American Government & Politics
POL 105 (Majors Only)
Fall 2007
Instructor: Erik Rankin Graduate Assistant:
Class Meetings: Sec.1 TR 9:35-10:50am Kara Bavery-
Class Location: SH 114
Office Hours: Check my door Undergraduate Teaching Assistants
Office: SH 401A Blair Kelly-
Phone: 438-3709 Julie Wachtenheim-
Course Descriptions:
This course is concerned with the politics and government of the United States at the national level. We will be looking at the foundations of American government such as the Constitution, federalism, as well as rights and liberties. We will delve into how those foundations relate to the different players within government including the presidency, Congress, and the judicial system. We will move forward from our knowledge of the foundations and the players to the behaviors in which they engage or are effected by such as political parties, interest groups, media, and public opinion. In addition to discussing the organization and structure of government we will look to their application in current events. It is implied in this course that a historic overview will shed light on how the current system has evolved and why that evolution has occurred.
Student Responsibilities:
As a student you are required to attend this class as well as perform the assigned readings. Active participation in the class is essential as a major, and will help you in your future courses within the department. You will be required to attend the three exams in the class of which there will be NO make ups of any kind. Preparation for the day of the class will require that you come to class already having read the day’s assignment.
Barbour, C. & Wright, G. C. (2006). Keeping the Republic: Power and
Citizenship in American Politics (2nd Brief Ed.). Washington
D.C.: CQ Press.
Holder, A., & Holder, J. (1997). The Meaning of the Constitution
(3rd ed.). Hauppauge, NY: Barron's.
Van Belle, D.A. & Mash K.M. (2007). A Novel Approach to Politics.
Washington D.C.: CQ Press.
You are now an adult (I decided), and you are responsible for your actions. I will take attendance but it will not impact your grade. It does factor into my decision should you come between two grades at the end of the class. Those with poor attendance (it is my choice to determine what is poor) will not be given the benefit of the doubt. I will pass around a sheet at the beginning of class and you will need to sign it. If you come in more than 5 minutes late you do not get to sign the sheet. If you forget to sign, your loss!
Exams- Each exam is non-cumulative and will occur on its scheduled date unless otherwise notified. There will be NO makeup exams of any kind unless there is a documented university activity or absence. (300pts. total)
Quizzes- You will have a brief quiz most weeks to assess the readings. Each quiz will be worth 10pts. There will be absolutely NO make-ups of any kind on quizzes as well. If you miss, you miss, even if you are sick Quizzes are not announced and can be given on either day during the week. (130 pts. total).
Flash Cards- You will be required to make flash cards for the Constitution portion of the course. These will serve you well in terms of studying for the 1st exam. I will discuss format in class. (20 pts. total)
Book Review- There will be one 5-7 page paper that will cover one extra American Government book from a list that will be submitted in class. (100pts. total)
Experiences- There will be a series of 4 experiences that each of you will be required to attend and report back on. There will be a written assignment attached to each project that will vary in length. (100pts. Total, 25 pts each) (Judicial, Town Council, Voting Awareness, and Letter to Senator)
Grading Scale:
Grade / % / PointsA / 90-100 / 585-650
B / 80-89 / 520-584
C / 70-79 / 455-519
D / 60-69 / 390-454
F / 0-59 / 389-0
Lecture and Reading Schedule:
8/21- Syllabus & Key Terms & Quizzes
8/23- Van Belle Chap. 1
8/28-, Van Belle Chap 2, Federalist 10 & 51
8/30- Van Belle Chap 3 (Book Review –Out)
9/4- Barbour Chap. 2, Holder pgs. 1-17 (Flash Cards Assignment out)
9/6- Preamble & Art. I, Holder pgs.18-35
9/11- Art II-VII, Holder pgs. 36-55
9/13- Amendments- Bill of Rights & 11, 12, Holder pgs. 56-88 (Flash Cards Due)
9/18- Amendments 13-27, Holder pgs. 89-114
9/20- Constitution Test, Exam #1
9/25- Barbour Chap. 3 (Town Hall Assignment – Out)
9/27- Van Belle Chap. 4
10/3- Van Belle Chap. 6
10/4- Van Belle Chap. 7
10/9- Barbour Chap. 6 (Letter to Senator -Out)
10/11- cont…
10/16- Barbour Chap. 7 (Letter to Senator -Due)
10/18- cont…
10/23- Van Belle Chap. 9(Judicial Experience –Out)
10/25- Barbour Chap. 9
10/30- Exam #2
11/1- Barbour Chap. 10
11/6- Van Belle Chap. 11
11/8- Barbour Chap 13 (Book Review –Due)
11/13- Barbour Chap. 11
11/15- cont… (Judicial Experience – Due)
11/20- No Class Thanksgiving Break
11/22- No Class Thanksgiving Break
11/27- Barbour Chap. 12 (Voting Awareness –Out)
11/29- cont… (Town Hall Assignment Due)
12/4- Van Belle Chap. 12
12/6- Barbour Chap. 14 (Voting Awareness –Due)
The final exam will be given (Section 1) Monday December 10th 10@am
*Any student needing to arrange a reasonable accommodation for a documented disability should contact Disability Concerns at 350 Fell Hall, 438-5833, 438-8260 (TDD)
**Everything on this syllabus in terms of scheduling is subject to change. Things will often times need to be adapted to the issues that arise during the semester. I will do my best job to stick to the letter of this outline!