Mission Statement: Montessori Academy is dedicated to providing quality education for our children during their crucial early years. We take pride in our warm, loving atmosphere with dedicated teachers who prepare the classrooms with exciting lessons to nourish the learning process for each child.

It is our desire that all parents will work in partnership with Montessori Academy to carry out these policies in order to prepare a happy, healthy, and orderly school environment for our children.

We provide:

·  A stimulating, prepared environment dedicated to the living and learning needs of our children

·  Loving, experienced teachers who guide the children and encourage them to explore the areas that excite and engage them in their learning process

·  Dedicated teachers who carefully plan lessons for each individual child and maintain meticulous records to keep every child on the road to success

We promote:

·  A strong sense of self-worth and responsibility among our children that will in turn foster a lifelong love of learning

·  An environment where children are intrinsically motivated for success

·  An environment where learning activities incorporate movement and opportunities for independence

·  An environment where children will become self-disciplined as they are empowered to choose lessons designed for specific development and learning needs

·  Learning environments prepared with materials that will help each child explore, communicate, work, and perfect skills to reach his highest potential

·  A partnership with parents dedicated to the success of each child

·  Respect for children as worthy, unique individuals

Ultimate Goal:

·  Inspire a passion for excellence

·  Nurture the curiosity, creativity, and imagination born within us all

·  Awaken the human spirit in every child

·  Inspire a lifelong love of learning

·  Lead them to be caring, contributing, and responsible human beings

General Statement of Policy:

Montessori Academy is a private, independent school for children from the age of twelve months through Kindergarten. The goal of our school is to educate the whole person through the Montessori approach which addresses the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical needs of each child.

We do this by offering a wide range of lessons specifically prepared to maximize the child’s full potential while meeting the needs of each individual student. Dr. Maria Montessori developed this method of education based on her studies and observations that support the idea that all children possess an innate desire to explore, discover, and learn.


Records maintained by school on behalf of the students (for two years) will be released only if the parent/guardian (on behalf of the student) executes a formal written release for disclosure, or as required by law.

Financial records on delinquent accounts may be released to appropriate collection organizations, credit agencies, or the judicial system after notification in an attempt to remedy delinquent accounts.

Solicitation and Distribution

Solicitation or distribution of literature on behalf of any individual, organization, charity, or cause on school premises without prior written approval of the Executive Director is prohibited.

Student Dismissal Procedure

Students are admitted to Montessori Academy for the full academic term, August – May. Should your child have difficulty in adjusting to the Montessori environment, you will be notified by the school. A conference will be held to discuss how best to meet the needs of your child. A plan of action will be decided upon and implemented to assist the child in his adjustment or correction of inappropriate, repeated behaviors within the Montessori program. In the extreme event that your child continues to have a difficult time adjusting, we will schedule a meeting to discuss the action needed to be taken at this time. Should dismissal be necessary, the remaining bi-lateral contractual obligations will cease.

Family Dismissal

In circumstances where a family is not in compliance with school policies, procedures, tuition payment, or not in harmony with the school/staff, a written notice will be sent or a conference will be held in an attempt to resolve the matters. If the situation persists, a letter of dismissal will be sent to the family. In extreme circumstances, a family may be immediately suspended by the Executive Director until an investigation into the extreme circumstance is made by the Administrator and a determination as to “next step” procedure is made.


DHR does not allow smoking or weapons of any kind on school property (even with a permit to carry concealed weapon).

Parent Education

Throughout the school year we have several opportunities available to parents who wish to gain further insight into the Montessori Philosophy and teaching methods. Please check the school calendar for specific dates and times. We encourage at least one parent to attend.

Student Discipline Procedure

In the Montessori classroom we expect that the children will be cooperative and behave in a safe and respectful manner. If a child does not comply, the Directress will assist the child by using positive language, demonstrating/reminding the child what he is expected to do, and if necessary:

·  Removing the child from the situation to the Directress’ side until he is ready to rejoin the group with safe and respectful behavior.

·  Calling the parent to remove the child temporarily from school in cases of extremely inappropriate behavior, until a plan of action can be worked out through a parent-teacher meeting.

**Note the following behaviors by adults are prohibited in all early childhood settings:

·  Corporal punishment or any measures intended to induce physical pain or fear

·  Threatened or actual withdrawal of food, rest, or use of the bathroom

·  Abusive or profane language

·  Any form of public or private humiliation, including threats of physical punishment

·  Any form of emotional abuse, including shaming, rejecting, terrorizing, or isolating a child

Admissions Procedures

The school has a non-discriminatory admissions policy. Children are accepted as openings are available. Prior to admission, we must receive the appropriate state required forms, health forms, and school forms. Signed contracts must be on file and appropriate tuition and fees must be paid. Program days are assigned by the school based upon availability. Permission to contact prior schools is also expected.

Blue Cards

Alabama State Law requires all students to have health and immunization records on file by the first day of the school year.

Contractual Agreements

All contracts are bi-lateral and binding on all parties. As the school is committed to fulfilling its stated purpose, parents/guardians are also expected to fully honor their commitment. Absences due to illness, vacation, travel, or withdrawal from the school in no way will lessen the financial obligation of the school or lessen the tuition responsibility of the parent/guardian.


Tuition is automatically drafted on the first day of each month. Regular tuition payments are due regardless of absences due to vacation or illness. A 10% service charge is added to late payments. The school counts on each family to uphold its yearly contractual agreement and to make their payments on time as specified in the contract so that in turn the school can meet its financial obligations. There will be a $40.00 NSF fee for the first returned check and other fees may be assessed.

