Summer Holiday Programme 2017:
Please note our Programme is available ONLINE
Listed in this pack is a diary of activities, trips and our snack menu for the summer holiday club. Additional information regarding your child’s day at the club as well as additional information for trips and activities is also included. The plan was made up through consultation with the children at Deans and Ladywell Simply Play clubs; we strive to promote a child centred approach as much as possible. Children attend the club in their free time therefore we try to make their time here as fun and enjoyable as possible. The children will have the opportunity to take part in a wide balance and variety of activities along with those on the plan such as sports, swimming, construction play, role play, board games, parachute games and lots and lots of outdoor play. We always aim to be outside with the children and on very nice days we will take tables, chairs, art activities, and games etc. out too.
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please do not hesitate to speak to a member of staff.
Venue held at the Deans Club (Deans Community High School)8am -6pm
Club Contact Numbers – 01506 282158/ 07984485395
Half Day Session 8am-1pm or 1pm-6pm / £18.00
Full Day Session 8am-6pm / £29.20
Week Beginning- 03/07/17 Theme- Let’s get creative!
Time / Mon 3rd July / Tues 4th / Wed 5th / Thurs 6th / Fri 7thAM / Indoor- Pie Face
Suggested by Lucas
Outdoor- Wet Rounder’s
Suggested by Chloe / Trip to Beecraigs.
Leaving at 10.30 am and returning at 4.30pm. / Indoor- Homemade slime
Suggested by Neil
Outdoor- Outdoor Cooking
Suggested by Gillian / Indoor- Fairy Jars
Suggested by Kirsty
Outdoor- Tipi Making
Suggested by Megan / Indoor- Paint Explosions
Suggested by Megan
Outdoor- Wet Tennis
Suggested by Joshua
PM / Indoor- Duct Tape Designs
Suggested by Nia
Outdoor- Textured Shaving Foam
Suggested by Srikar / Trip to Beecraigs. Leaving at 10.30 am and returning at 4.30pm. / Indoor- Glowing Play dough
Suggested by Gillian
Outdoor- Water Slide
Suggested by Scott / Indoor- Clay Pottery
Suggested by Lucy
Outdoor- Mud Kitchen
Suggested by Connor / Indoor- Shrinkies
Suggested by John
Outdoor- Woodland Play
Suggested by Gillian
Week Beginning- 10/07/17 Theme- Pirates of Deans
Time / Mon 10th / Tues 11th / Wed 12th / Thurs 13th / Fri 14thAM / Indoor- Pirate Ship Building
Suggested by Lucas
Outdoor- Octopus and Seaweed
Suggested by Hayley / Indoor- Gems of the sea
Suggested by Niamh
Outdoor- Devils Waterfall
Suggested by Srikar / Indoor- Skull Island
Suggested by Eileen
Outdoor- Shipwreck Campfire
Suggested by Eileen / Trip to Aberdour Beach. Leaving at 10.30am and returning at 4.45pm. / Indoor- Pirate Cupcakes
Suggested by Rachel
Outdoor- Mermaid/Pirate Splat
Suggested by Rebecca
PM / Indoor- Swords and Bandanas
Suggested by Megan
Outdoor- Walk the Plank
Suggested by Victoria / Indoor- Treasure Maps
Suggested by Debbie
Outdoor- Cannon Ball Games
Suggested by Hanna / Indoor- Shark Attack
Suggested by Connor
Outdoor- Jellyfish Challenge
Suggested by Alex / Trip to Aberdour Beach. Leaving at 10.30am and returning at 4.45pm. / Indoor- Pirate Face paints
Suggested by Neil
Outdoor- Shipmates Treasure Hunt
Suggested by Laird
Week Beginning- 17/07/17 Theme- Human Body
Time / Mon 17th / Tues 18th / Wed 19th / Thurs 20th / Fri 21stAM / Trip to Summerlee. Leaving at 9.30am and returning at 4.45pm. / Indoor- Cotton Wool Skeleton
Suggested by Ayvae
Outdoor-Gunge Walk
Suggested by Sophie / Indoor-
Fake Lung
Suggested by Finn
Outdoor- Paint with your body
Suggested by Taylor / Indoor- Moving Hand
Suggested by Ashley
Outdoor- Relay races
Suggested by Tobi / Indoor- Edible Brains
Suggested by Alex
Outdoor- Keep it up Balloon
Suggested by Joshua
PM / Trip to Summerlee.
