Substitute Information
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Teacher: Mrs. Andersen Room: 3
Teachers for Assistance
Kindergarten Assistant – Lynn Garrett – Room 3
Kindergarten - Mrs. Sergi – Room 1
Kindergarten - Mrs. Hendricks – Room 2
Kindergarten – Miss Davis – Room 4
Students who can be of assistance to you:
Mikaela Roberts
Nathan Fix
Students who might need extra help:
Wesley Jaeger – weak on left side - wears a hat all day
Cole Baker – fine motor assistance – daily behavior plan
Additional Student Information
§ Wesley Jaeger – medicine at 12:30 – after lunch – Mrs. Garrett will get Wes off the bus at 8:35am.
§ Taylin Stephens – peanut allergy – Epipen – if needed
Important Numbers:
Dial IC on phone and then the extension number
Mr. Trael Kelly, Principal – x7250
Kathy Springman, Secretary – x7200
Lisa Andersen, Office Asssitant – x7249
Cathy Meredith, School Nurse – x7252
Classroom Behavior Management:
§ Classroom rules and information are posted on the connecting door. Anyone who does not follow these rules will have their stoplight moved to the middle of the green as a warning, yellow on the second infraction and then to red. Sticks get moved to the appropriate spot on the stoplight. A yellow stoplight = 5 minutes on the line at recess. A red stoplight = all recess on the line. A note goes home with any student who moves his or her stoplight. Mrs. Garrett will fill out the stoplight form with the students.
§ Good behavior can be rewarded with a sticker on our behavior chart. Students can add the sticker themselves.
§ Overall great classroom behavior is rewarded with a Pride Pat. This is one award earned by the whole class. Pride Pats are also on the connecting door..
§ The class can earn a double Pride Pat from me for good behavior with a sub. The same applies for bad behavior. If you issue the class minutes on the line, I will double that time when I return.
§ Classroom jobs are posted on the closet doors by the door.
Morning Routine (8:45 – 9:05)
§ Students are to come in and hang up their coats and backpacks.
§ Half day students turn their cards over to indicate that they are present while full day students use their cards to mark their lunch.
§ Students are also expected to turn in their red folders to the white bin. You may need to remind them to check their cards and folders. J
§ Students are also expected to pick up their morning work and get started. They are to color the candy corn and the letter C’s. They are also to trace the letters. Please walk around checking the students’ progress.
§ As students finish their work they put it in the bottom black tray on the back counter. Upon completion of morning work, students may pick a book from the library to read quietly. Remind them to spread out.
§ Half day students immediately go to the computers to work on Waterford. Mrs. Garrett will handle this.
§ Mrs. Garrett will also take care of attendance, lunch count, notes, folders, etc.
Calendar (9:05 – 9:25)
§ Select a student from the white canister and place the used stick on literacy cube tray.
§ The student selected shall pick a pointer to use to go through the calendar.
§ Go through the day of the week, the month and year. State the full date.
§ Also note the pattern in the numbers used on the calendar. AABAAB….
§ The calendar person also marks the weather.
§ The calendar person states the special of the day. – today’s special is tech lab.
§ Review the letter of the day and state the letter sound. (I)
§ Also review the popcorn words for the week. (he, for)
§ Practice counting to 50.
§ Read the morning message on the literacy cube. Ask the calendar person to circle any popcorn words or words that begin with the letter I.
§ Select two people from the small black flower pot to take home sound sacks for the letter I. Sacks are on the calendar chair. Mark the person on the chart hanging on the literacy cube. Discuss possible items that begin with /i/.
Literacy Stations (9:30 – 10:40)
You will have 5 stations running with 5 kids per station. The stations and students are listed on the side of the literacy cube. Twist the cube to show the blue stations chart. Prior to starting stations, please review each station and activity with the students. The bell is back by your table so please ring the bell approximately every 10 minutes. – see how your group is going and the other groups.
- Your station (Mrs. Andersen’s group) – please use the letters to make words. Everyone should have an i. Describe how this is a vowel. Use the book Mig’s is a Pig to dictate what words to make. When finished with the book see if each child can make their own /i/ word.
- Seatwork – Teatime worksheet. Describe to the kids that they are to cut out the pictures and match them to the rhyming words. Remind them to look at the ending of the words to help determine what rhymes.
- Make Words – Color Journal – blue – Ashley Stamper (parent volunteer) will help out. Have students color the blue crayon on the front. They are then to glue on the letters to make blue. They are to trace the word blue and then write blue. They are then to draw pictures of blue items.
- Mrs. Garrett – Alphabet Journal – I page – I is for ice cream and sprinkles. Discuss how “I” can say it’s own name or make the short /i/ sound..
- Computers – Compass – letter I. Students should know how to do this however, some may need help logging into Compass. Remind them that they will need their card to log in.
Recess (10:45 – 11:00)
You have duty – take the whistle with you. Two assistants will also be out with you – Lisa Burris (room 2) and Angie Proctor (Room 4). They can help you with lining up procedures.
Any students who have not finished morning work or seat work are to stay in to finish before going outside. Mrs. Garrett will send them out upon completion.
