Trinidad to the children. We have been very pleased with the numbers of people willing to share artefacts and their time to provide greater knowledge about different cultures with the rest of the school. If you would also like to share something we would be delighted!
If you have any queries or concerns, please make an appointment to see me. I am always happy to discuss any issues.
Sarah Chaloner
Strike Action – Wednesday 30th November.
Further to my letter last week sadly it looks very likely that the school will be closed next Wednesday as there has been no resolution between the unions and government. I will confirm the decision on Monday however please ensure you have plans for your childcare for Wednesday.
Christmas Events.
Djembe Assembly Reminder.
On Friday 2nd December at 10.45am we will be having a Djembe drumming assembly led by Year 5 and 6 to share what they have learnt this term. Parents of children in Year 5 and 6 are very welcome to attend the assembly which should last approximately 20 – 30 minutes. We look forward to seeing you.
Friday 9th December.
We have decided that as we are having our Pantomime and activity/party afternoon we will allow the children to also have a non-uniform day to make it more of a special day before Christmas. The pantomime is – Jack and the Beanstalk.
Christmas Lunch.
Please can you confirm with the school office by Friday next week whether you would like your child to have the Christmas lunch price £1.95 on Wednesday 14th December as the cook needs to order. Please note, if your child already has a Wednesday Roast then they are already included in the numbers.
December date / EventFriday 2nd / Djembe Drumming Assembly 10-45am.
FoHT Children’s Disco .
Friday 9th / Pantomime for children 9-30am.
Christmas Activity afternoon.
Monday 12th / 'A Wriggly Nativity' KS1/Rec play to parents at 1-30pm and 6-30pm.
Wednesday 14th / Christmas in Christchurch 9-15am.
Christmas lunch 12 until 1pm.
Carol Service to KS2 6-30pm.
Friday 16th / Term ends at 1-20pm/1-30pm.
Special Mentions.
18.11.11 / 24.11.11Reception: Bella
Year 1: Oliver
Year 2: Penny
Year 3: Toby
Year 4: Casey
Year 5: Michael
Year 6: Jamie / Reception: Scarlett
Year 1: Kenzie
Year 2: Louise
Year 3: Alexander
Year 4: William
Year 5: James
Year 6: Jason
School Attendance:
The class with the best attendance last week was: Reception
The class with the best attendance this week is: Year 2