Leaving at 9.30am and returning at 4.45pm. / Indoor- Blood Gluck
Suggested by Martin
Outdoor- Sticky Man Team game
Suggested by Kyle / Indoor- Taste Test
Suggested by Eve
Outdoor- Obstacle Course
Suggested by Riona / Indoor-Paint your own face mask
Suggested by Catie
Outdoor- Muscle Beach
Suggested by Joshua / Indoor- DIY Foam
Suggested by Ashley
Outdoor- Water Relay Race
Suggested by Joy
Week Beginning- 24/07/17 Theme-Art from around the world
Time / Mon 24th / Tues 25th / Wed 26th / Thurs 27th / Fri 28thAM / Indoor- Around the world poster
Suggested by Staff
Outdoor- Paddling Pool
Suggested by Rebecca / Trip to the Museum and Meadows Park. Leaving at 10am and returning at 4.45pm. / Indoor- Rangoli Craft
Suggested by Amy
Outdoor- Walk in Woods
Suggested by Sophie / Indoor- African Necklace
Suggested by Hayley
Outdoor- Mud Kitchen
Suggested by Carla / Indoor- Loch Ness Monster Craft
Suggested by Finn
Outdoor- Tossing the Caber
Suggested by Abhi
PM / Indoor- Boomerang Making
Suggested by Hanna
Outdoor- Boomerang Throwing
Suggested by Hanna / Trip to the Museum and Meadows Park. Leaving at 10am and returning at 4.45pm. / Indoor- Henna Tattoo
Suggested by Sarah
Outdoor- Gladiator Game
Suggested by Staff / Indoor- Tribal Masks
Suggested by Katie
Outdoor- Football
Suggested by Joshua / Indoor- Highland Cow Craft
Suggested by Megan
Outdoor- Kerby
Suggested by Callum
Week Beginning- 31/07/17 Theme- Science
Time / Mon 31st / Tues 1st / Wed 2nd / Thurs 3rd / Fri 4thAM / Indoor- Fluffy Slime
Suggested by Donna
Outdoor-Bottle Rocket
Suggested by Zac / Indoor- Crystal Shapes
Suggested by Riona
Outdoor- Feel with your feet
Suggested by Sophie / Indoor- Bath Bombs
Suggested by Olivia
Outdoor- Foamy Fountain
Suggested by Erin / Trip to Polkemmet Park.
Leaving at 10am and returning at 4.30pm. / Indoor- Flubber
Suggested by Joshua
Outdoor- Balloon Rocket Race
Suggested by Kyle
PM / Indoor- Balloon Hovercraft
Suggested by Jon
Outdoor- Exploding Rockets
Suggested by Taylor / Indoor- Magnetic Slime
Suggested by Benjamin
Outdoor- Balloon Fizz Inflator
Suggested by Logan / Indoor- Plastic Made from Milk
Suggested by Katie
Outdoor- Explosion in a Bag
Suggested by Donna / Trip to Polkemmet Park.
Leaving at 10am and returning at 4.30pm. / Indoor- Shooters
Suggested by Haris
Outdoor- Volcano
Suggested by Tobi
Week Beginning- 07/08/17 Theme- Hawaii Week
Time / Mon 7th / Tues 8th / Wed 9th / Thurs 10th / Fri 11thAM / Indoor- Beach Pictures
Suggested by Ellie
Outdoor-Pin the coconut on Palm tree
Suggested by Srikar / Indoor- Ocean in a Bottle
Suggested by Iona
Outdoor- What’s under the sea
Suggested by Victoria / Indoor- Sand Clay Hand Prints
Suggested by Emma
Outdoor- Hula Hula
Suggested by Carla / Indoor- Hawaii Post Cards
Suggested by Hayley
Outdoor- Beach Volley Ball
Suggested by Amy / Trip to Calderglen Park.
Leaving at 9.30am and returning at 5.00pm.
PM / Indoor- Grass Skirt Making
Suggested by Iona
Outdoor- Beach Ball Dodge
Suggested by Amy / Indoor- Erupting Volcano
Suggested by Max
Outdoor- Beat the Shark
Suggested by Scott / Indoor-Cake Design
Suggested by Hanna
Outdoor-Tiki Baten Races
Suggested by Elias / Indoor- Making Mocktails
Suggested by Staff
Outdoor- Limbo Competition
Suggested by Scott / Trip to Calderglen Park. Leaving at 9.30am and returning at 5.00pm
Week Beginning- 14/08/17 Theme- Animal Planet
AM / Indoor- Pin the Tail on the Donkey
Suggested by Cole
Outdoor- Bug Hunting
Suggested by Luke / Indoor- Elefun Game
Suggested by Victoria
Outdoor- Animal Hunt in the Woods
Suggested by Andrew / Trip to Blair Drummond.
Leaving at 9.30am and returning at 5.15pm. / Indoor- Make Animal Puppets
Suggested by Neil
Outdoor- Chalk a Jungle
Suggested by Anya / Indoor- Draw an animal
Suggested by Megan
Outdoor- Run Rabbit Run
Suggested by John
PM / Indoor- Animal Face Paint
Suggested by Staff
Outdoor- Piggy in the middle
Suggested by Max / Indoor- Guess the Animal
Suggested by Amy
Outdoor- Doggie Doggie Where’s your Bone.
Suggested by Michelle / Trip to Blair Drummond.