** In the event of indoor recess – Mrs. Garret knows what to do! J
Restroom Break (11:05 – 11:15)
Upon return from recess, please stop by the primary bathroom. Mrs.Garrett will meet you there. Remind students that this is their time to go to the bathroom. They are also to wash their hands and get a drink.
The restroom monitors are: Jack and Madison
Math (11:15 – 11:45)
Go over the spiral review using the Elmo. You may write on this page.
Go over the problem of the day (opposite side of paper) using Elmo. Again, you might write on this.
Pass out the math color foldable pages pg. 77/78. Also pass out the trays of counters – one per table. Have each person take 7 of each color including yourself. You will be demonstrating different ways to make 6 and 7 using different combinations of 2 colors. Ie 3 red plus 4 yellow equal 7 altogether. Use counters and work together to complete p. 77. Use the middle of the work mat do demonstrate how to make the whole number into two parts. Have the students and yourself use the middle of the workmat to make the combination and then color the circles on the sides to match. When finished with p. 77, put away the counters.
On p. 78, you use the counters on the Elmo but then have the students color in. They say to use red and yellow. (Crayons are on the Elmo.) Ask students for ideas on how to make the different combinations. You place the counter on the items, they should color to match.
Half Day Student Dismissal – (11:45)
Mrs. Garrett will take care of this.
Full Day Students – (11:45 – 11:55)
Clean up from math. Math sheets can go in their cubbies.
Lunch (12:00 – 12:30)
Line the students up in lunch order – packed lunch, hot lunch, sandwich and PB & J.
Hand out the lunch cards from the plastic pockets. The packed lunch kids only need their card if they want to buy milk. Walk the students across the hall to the cafeteria at 12:00.
Your day is done! Yeah! Thanks so much for everything!!
Mrs. Garrett will pick them up at 12:30 and meet me back in the classroom.
Please write any notes below. J
Quiet Time (12:30 – 12:40)
Students are to put their heads down with no talking. Wesley goes to the nurse for medicine right from the cafeteria. You can ask each table one at a time for students who need the bathroom or a drink.
Reader’s Workshop (12:45 – 1:15)
Move Literacy cube toward calendar area to enlarge the classroom library area.
You will be discussing leaves. What colors are fall leaves? Discuss that you will be reading a nonfiction book. Discuss the difference between fiction and nonfiction. Read “Why Do Leaves Change Color?”. Ask the students to name some facts they learned from this book. (The book is in the tray for today. I’ve included some other books for pretty leaf pictures. The leaves are in the basket.)
Allow students to create some leaf rubbings by taking paper and rubbing their crayons over the leaves. I have real leaves and leaf templates. They have not done rubbings before so you might give them some direction regarding leaving the leaf or template in one place under the paper. The real leafs are better turned upside down for rubbing – you get more details from the backside. Have them rub colors that are typically fall like – ie not blue or purple. They may take these rubbings home. They should put more than one leaf on a page.
Waterford Lab (1:20 – 1:40)
Walk the class down to the Waterford Lab which is down the primary hallway across from room 7 (in the middle of the hall). Mrs. O’Brien will have the computers set up and she will be in there with you. Take the letter cards with you. Please pull Julian and Nydia one at a time to go over the upper case letters.
Restroom (1:40 – 1:45)
Stop by the primary bathroom prior to heading to specials. Remind the students that they should not need the bathroom during specials since we are stopping before.
Specials (1:45 – 2:35)
Today’s special is: Gym. Mrs. Garrett will take and drop off.
During specials please go over the morning work. Check for nice coloring and tracing. Put a check mark on the papers and/or write comments as needed.
Also, help pack up the red folders.
Set up snack in the cafeteria. We use the first two tables closest to the stage and milk cooler. Place a napkin and straw at each spot. Also hand out one snack at each spot. We have 21 students in the afternoon unless some are absent.
Snack (2:40 – 2:50)
The boys sit on the sides closest to the kitchen while the girls sit on the sides closest to the library.
Each student should receive a squirt of hand sanitizer. We also thank the snack person by saying “Thank you ______” prior to eating. Today’s snack person is Mia.
Students should clean up their mess as you dismiss each side of the each table. Students line up at the door by the library.
Pack up/Clean Up/Jobs (2:55 – 3:10)
As you return to the room, have students sit at their tables. Ask computer person and library person to complete their jobs for the day. Dismiss one table at a time to come get their red folders and backpacks. Students are to put their folders into their backpacks.
Also, check around to make sure the room is clean. Have the mailbox person come to make sure that all items are out of the cubbies.
Recess (3:10 – 3:30)
Mrs. Garrett has duty so she will walk them out and back.
Go over the dismissal clipboard in the white bin for any notes regarding dismissal. Use this clipboard when preparing students to leave.
Dismissal (3:35 – 3:45)
Students may get a quick drink after recess. Use the red clipboard in the white bin on the back counter for dismissal. I usually just walk out with it. Dismiss Ethan to his mom’s room. Dismiss parent pickups and day care. Line the rest of the students up in bus order. Wes is first. Becca and Mia hold the door going outside. Walk to the yellow curb. Class waits while you walk Wes to his bus then walk the rest of the class to their assigned busses.
Please leave me any notes about your day. Since this is the first I have had a sub, I’d appreciate comments on the class and on the information I have left for you.
Thanks so much!
Martha Andersen