Tuition Discounts

We offer the following discounts:

Active Duty Military Discount

Multi-Child Discount

Pay in Full Discounts


In order to make things as convenient as possible, all forms, activity calendars, snack calendars and lunch menus are available on our website, Our email address is .

Office Hours

The office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. You are always welcome to come by during this time. If you need to get information to us, you may call or email us.

Parking Lot

Please use caution when entering the parking lot. Pay special attention during transition time in the mornings between 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and the afternoons between 4:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. At any giving time there can be children in the parking lot. We ask that you drive not more than 3MPH to ensure everyone’s safety, including your child.

Please do not leave any children unattended in your car or near the parking lot when bringing your child to the classroom or picking up a child. Always shut off car engines and lock your car.

Severe Weather/School Closing

We have a messaging service in place that we use to notify parents of any school closings due to severe weather. In the event of severe weather, Montessori Academy generally follows the Montgomery County School System.

Arrival/Dismissal/Late Pickup

Early Arrival: Early Arrival is from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. If you arrive during this time, the Sign-in/Sign-out sheet and green lunch list will be outside your child’s classroom. After signing in your child and hanging up their Montessori Bag, please bring your child to the Little House. Please remember DHR requires you to write the time and sign your full signature on the Sign-in/Sign-out sheet. We will transition from Little House to our classroom between 7:30 a.m. and 7:45 a.m.

Please do not send any peanuts or peanut products for snack or lunch due to children with severe allergies.


Birthdays are very special at Montessori Academy! The week before your child’s birthday, we will schedule his/her “Birthday Celebration.” The Birthday Celebration is a moving experience which includes photos of your child and a story from birth to the birthday being celebrated. We usually begin around 9:00 am, and it lasts 15-20 minutes. If you would like to bring a special snack or provided lunch that day for the class, please let us know. However, because we are a sugar free school, we will not be able to serve cake or cupcakes. Please feel free to ask for suggestions.

Classroom Visiting/Observation

Parents and educators are encouraged to observe the classes and may do so by making an appointment through the school office. Before going into the classroom to observe, you must check in with the office to receive your pass and copy of “Observation Guidelines.”

In order for you to get the very most out of your visit, we ask that you read the Observation Guidelines and limit your visit time to no more than one hour. Remember, at the time of your visit, the directress will be actively involved with her students; therefore she may not be available to discuss your observation. You may call the office to schedule an appointment with her at a later time.

Parent/Teacher Conferences

We are delighted to discuss with you our favorite subject—your children. We have regularly scheduled conferences in October and February which both parents are encouraged to attend. We are always happy to meet with you to discuss your child’s progress, answer questions, share ideas, etc. at other times. Please call the office to schedule an appointment.


Snack is a part of our Practical Life Curriculum and is served twice daily. Your child will be responsible for providing snack for his/her class once a month. For your convenience the snack calendars, lunch menu, and activity calendar are posted on our website under “For Parents” and on our bulletin boards. The snack bag will be placed on your child’s hook the day before your assigned snack day as a reminder. We ask that your snack be here by 8:00 a.m. Please bring the number of snacks indicated on our snack calendar and 1 gallon of 100% juice. DHR requires that only 100% fruit juice be served. If your child will not be attending school on his/her snack day or you will arrive after 8:00 a.m., please make arrangements to deliver the snack prior to that day. A list of recommend snacks is located in your back to school packet and on our website under “For Parents”.


You may pack your child’s lunch or order a hot lunch form Montgomery Catering. After signing in your child, please clearly indicate one of the following on the green lunch sheet:

Yes- to order a hot lunch

Box- if you brought your child’s lunch

No- if your child is not eating lunch

If you order a hot lunch, a meal ticket with 20 lunches for $75.00 will automatically be billed to your account. If you will be arriving late, please call the office no later than 9:00 a.m. so we can add your child to the lunch count. After this time, you will need to provide a lunch for your child.

If your child brings a lunch, please make sure it is clearly labeled. It should include a beverage and an ice pack if there are perishables. We will be happy to heat meals that need to be microwaved. We encourage healthy eating at school and request that no cookies, gum, candy, pudding, jello, fruit snacks, sugary drinks, or sodas are sent in your child’s lunch. No caffeinated or carbonated beverages are ever allowed.

Please note we do not provide breakfast. If you wish to bring your child breakfast, we can only assist with breakfast during the early arrive time period.

Morning Arrival: Class begins at 8:00 a.m. In order to make the transition from home to school as easy as possible for you and your child, we ask that your child arrive by 8:00 a.m., and that you bring your child to the classroom door. This will allow their teacher to greet them and take attendance. Please remember class has already begun and the teachers need to be focused on the children. Therefore we ask that you limit your conversations at this time and not linger in the classroom. If you need to talk to the teachers, you may send them an email or contact the office to leave a message. The teachers will return emails or phone calls at their earliest convenience.

Please do not allow your child to bring toys from home. They can easily be misplaced, broken, and often cause conflicts between friends.

Dismissal: Please be aware of your child’s dismissal time. A late fee at the rate of $5.00 for the first minute and a $1.00 per each additional minute will be charged for parents arriving after their scheduled pick up time. If for any reason you are unable to pick on time, please make arrangements with one of your authorized emergency contacts to have your child picked up. Dismissal times are as follows: Mornings 11:30 a.m., Little House Supervised Lunch 12:00 p.m., Pre-Primary and Primary Supervised Lunch 12:30 p.m., Academic Day 3:00 p.m. and Full Day 5:30 p.m.