Leaving at 9.30am and returning at 5.15pm / Indoor- Animal Biscuits
Suggested by Alex B
Outdoor- Fishing in the Pond
Suggested by Srikar / Indoor- Ace Ventura
Suggested by Callum
Outdoor- Monkey Tag
Suggested by Sarah
Week Beginning- 21/08/17 Theme- Relax
Time / Mon 21stAM / Indoor- Making Stress Balls
Suggested by Erin
Outdoor- Yoga Skills
Suggested by Caitlin
PM / Indoor- Movie
Suggested by Caitlin
Outdoor- Bean Bag Challenge
Suggested by Katie R
Snack menu
W/C- 03/07/17 / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayAM / Yoghurt and Strawberries / Cereal / Porridge / Toast with Spread / Crumpets
PM / Bagels and Soft Cheese / Crackers and Cheese / Outdoor Campfire Cooking / Soup / Jelly
W/C – 10/07/17 / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
AM / Fruit Smoothie / Bagels and Spread / Yoghurt and Melon / Cereal / Fruit Salad
PM / Ham and Cheese Wraps / Popcorn / Chicken and Cucumber Rolls / Pancakes / Vegetable sticks and Hummus
W/C- 17/07/17 / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
AM / Cereal Bars / Pancakes / Cheese and Apple Slices / Porridge / Toast and Spread
PM / Rice Cakes / Tomato Pasta / Nachos and Cheese / Potato Scones and Beans / Chicken Soup
W/C – 24/07/17 / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
AM / Potato Scones and Beans / Cereal / Popcorn and Fruit / Breakfast Muffins / Crumpets
PM / Cheese and Vegetable Sticks / Rice Cakes / Tuna Rolls / Fruit Smoothie / Tomato Soup
W/C- 31/07/17 / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
AM / Oatcakes with Soft Cheese / Cereal / Crumpets / Bagels and Low Fat Spread / Yoghurt and Strawberries
PM / Fruit Salad / Rice Cakes / Nachos and Cheese / Jelly / Ham and Cheese Wraps
W/C – 07/08/17 / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
AM / Crumpets / Bagels and Low Fat Spread / Fruit Smoothies / Cereal / Potato Scones and Beans
PM / Nachos and Cheese / Tomato Pasta / Chicken and Cucumber Rolls / Rice Cakes / Vegetable Soup
W/C- 14/08/17 / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
AM / Oatcakes with Cheese / Toast with Spread / Cereal / Porridge / Crumpets
PM / Tomato Soup / Ham Sandwiches / Rice Cakes / Cheese and Apple Slices / Jelly
W/C – 21/08/17 / Monday
AM / Fruit Salad
PM / Ham and Cheese Wraps
· Please ensure you sign your child in on arrival and out at pick up.
· Please ensure the club has up to date contact information and allergy/medical information.
· All activities have been risked assessed; by booking your child in for the session you are giving permission for your child to take part in the activities.
· A packed lunch if attending all day sessions. Please provide a cold packed lunch for your child (we cannot heat up foods). We provide healthy morning and afternoon snacks.
· Remember appropriate clothing for trips, outings and outdoor play & sports activities (wellies and a change of clothing is always handy everyday).
· Please be aware that face paints, make-up, nail varnish & hair products may be used during activities. If you do not want your child to have these products applied then please inform staff.
· As we have easy access to Dechmont hill, the woods and Eliburn Park we may make use of this during the holiday’s dependant on the weather. Please ensure your child has appropriate clothing/footwear for this.
· If your child is going on a planned day trip please ensure you have signed the permission form and paid any additional fee in advance to head office. All trips cost £6.00.
· If your child is not attending trip you can always get in touch with office and arrange for alternative club.
· Please remember we do not do half day on a trip day.
· The children will have the opportunity to take part in a wide balance and variety of activities along with those on the plan such as expressive arts, crafts, sports, construction play, role play, small world, board games, parachute games and lots and lots of outdoor play.
· As well as the main play room our accommodation includes gym halls, dance hall, swimming pool, astro turf, playing fields, basketball courts, and quadrangle outdoor play area, all of which we make good use of depending on children’s interests. We will aim to be outside with the children as much as possible.
· Children 8 years and over can enjoy the swimming sessions these are highlighted on the programme on certain days, there is no cost. Please remember children will be taken for swimming on these days only. Children will only be taken to swimming if we have enough staffing for that session.
· Plans will be flexible to meet the needs of the children and in the event of any changes, children will be consulted of these plans and necessary amendments made.
· If you have any questions please do not hesitate to speak to a member of staff.
· If your child brings a bike or a scooter to the club this must be left securely with a chain at the bikes sheds at the front of Deans Community High School. We do not have the space within the club to store these. All children must also bring helmets with them.
In order for your child to benefit to the maximum and have as much fun as possible the following guidance may help.
· Week 1: Please provide a change of clothes and a towel for Wednesday and Friday as the children will be taking part in water games.
· Week 2: Please provide a change of clothes and a towel for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. The children will be taking part in water games.
· Week 3: Please provide a change of clothes and a towel on Friday as the children will be taking part in water games.
· Week 4: Please provide a change of clothes and a towel on Monday as the children will be taking part in water games.
· Week 6: Please provide a change of clothes and a towel for Thursday as the children will be taking part in water games.
The main aim of the programme is for the children to have as much fun and be happy as possible. Play is the tool we use to do this, but do not underestimate it, as the learning and progression of a child’s development that takes place is immense.
So come along, let’s do this, let’s have FUN!!!