Professional Development DAY
Date: Wednesday, February 20,2008
8:30 am to 4:00 pm
915 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC
Speaker’s Topics:
Opening Address
Pat Keller, BBA (App), FCGA
President – CGA-BC
“Financial Management Policy Framework”
“Office of the Comptroller General of Canada”
Bernie Geiger
Comptroller General’s Office
“Presenting with Impact”
John Noonan
Internationally Accredited Speaker
Professional Registered Parliamentarian
(President of the Parliamentarians Association of British Columbia)
8:30 AM Registration/Coffee & Networking
9:00 AM Pat Keller, FCGA
9:30 Health Break
10:00 AM Bernie Geiger
11:45 Lunch (featuring soup of the day, mixed field greens, sandwiches on assorted breads, and assorted petit fours)
12:30 PM John Noonan
Cost: FMI Members: $25.00
Non-Members: $75.00 (Event only)
$50.00 (Event and membership application)
This event is non-refundable. No shows will be billed.
For catering purposes, your response is requested by February 14, 2008.
Biography of Pat Keller
/ Pat Keller, BBA (App), FCGA, the Association's President, has represented the members of the Okanagan region on the CGA-BC Board since 2002.Mr. Keller isan Electronic Commerce Audit Specialist for the Canada Revenue Agency in Penticton, B.C.
Mr. Keller has long been active as a volunteer with the Association. In 2001, he received the J.M. Macbeth Award of Merit for volunteer service at the chapter level and has chaired numerous CGA-BC committees.
Biography of Bernie Geiger
Bernie Geiger is currently the Director of Financial Management Policy Renewal at the Office of the Comptroller General and is responsible for leading the development of the renewed suite of financial management policies and directives. Prior to this he was with the Treasury Board Secretariat Policy Renewal Project where he developed templates and guides for the structure and format of polices and worked with policy centres to plan their policy renewal efforts and ensured the quality of the renewed instruments. Previously he occupied a variety of positions in financial management systems, audit, evaluation and quality management. These were with the Office of the Auditor General, the Office of the Comptroller General (late 1980s), Consulting and Audit Canada, PWGSC, Canadian General Standards Board and Natural Resources Canada. He is long time resident of Ottawa and received his B.Sc. from Queen's University and MBA from the University of Western Ontario. He also has a professional designation as a Certified Management Consultant (CMC).
The last few years have seen significant changes in the federal government Treasury Board and the Comptroller General’s Office with respect to its policies. Mr. Geiger will speak on the subject of TB and OCG Policy Renewal and new directions of the CG. This will include a look at the old policy suite, the Federal Accountability Act and Action Plan, the policy renewal exercise and progress to date. It will also examine the financial management framework of the government of Canada, directions in the new financial management policy suite and challenges in implementation. Subjects to be covered include professional development in the financial community, the Chief Financial Officer Model, strengthening internal controls, audited departmental financial statements, quarterly financial statements, resource utilization and financial systems standards.
This workshop will be of interest to both federal government employees, and financial managers at other levels of government who wish to learn about the directions of and challenges faced by the federal government.
Biography of John Noonan
/ John Noonan, PRP, ASP, CGA, is an Internationally Accredited Speaker and a Professional Registered Parliamentarian. He is a former International President of Toastmasters and National Director of Business Training with the Business Development Bank of Canada. In 1999, John was elected to the Board of Directors of the National Association of Parliamentarians where served four years, two as its National Treasurer, Chairman of the Budget and Finance Committee, and as a member of the Executive Committee. He is the President of the Parliamentarians Association of British Columbia. Today, John practices as a communication consultant offering services as a registered parliamentarian, presentation skills trainer, and coat to association, government and corporate clients.Please Note: Facts about the Vancouver Club
Dress Code is “Business Casual” - Jeans, denim of any colour, cargo pants, and all athletic wear are not permitted.
No electronic devices (in use)allowed outside of our meeting room– Cell phones, PDA’s and computers are not permitted to be used outside of our booked event room. If you bring any devices, please refrain from using them except during our breaks.
Smoking: - Smoking in the Vancouver Club is strictly prohibited.