Registration Form

"Elvis Travel Retreat"

April 22 Sunday~April 26 Thursday ~ Your 5 day, 4 night trip includes.... deluxe bus transportation from Deland to and from Graceland

Elvis Exhibit entrance fee - 2 nights hotel to and from & 2 nights in Graceland beautiful new hotel

Not all food but several included meals

Maximum Bus Occupants: 56 Several Quilt Shop of DeLand staff will be

traveling with you and your hosts, Judy Hansen and Judi Sierer

Name: ______

first last



Phone: Home______Cell______

email: ______

Please complete "Emergency notification form" attached. Date Received: ______

Registration: Deposit is by check only to: Judi Siere notate on check: Elvis Retreat.

Mailing Address: 253 Harmony Lane, Titusville, Fl 32780 260-665-2566

Please note: "We take your safety and security very seriously, but we will not be liable for any personal injury, loss/theft or damage anytime during the retreat/bus excursion, April 22-26, 2018. Your attendance constitutes your agreement to indemnify Quilt Shop of DeLand, Inc. and "Tickets to Paradise, Inc." from any claim for injury, loss, or damage for any reason. Thank you and welcome. Sign here X ______

Total amount: $599.00 Deposit $300 minimum

Deposit: ______Date Received: ______

Balance: ______Date Received: ______By Dec. 31, 2017

FREE "Elvis Quilt Challenge" sent after final payment: ______mailed to you at the above address. See flyer for the exciting details!

Please list any special information you would like us to be aware of. ______

I would like to room with: Name: ______


Refund Policy: Emergencies happen, we all know that. We have also made a commitment to the bus line, hotels, restaurants and Graceland.

Our reasonable policy: In case of cancellation: Up to Dec. 31, all monies refunded except a $50 processing fee. Within 60 days or less (Feb 22, 2018) - refund minus $150 fee- or $50 if you can find a replacement.

Trip insurance is available through "Tickets to Paradise, Inc." arranged directly with Judi Sierer

Quilt Shop of DeLand, Inc. Judy Hansen, Owner

115 W. Rich Ave., DeLand, Fl 32720 386-734-8782